AAE Family Newsletter
Monday, November 17, 2024
Notes from Principal Johnson
Hello AAE Families:
I hope everyone is well! A few items from me:
Q1 Grades:
AAE parents should have received first quarter report cards in your email and via the PowerSchool Parent Portal on Friday. This is our first time publishing report cards this way - for returning AAE families, it may not seem very different at all. On our end, there are some differences. With this new process, there are different steps that we take leading up to the publishing of grades. I believe over time it will be easier for parents of CREC students to look back at previous report cards, progress reports, etc.
If you have any concerns about your child's grades or comments, please start by reaching out to your child's teachers. Please let members of the AAE office team or Administrative team know if we can be of assistance.
Field Trip permissions:
Since the start of this school year, we have moved away from allowing any late field trip permissions to be granted. Our protocol is that field trips must be fully signed off on by guardians two weeks prior to the trip departing. The reasons for this are many - we need time to ensure that student medicines and prescriptions are fully authorized by doctors and pharmacists; we need to ensure that the locations we will be visiting are fully prepared and have a precise head count of students and chaperones prior to the trip departing. There are other factors as well, including making sure that field trips are properly paid for and that we have identified enough chaperones. I recognize that sometimes we can all forget to do things, but I'm afraid that we cannot allow any further late permissions to be accepted. Thank you for understanding and I apologize if this negatively impacts your AAE student.
Gratitude Event for AAE Staff
A Group of AAE parents will provide a popcorn bar for AAE staff this upcoming Friday during school hours. If you can donate funds, items or your time, please reach out to Kim Radachy at KimberlyRadachy@gmail.com. The staff will be thrilled and will feel very appreciated!
If we can be of assistance, please call our main office at (860) 243-0857 or email aaemainoffice@crec.org. If you would like to email the whole AAE administrative team, you can email aaeadminteam@crec.org. You can also feel free to email us individually.
Thank you - Its going to be a great week at AAE!
Mr. Johnson
Important Dates and Upcoming Events
Thanksgiving Break
Wednesday 11/27 - Half day 11:00 Dismissal
Thursday 11/28 and Friday 11/29 - No School
PowerSchool Parent Portal
Parent Portal accounts were set up by the PowerSchool team in mid-August, and emails were sent to families with account login credentials. If you are having trouble accessing your Parent Portal account, please email aaemainoffice@crec.org or call the school at 860-247-0857. We need direct communication from parents who are seeking assistance.
Field Trips
Field trips are starting up again! Permission slips are available to be completed in the parent portal, and must be completed by the due date. In the portal, click on the Forms heading on the left hand side, and you will see available field trip forms. If you are having trouble accessing your Parent Portal account, please email aaemainoffice@crec.org or call the school at 860-247-0857.
After School Clubs
We will only have one day, Thursday, each week for after school clubs. All after school clubs will be on Thursdays after school until 4:30 pm. * We know some students want to do more than one club. Students who want to do more than one club must make individual arrangements with all the club advisors involved.
Parents/Guardians must fill out the sign-up form before their student stays after school! Free Snack and Free Late Bus Transportation will be provided.
** Drama Club Sign-ups will be done later (December or January) and may require auditions for some parts.
*** Tutoring is not a club - sign-ups for tutoring will be done separately.
**** Fan Club is done separately - sign-up is done directly with Mr. Narcisse.
***** Sign-ups for Advisory activities (done on Wednesday mornings during first period) are done directly with the teacher offering the activity. Advisory includes Student Council, GSA - Gender Student Alliance, SBAT - Student Based Advocacy Team and more.
Important Notes:
1 - Additional Clubs may be added in the future.
2 - Clubs with low enrollment may be cancelled.
3 - This form limits each account to one submission.
If you have more than one student, you can use a second account or contact Mr. Copeland at cocopeland@crec.org
Club sign-up link is: https://forms.gle/o3A2JD6Wumrk95FCA
Sports Announcements
AAE High School Sports News:
Congrats to our very own coach Dhana Tulloch Reid on her 100th win as a crec coach. She coaches all three seasons with AAE including Girls Soccer, Girl's basketball and Softball. Thank you for everything you have done!!!!!
The Crec Colts were featured in the recent Weha article at Morely Elementary School.
Winter Sports registration is now available. We will use quarter 1 grades to determine eligibility. The athlete must have a 2.2 GPA or higher with no FS to play in games. For practice, not play it will be between 1.7 and 2.2. Students must have a physical updated within the last year. Furthermore, they must have their uniforms and sweat suits turned in.
Eligibility: Student eligibility will be notified through Final Forms. This will be determined by if a recent physical is turned in, grades are a 2.2 or higher, no Fs and does not have an outstanding status with the uniforms. All students signed up for sports will find out eligibility within the next week.
Sign up for the Girls Basketball Team! This will be led by coach Dhana Tulloch Reid and will be co-oping with International. Coach Ari will be coaching as well
Basketball: It is highly recommended that students start conditioning now. Coach Narcisse will be running open gym sessions throughout the month, and it is highly recommended that both the boys and the girls take advantage of this.
Winter Sports start dates:
Monday, December 2: Girls Basketball and Indoor Track
Thursday December 5: Boys Basketball
Social Emotional Learning Resources
Community Enrichment Opportunities
Counselor's Corner
Middle School
We are excited to build a strong, comprehensive middle school, school counseling program. We know that the middle school years can be difficult, but also a time of unprecedented growth and excitement. As school counselors, we work with all students and their families to help navigate this time. Your child will often see us in the classroom leading lessons, checking in with them or their friends, or in the hallway and cafeteria to say hi. We cover topics like conflict resolution, advocating for self and others, goal setting, college and career aspirations, time management, organization, in short many of the skills that aren’t a discrete skill for a job, but necessary to get the job done! We also are a great resource for you and your child if they are struggling academically or with a teacher and if they have concerns about themselves or their friends.
In the meantime, as you and your child get back into the routine of school please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. While we are rarely in our office (we like to be where your kids are!) we will always get back to you in a timely fashion. The best way to ensure this is to email us. Even if you’d like a phone call, email us with some times you’re available and we’ll do our best to not to play phone tag with you.
Jen Skitromo & Hannah Kaizer
High School
Community College Dual Enrollment Information Session
Parent Resources
Families can now apply for energy assistance from the comfort of their home by clicking the provided link. Don’t delay—winter is coming, and help is available! Act now to ensure your home stays warm this season.
Health and Wellness
Note from our School Nurses
Good afternoon parents,
The SNAP health portal is a communication platform that allows for sharing information with your child's school nurse as well as the ability to have access to your child's health information.
If you would like your child to receive Tylenol and Motrin while at school, this portal allows parents to give written permission to the school nurse.
Attached are instructions of how to create your account.
Thank you.