Paw Print Press 2.0
September 16, 2024
Reporting Process for Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
The Anchorage School District is dedicated to providing a safe and civil learning environment. Harassment, intimidation, and bullying disrupt a student's ability to learn and a school's ability to educate. Students and staff are expected to consistently demonstrate respectful conduct and communication to ensure safe learning environments for all.
If a student experiences, or another person observes, a student being harassed, intimidated, or bullied, they should report it to a school administrator or through STOPit anonymous reporting. This Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying flier outlines the reporting process.
AK Star and the Alaska Science Assessment Student-Level Results 2024
In the spring of 2024, students in grades 3-9 participated in the Alaska System of Academic Readiness (AK STAR) or Alternate Assessment (AA) state summative assessments in English Language arts and mathematics. Students in grades 5, 8 and 10 took the Alaska Science Assessment or Alternate Assessment (AA) in science. The purpose of a large-scale, summative assessment is to provide information to parents, educators, policy makers, communities and businesses about how Alaska’s schools and districts are performing, along with an overall picture of an individual student’s progress in meeting State of Alaska standards at grade level.
Parents will be provided student-level electronic results on Friday, September 27.
To view your child’s AK STAR/Alaska Science Assessment or Alternate Assessment results:
Log into Parent Connection, https://parentconnect.asdk12.org/
Select “Assessment Results” from the list of items on the left side
Parent Guides for understanding results are available on the ASD Assessment Results website, https://www.asdk12.org/AssessmentResults
For English language arts, math and science, each student will receive an overall score that is aligned to one of four achievement levels: Proficient (P), Advanced (A), Approaching Proficient (AP) and Needs Support (NS).
Detailed AK STAR, Alaska Science Assessment and Alternate Assessment score reporting information and support resources are provided by the State of Alaska Department of Education:
AK STAR, ELA and math - https://education.alaska.gov/assessments/akstar/results
Alaska Science Assessment, science - https://education.alaska.gov/assessments/science/results
Alternate Assessment, ELA, math and science - https://education.alaska.gov/sped/alternate/results
Please remember that AK STAR, the Alaska Science Assessment and the Alternate Assessment are not pass/fail tests. AK STAR and the Alaska Science Assessment are aligned to the Alaska State Standards and the scores provide information to guide decision-making and support students on their path to success. Alaska’s standards and assessments ensure our students are academically ready to succeed in the community, workplace, post-secondary training, the military and college. The Anchorage School District maintains high learning expectations for all students and is committed to preparing students for success in life.
Recent Benchmark MAP Growth Results Posted
The fall benchmark results for MAP Growth will be posted to Parent Connect on Friday, September 27. Please see the guides to assessment interpretation located on the ASD website at https://www.asdk12.org/Page/13702 for any questions.
Join Chugiak in Support of Orange Shirt Day on September 30th, 2024
As part of its commitment to truth and reconciliation, the Indigenous Education Department invites the community to recognize Orange Shirt Day on September 30. This day honors residential school survivors, their families, and communities, while also remembering those who never returned home. The significance of the orange shirt comes from Phyllis Webstad, a survivor whose new orange shirt was taken on her first day at a residential school, symbolizing the loss of identity and culture experienced by many Indigenous children. All staff are encouraged to wear orange on Monday, September 30, as a symbol of remembrance and commitment to reconciliation. By participating, the department reaffirms its dedication to building a brighter future for Indigenous students and advancing the District's mission to educate all students for success.
We are mid-way through the month of September. Students have been completing and turning in assignments for the past month. Parents, please communicate with your student regarding their grades. Please look at Q and grades for your students to stay on top of things. Please refer to the Canvas Parent Observer Guide below to help you
Remote Learning days
As many of you have already seen emails from the district about November 5th. The district has decided to move to a Remote Learner Day on Tuesday November 5th. This will mean students will not be going to school but will have to log in to Canvas and look at assignments for that day. As we get closer to this date we will have more information.
Drop off & Pick Up
Before School
Students who are eating breakfast may be dropped off as early as 7:35am. Students not eating breakfast may go to the playground at 7:35am where there will be supervision until students line up at 7:50am.
Early Pick up
If you need to pick up your student early during the school day, please call the office at 907-742-4800 when you are on your way. Students may be picked up early until 2:15pm.
After school
Kindergarten through 2nd grade students will be release at 2:30pm. 3rd through 5th grade students will be released from their classrooms at 2:25pm
All students need to be pick up by 2:45pm unless attending a prearranged afterschool club.
Pictures Available Now
Rogers Park Elementary school pictures are ready to view and purchase!
Go to: https://shop.imagequix.com/g1001133521
Enter your child's ASD student ID number as the password
If you don't know your student ID number login to Parent Connect and click demographics.
Questions? Email Alicia@FitzgeraldPhotos.com
Picture Re-takes October 11th
If you haven't viewed your students school portrait please do so here: https://shop.imagequix.com/g1001133521
Password is your child's ASD student ID number
If your student missed school picture day or a retake is needed please sign up here no later than 5pm on October 10th.
Makeup picture day signup: https://forms.gle/2RYyUYUVqzNs4Koj8
Questions? Email Alicia@FitzgeraldPhotos.com
News from the Library
Students are falling into good books in the library. Primary grades are learning about book care and getting into the routine of returning borrowed books. Intermediate grades have started their first research projects. Their work will be on display in the next few weeks.
A link to the library website can be found at the bottom of the Rogers Park Elementary homepage. On the website, families will find the schedule for library and resources that can be used at home for academics as well as reading for pleasure.
Thank you for helping your student discover his/her love of reading.
Running Jamboree
From the PTA
Hello Rogers Park Families,
Thanks to many of you who joined us at our first meeting of the school year. It was great to meet some new faces and see familiar ones, too. We elected two new board members, Kim Hays, VP-Legislative Liaison, and Brittany Ford, VP-Volunteer Coordinator. Welcome, Kim and Brittany, we're so excited you are joining us. We have many open chair and volunteer positions for those who are interested in volunteering. Our next meeting will be Thursday, October 17th at 6 pm in the library and on Zoom. Minutes and Zoom information will be emailed to members the week of the meeting. Please consider renewing your membership here.
Here are some of our upcoming events:
Jog-a-thon on Friday, September 27th. Please consider donating to our fundraiser and/or signing up to volunteer the day of the event.
Plans for a Family Movie Night in October are being solidified. This free event will have concessions for sale (everything $1). Date TBA--More details to come!
Rogers Park Mission: Preparing Passionate, Productive, Learners for Life
Rogers Park Vision: Empower the HOWL
(Help each other, Own our actions, Work together, Listen & Learn)