Pinon Pawprint
October 7 - 11
Hello Pinon Families!
Fall Break!!
It's a nice, short week for students), my friends and then we get a break.
Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences: But first...we look forward to seeing at your student's conferences.
Wednesday - Thursday, October 9-10
Fall Break follows immediately after with a long (4-day) weekend!
Friday - Monday, October 11-14.
Students return to school Tuesday, October 15th.
Art Room Newsletter
Look here for the latest information on the schoolwide fiber arts unit.
PTO Update
Thank you to all who attended the PTO's Fall Festival this weekend. It was a wonderful event. A HUGE thanks to all our PTO members and board, plus all the volunteers, for creating such a special night!
Friday during lunch is also the last day to turn in fundraiser forms and prize coupons for our Charleston Wrap/No Hassle fundraiser. Our school link will remain open until December 6th and orders can be placed until then -- however, orders counting towards student prizes must be placed by Friday, October 4th.
Please email us at pinonpto@gmail.com if you have questions.
Our next regular PTO meeting will be held Tuesday, Oct 22nd at 11:30 am at Pinon. Our next evening parent update meeting at White Rock library will be in November.
Here are a few of our awesome student-made (mostly) scarecrows!
This Week
Monday Oct. 7
- Early Bird Club 7:30
- MathCounts 5th/6th Gr - 11:30 & 2:45
- Homework Club 2:45 room 104
Tuesday Oct. 8
- Early Bird Club 7:30
- Band and Orchestra 7:30 and 8:20
- Girls Who Code 4th-6th - 11:30
- Homework Club 2:45 room 104
- Lego Club 2:45 - Jodi Hughes Room
Wednesday Oct. 9
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
Thursday Oct. 10
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
Friday Oct. 11
- NO SCHOOL - Fall Break
Monday Oct. 14 - Indigenous Peoples' Day
- NO SCHOOL - Fall Break
Tuesday Oct. 15
- First day back from break
Chartwells Meal Service
View menus online at https://laschools.nutrislice.com/menu in order to make the best choice for your student(s) but keep in mind that menus can change without notice and substitutions in the menu occur daily.
When in doubt, pack your student's lunch or pack additional foods in case they do not like what is provided.
Breakfast - Meals are subject to change w/o notice
Lunch - Meals are subject to change w/o notice
October Istation Level Up Winners!!
Piñon Chess Club
Hello Piñon Chess Parents,
Piñon Chess Club is off to a great start this semester. We have been enjoying watching your children play competitive games and learn new strategies and moves.
There is an exciting opportunity for your children to participate in the Northern Schools Chess League Tournaments. The first tournament is on Indigenous People's Day (October 14) in Las Vegas, NM. We do need to have four students commit to make a full team.
The competition is held at the West Las Vegas High School. Check-in begins at 9:30 am with the first round beginning at 10:00 am. The last round of play will end around 2:30 pm. Parents will be responsible for driving their own children and staying through the competition. Dr. Goettee will be there to help with the Homeschool Chess Group of Los Alamos and will help coach the Piñon Chess Club, again if we have enough interest.
Please let me know by Monday, October 7 if you would like your child to participate in the tournament.
Thank you again for supporting Piñon Chess Club!
Cristin Haake, M.Ed, MLIS, MA
Lunch Time Volunteering
All lunchroom and recess volunteers MUST receive a red volunteer badge through the LAPS Human Resources office. This includes fingerprinting and a background check.
- Kindergarten-3rd Grade has lunch from 11:15-12:00
- 4th-6th Grade has lunch from 11:30-12:15
Please review the available slots and click on the button to sign up. Sign in at the office for a volunteer bag and yellow safety vest.
Thank you!
Unity Day at Pinon
LAPS is excited to celebrate Unity Day on October 16th this year, as part of National Bullying Prevention Month. Unity Day, established by PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center in 2011, is a global event that promotes kindness, inclusion, and the acceptance of differences as we work together to create healthier, more supportive communities.
We invite you to participate by having your student wear orange. Together, we can show our students that our community cares about their well-being and stands firmly against bullying. Our collective efforts will make a lasting impact on their young lives as we demonstrate the power of unity on this important topic.
Kindergarten Parent CHEQ Survey
What is CHEQ?
- It's a parent survey for Kinder parents
- It takes about 15-20 minutes to complete
- The purpose: understand child experiences before starting kinder to improve programs and services for children
- This is a statewide initiative supported by NMPED and ECECD
- The window for the survey is Oct. 7 - Dec. 20
- Talking points explaining the CHEQ survey with a link and QR code to the survey will be shared with parents during Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Kinder teachers will give parents a letter explaining the CHEQ survey with a link and QR code to the survey for them to login from any internet device.
African Library Project
Sponsored by Pinon's K-Kids
Piñon's K-Kids are collecting new or gently used Kindergarten through 4th grade books and raising money to support the African Library Project. K-Kids members have placed book donation boxes in classrooms. They will be selling green and gold beaded necklaces for $1 this week to raise money and support the Hilltoppers. Sales will begin on Monday and continue until Friday, or until necklaces are sold out. For more information on the African Library Project, visit their website: https://www.africanlibraryproject.org/. Thanks for helping us make the world a better place!
Piñon PTO
Our next regular PTO meeting will be held Tuesday, Oct 22nd at 11:30 am at Pinon. Our next evening parent update meeting at White Rock library will be in November.
Follow our Facebook page for important info and updates: https://www.facebook.com/pinonPTO.
Stay in touch via https://pinonpto.org/ and pinonpto@gmail.com.
Thank you!!
Board Officers:
Whitney Pack, President
Haley Gayner, Vice Presidents
Alexis Rodriguez, Secretary
Megan Hesselink, Treasurer
Smiths Community Rewards
To all of our Smith's shoppers! If you would consider connecting your card to Piñon PTO while you have a child here, that would make a huge impact. So many things happen with the money we receive from Smith's. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!
You can easily connect your card to Pinon at:
Unity Day - Wear orange against bullying
Wed, October 16
Panorama Wellness Survey Gr 3-6
Mon, October 21
Parent Council Meeting
Tue, October 22
12:00-1:00 PM
School Board Meeting
Thur, October 24; 5:30 PM; LAHS
Purple Pinkie Day!
Fri, October 25
Pinon PTO Meeting
Tues, October 29; 11:30-12:30
1st/2nd Grade Musical
Wed, October 30; 1:45-2:15
Pinon Halloween Parade
Thur, October 31
On Campus
Scholastic Book Fair
November 4-8 in the library
Election Day
Tue, November 5 --- No School
Fall Picture Retakes
Wed November 6 in the Gym
Veterans Day
Mon November 11 --- No School
School Board Meeting
5:30 PM Mountain
Parent Council Meeting
Tue, November 19
12:00-1:00 PM -- Board Room
Thanksgiving Break - No School
Wed November 27-Fri, November 29
Piñon's Guiding Principles
Piñon’s Vision Statement
All Piñon students will be Kind and Learn.
Piñon’s Mission Statement
Piñon Elementary provides the skills and values for student success now and in their future.
Piñon’s Core Values:
- Character: Piñon Elementary School teaches, models, and practices kindness, integrity, and resiliency.
- Community: Piñon Elementary School fosters a mindset of safety and respect in school and home communities.
- Commitment to Learning: Piñon Elementary School utilizes learning strategies that promote academic rigor and students' passion to learn.
Piñon Elementary School
90 Grand Canyon Drive, White Rock, NM, USA 87547
Principal Email: Ivanna Austell, iv.austell@laschools.net
Asst. Principal Email: Jennifer Kieltyka, j.kieltyka@laschools.net
Phone: 505-663-2680
Piñon Website: https://pinon.laschools.net/
PTO Website: https://pinonpto.org/