The Connection Week 7 Term 2
Huapai District School 16th June 2022
To my shame, I can remember a day in my 4th form year (Yr 10) - Marlborough Boys College, where we thought it was real fun to give a relieving teacher a hard time. It was in the days of rows of desks, teacher at the front and copying from the blackboard. Every time the teacher turned his back to write on the blackboard, one of the class made an animal noise. I think that day was the day I learnt the power of a group - in this case negative power. Mind you, it was also in the days where if the teacher couldn’t find the culprit they just lined up the entire class and caned the lot of us - a good lesson!
I remember reading an article where in WW1 the troops when marching across land would deliberately fall out of time when crossing a bridge. The impact of walking in time would damage the structure - again the power of team and alignment.
In classrooms we often see the power of relationship - the power, the influence and the outcomes generated from a relationship based on mutual trust, connection, respect and effort. Getting alignment across the individuality of the teacher and their domain in the classroom is when a school moves into significance.
I am so delighted to see the efforts we have put into our school culture, our direction and the clarity we are building around this, is really getting traction. Front and centre to this is our focus around what we call “deep learning” (our Huapai Way) and our focus on what we call “global competencies” (qualities that make great learners and great people). As a Principal, I can not think of anything better than when you see this driven across the school and by many. We’ve got great things happening in the school.
Have a great week.
John Petrie
Upcoming Events
- Monday 20th June - Board Meeting
- Friday 24th June - Matariki
- Thursday 7th July - School Disco
- Friday 8th July - Last Day Of Term 2
- Monday 25th July - First Day Of Term 3
Board Meeting
Monday 20th June - 6.30pm
This meeting will be held in the school staffroom.
Parents are welcome to attend.
Matariki - School Closed
Friday 24th June
Parents are reminded that this day has been designated as a national holiday.
School will not be open.
Student Of The Week
Hunter (year 5) says: Huapai School is better than any other school! We have two fields, bike tracks and 3 playgrounds. I love that we can ride our bikes on the pump track. The teachers are really good and my favourite thing to do in class is writing. I enjoy writing stories.
Emergency Lockdown
Last Friday we undertook some training with our emergency lockdown procedures. In a couple of weeks we will repeat this with an exercise with our children. Emergency Lockdown is a key strategy we have to ensure we can secure our site and keep our children safe.
We will use the SchoolApps app and also our school web site to communicate incidents like this. Our next practice will involve testing our communication with parents. An alert will be shared with parents prior that a practice is occurring.
If you do not have the School Apps app downloaded to your phone, please follow the instructions below on how to do this.
Download School Apps
To receive school alerts, register your child as absent, to book Huapai Plus before and after school care, to see our newsletters or to order uniform please use our School Apps app.
Here is how you are able to download and install the App on your phone:
Step 1: Download the app
-The app is available on both iOS and Android devices.
-Please visit your app store to download SchoolAppsNZ
-Select our school - Huapai District School.
Step 2: Opt in to Alert Subscriptions
In order to receive any communication you need to subscribe to an alert group. To do this, tap on the menu icon (3 lines in the top left corner) - Alert Subscriptions.
Please select:
- General/Important (must select)
- Classrooms - select your child/rens classroom (must select)
- Year Level (must select)
Late Or Absent Students
If your child(ren) are arriving at school after the 9am bell has gone, please ensure they are signing in as late at the School Office.
If your child(ren) are not going to be attending school for the day, or for a period of time, please register their absence via the HERO or School Apps app, or you can call and leave an absentee message on the school phone (09 412 5042).
HFN Uniform Sale
Thank you to everyone who supported the HFN uniform sale. We raised $270 which will be used to subsidise camp.
Mud Run Thanks
A huge thank you to the adults who have registered so far for our annual school fundraiser by being a marshal for the mud run.
Room 2 and 3 have both earned themselves hot chips which will be delivered over the next fortnight. This is earned by having 4 parents registered to help from your child’s class.
Still keen to help? Please register at the link below.
Website Of The Week
Maths Is Fun
Students are able to click on maths concepts to have them explained in more detail with examples and activities to follow up. Great for solidifying what is learned at school.
Disco Time!
Thursday 7th July
Netball Fees
These are now overdue. Please pop onto your HERO account to pay or call into the School Office.
Outstanding Sports Shirts
Please look in your child’s drawers, wardrobe or sports gear bag and return ALL sports shirts to the School Office.
Sports Camp Is Coming!
This is an amazing opportunity for our Year 7 & 8 students. We spend a week in Matamata competing in over 30 sports against 9 other schools. The dates for this camp are Monday September 26th - Friday September 30th. An information evening for parents interested in finding out more about this camp will be held on Wednesday 22nd June in our school staffroom 6pm - 6:45pm. We are always on the lookout for parents keen to come to camp with us.
Couldn't Make It To The Scholastic Book Fair?
Huapai Plus School Holiday Programme
Aroha Skate School
Skate Lessons After School
Term 2 weekly after school skate lessons.
Thursday 3:30pm - 4:30pm at Huapai District School.
Lessons are suitable for beginners to intermediate skaters.
Register at the link below.
Music Lessons With MusiqHub
MusiqHub are looking forward to another awesome year of music in 2022 at Huapai School! They will have some slots available for Guitar, Drums, Piano and Ukulele lessons in Term 2. If you're interested, be sure to get in touch to reserve your spot or ask any questions you may have. Contact details below:
Drums - paul.barry@musiqhub.co.nz
Guitar, Keyboard and Ukulele - scott.wotherspoon@musiqhub.co.nz
2022 Term Dates
Our 2022 Term dates are:
Term 1 - Thursday 3rd February - Thursday 14th April
Term 2 - Monday 2nd May - Friday 8th July
Term 3 - Monday 25th July - Friday 30th September
Term 4 - Monday 17th October - Friday 16th DecemberAdditional to this there are two planned Teacher only days:
Friday 4th March
- Friday 3rd June (making Queens Birthday a 4 day option)
HERO Notifications
We use HERO to send classroom updates, to share regular learning posts and now for payment on all in-school costs. HERO sends push notifications or emails. You can now choose how you receive HERO notifications as well as manage devices that receive them.
To set your own notification preferences:
Click on your profile image
Scroll down to My Devices and select your preferences.
Or please see the full instructions linked below.
Contact Us
Email: office@hds.school.nz
Website: https://www.huapaidistrict.school.nz/
Location: Huapai District School 40 Station Rd, Kumeū, New Zealand
Phone: +64 09 412 5042
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/huapaidistrictschool