Victory FFA & 4-H
January 28, 2024
Dear Ag Families:
Fall is in full swing! Please be sure to continue to check out everything on the newsletter as well as our Facebook page to stay up to date on all info and upcoming events!
As always, if you ever have questions please fell free to contact us!
Jennifer Pinkerton
Agriculture Science Teacher
Victory FFA Advisor
Victory Christian Academy
(940) 626-4730
Kendra Rainey
Agriculture Science Teacher
Victory FFA Advisor
Victory Christian Academy
(940) 626-4730
Fashion Show entry packets are now available at the Extension office.
Paperwork Requirements and Deadlines:
Entry Deadline for WCYF: Saturday, February 1st by 5:00 pm
Entry Deadline for County Fashion Show: Friday, February 14th by 5:00 pm
Paperwork Submission Deadline: Wednesday, February 19th by 5:00 pm
Completed Commentary Sheets (must be typed) – All Age Divisions
Completed Buying Division Worksheets for Buying Entries Only (must be typed) – Junior and Intermediate Age Division
Completed Construction / Buying / and Natural Fiber Entry Forms from the 2025 Texas 4-H Fashion Show (must be typed) – Senior Age Division
Digital Fashion Story Board Deadline: Friday, February 21st by 10:00 am
All Fashion Story Boards and Story Board Labels must be in digital format as a PDF, jpeg, or png format and must be emailed to laurie.washburn@ag.tamu.edu.
Interviews at the Extension Office: Wednesday, February 26th
All participants must schedule an interview time by calling the Extension Office at (940) 627-3341.
4-H Parade of Fashion at the Women’s Building: Thursday, February 27th at 6:00 pm
All participants must be at the Women’s Building dressed and ready by 6:00 pm. Each participant will wear their garments in the Fashion Show. The Fashion Show will start at 6:30 pm. Awards will be announced after the Fashion Show.
Please contact the Extension office at (940) 627-3341 for additional information.
Up Coming Events
-February 1- Deadline to sign up for Wise County Youth Fair
-February 10- FFA & 4-H Meeting
-February 14- FFA Speaking Contest
-February 14-17 No School
-February 19-20 Officer trip to Austin
-February 22 Queen's Contest
-February 21- March 1- Wise County Youth Fair
-February 28 -March 1 Wise County Youth Rodeo
Members on the Go!
Fort Worth Stock Show Heifers are in the books. Our heifer show team did great! They worked hard and played hard. In the barns each morning before the sun came up and not leaving till the sun sets all week. Even worked in time to get homework done. We say it all the time but Ag Kids truly are some hard workers!
Colten Bryd- 3rd
Emma Pinkerton- 4th
Cody Barnett- 8th
Miles Northcutt- 9th
Braelyn Showalter's pullet took reserve variety at Fort Worth Stock Show. She got a few more ribbons for first and second place with her color and breed. So proud of you Braelyn!
Practice Schedules
Stock Show Information
Volunteer Opportunities
Parents we need you! Click the picture to sign up!
Remind App Groups
Steps on How to add our FFA calendar to your account!
Go to your Google Calendar
-Settings(gear icon, top right)
-Add Calendar
-Subscribe to Calendar
-Copy the following into the "Add Calendar" space:
You can change the Calendar Name on your end to read "FFA", "Victory FFA", etc.