Wasco Weekly
September 9, 2022
Wasco Families,
Approximately 77% of our students and their families attended our Back to School Night! I wish all the staff could have walked the building with me to view the excited faces of students giving their families a tour of the school. It was a marvel to behold the pride and enthusiasm the kids have for their school! We are grateful for our involved families who demonstrate and model the value of Wasco school and the education provided here.
Kind Regards,
Principal Brennan
Hey Kids! What happened at school today?
Digital Safety
Join 5th Grade Choir!
Calling all 5th grade students! This year you have the chance to join our 5th grade choir! The choir program will run from late September through May, with our first rehearsal being Tuesday, September 27th! All 5th grade students are welcome to join! For more information, read our welcome letter here. To register your 5th grade student, please fill out this form by September 23rd. Please reach out to Miss Zima with any questions at ashley.zima@d303.org
Thank you PTO
If you visited for Back to School Night, you may have noticed our hallways have a new, refreshed look. Thank you to our PTO who purchased banners to decorate our hallways. Two types of banners were purchased for us. One set provides a visual reminder of our Wasco Expectations and the other set matches our Social Emotional calendar- a character trait for each month of school. The words provide strong visual reminders of our values. Thank you PTO for supporting our school environment in powerful and meaningful ways.
Lost Items?
Take-Home COVID Test Kits Available
Important Upcoming Dates
September 16 Book Fair 5:00pm-8:00pm (See button Below)
September 23 Fire Practice Drill
September 28 Early release for students 2:10pm
October 14 Picture Retake Day
October 14 Fall Fest at Primrose Farm (See picture below)
Arrival and Dismissal
When using the drop off lane, please drive all the way forward so that we can load/unload as many cars as possible. Please stay in your car. If you wish to get out and load your child, you are welcome to park in the lot. By following this procedure, we can expedite everyone’s waiting times in the car lane.
How to Report Absences
Also, if your child attends Baker Station, please remember to notify them if your child will not be attending.
Need to pick up your student early?
Lunch, Snacks, and Birthday Treats
Students are able to bring their lunch each day to school or they can get lunch at school through our food service provider, Organic Life. We do not accept fast food for students at Wasco. Please do not drop off or have food sent to Wasco for your child. If you would like to have lunch with your child, you can come to the main office and sign them out during their lunch period. Thank you for your cooperation. We love to celebrate birthdays at Wasco. Your child’s birthday will be announced on our morning announcements and your child will be able to choose a book from our birthday book cart. We do not allow in food for celebrations so please do not send them to school or drop them off, they will not be accepted. If you would like to send in items or a treat bag (such as a pencil or non food item) we can send that home with classmates to enjoy at home.
Smart Watches and Phones
Technology can be a wonderful way to keep in touch with family members. However, smartwatches and phones can become quite disruptive to the learning environment when parents are contacting their children throughout the day (and vice versa). The Elementary School Handbook contains the following language:
Students are extended the privilege of possessing phones/smartwatches on school grounds;
however, their use is limited to after-school dismissal and non-school days. These devices must be in the off position, or not used once the student arrives on campus until the end of the school day.
Teachers will be requesting that students leave their watches and phones in backpacks or another class designated place each day when they enter the classroom so that learning can continue uninterrupted.
D303 Visitor Information
All parents, guardians, and other visitors to District 303 buildings are required to report to the main
office upon entering the building to sign in. Visitors must provide photo identification when signing
in and must wear a visitor identification tag at all times while in the building. Visitors may be escorted
by a building staff member while visiting the building. School-age visitors are generally prohibited
during the school day unless accompanied by a parent or guardian and approved by school staff. In
the event that permission is not obtained or is denied, visitors will be directed to leave the premises.
(Violators will be subject to legal action.)
Please refer to the following D303 School Board policies for more information:
Community News
Ways to receive Wasco News
The Principal sends a weekly newsletter on Fridays
Wasco Elementary has a Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WascoElementarySchool
Twitter account: @WascoD303
Join Membership Toolkit on the PTO site for ways to connect with parent community
About us
Email: heather.kudabeck@d303.org
Website: https://district.d303.org/
Location: 4N782 School Street, Wasco, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-2900