Otter Family Newsletter Oct 2024
Otters play to learn
Message from Ms. Staley
Rogue Primary is a great place for learning! The students are enthusiastic, parents are supportive and the teachers are consistently working to provide the best learning experiences for our students. Thank you for being a part of our school community. October is an exciting month at school. Teachers spend a lot of time in September establishing routines and getting to know students. Now that we are all in the swing of things learning will really start to take off. Please make sure your child is attending school daily and that you are connected with your child's teacher to stay current on the class activities.
Back to School Fun
Driveline Procedure and Courtesy
Enter the campus from 2nd street. Please follow the driveline path when entering campus, this is to the left. When cars enter to the right they are not in the "line" and others feel like those cars are skipping the line.
Please do not pull into the second lane to drop off your student. We do not want students crossing in front of cars. Only drop off on the lane that is closest to the curb. You may pull out and use the second lane once you have dropped off or picked up.
Please do not park your car in the driveline. You may park your vehicle in the parking lot and walk your student into school.
Please remember to keep an eye on your speed. You should never exceed 10 mph.
Thank you for your support in making sure that all our students get to and from school safely.
What a fun day we had! Thank you so much for all our amazing volunteers. Your support made this event possible. Huge thank you to all the community and family members that came out to cheer on our otters. They ran further and faster because of you! Now that students have run it's the time to collect their pledges. Please have money turned in by the 15th. Winner will be announced on the 18th.
Prizes for...
Top 5 Money Earners
Top 5 Lap Runners
Class with Most laps
Class with Most Money Brought In
Otter Tails On!
Run Otters Run!
Splash came to cheer on our runners!
Parents on campus in morning
Character Strong Family Dare
Attendance Matters
Research shows that students who miss more school tend to have lower educational attainment in the long run, including lower rates of high school graduation and lower college attendance.
Attendance matters and it matters now. When students set up good attendance in the early years of school it carries on through secondary school. It helps students feel more connected to school and it makes sure they have every opportunity to learn! If you child is not sick they need to be at school. Even with a cold they should still attend school.
Thank you for your support in making attendance a priority.
Happy Fall from Laclinca SBHC
It's that time of the year when colds and the stomach flu are starting to be passed around. This is a good time to remind our children about washing hands frequently during the school day. Washing hands is simple and takes only 20 seconds to do. Reminding our children to wash hands before and after eating and after using the restroom are great examples of when to wash up. Also, keeping fingers out of their mouth and noses will keep down the spread of germs. If you child is sick please make sure to keep them home and let our office know. 541-494-6570.
RVF2S Tasting Table
Each month, Rogue Valley Farm to School partners with local farms to bring tastings of our Harvest of the Month. This month, we are exploring a variety of different apples at the cafeteria tasting table on Tuesday, October 8th! Learn more about apples by checking out this fun interactive sheet (Spanish version). There you'll find recipes, videos, nutritional info, kids activities, and information about the local farms where the veggies were grown! Rogue Primary is part of the Rogue Valley Farm to School Digging Deeper School partnership. To learn more about the partnership and Rogue Valley Farm to School click here.
Upcoming Events
Oct 11
In-Service Day
No School
Oct 14
No School
Oct 15
Jogathon Money Due
Oct 17
School Picture Day
Oct 31
Class Parade and Parties
Nov 1
End of 1st Quarter
No School
Nov 11
Veteran's Day
No School
Nov 25 & 26
Fall Conferences
Rogue Primary School
Location: 600 South 2nd Street, Central Point, OR, USA
Phone: 541-494-6570