SDMS FYI October 2024
It's PEIMS Time!
Don't be scared we are here to help!
PEIMS 163 Federal Report
Not having an error message on the PEIMS 163 Federal report doesn’t mean the student is compliant.
- To see non-compliant students without an error message, select Non-Compliant when running the report.
- To see all the error messages select Compliant and Non-Compliant.
The Child Count must be 03, fatal errors must be resolved, and warnings must be reviewed.
Professional Development is Available
PEIMS! PEIMS! PEIMS! (Fall 2024) 10/17 | 10/24
During these sessions SDMS staff will be available to assist with campus’ PEIMS errors.
Digital Signatures
Do general education staff tell you they don't know how to sign your ARDs?
If so, we have a guide for you! Select the Guide to Digital Signatures ARD/IEP link. This guide can be provided to new and veteran staff who need to digitally sign your ARDs.
All staff members added to the ARD Team can sign digitally.
New Accommodations Q&A
You asked and here is what we found out!
Q - Can you elaborate on the types of spelling assistance?
A - Stakeholders should review the policy document and refer to examples and types.
Q - Can students have extra time on STAAR assessments?
A - The state has changed STAAR assessments to untimed, students no longer need to meet the eligibility for extra time.
Q - We're still able to add small group for STAAR accommodations?
A- Small group administration is an accessibility feature that can be provided to students based on student needs. This accessibility should mirror other classroom testing situations.
For more information about designated supports for STAAR, refer to the STAAR Accommodations Educator Guide.
EdPlan Modifications/Enhancements
Updated 10/1/2024
EdPlan Modifications/Enhancements are updated as new modifications and enhancements are added to EdPlan. Are you seeing something you have not seen before? Select the link below for the most current updates in EdPlan.
Tips from Ley Rita
Ley Rita Propes 😉
Dyslexia in MyData Portal
- If a student hasn't been identified as Dyslexia, the indicator will not be set in MyData Portal.
- Transfer process – An Annual ARD must be finalized with Dyslexia selected on the Information Reviewed and Considered screen.
- Initial ARD – The Dyslexia indicator in MyData Portal will populate if the Initial ARD has been finalized with a current begin date. If the begin date is future dated, the Dyslexia indicator will populate in MyData Portal once the future date becomes current.
ARD Dates
When scheduling a Transfer Meeting or an ARD, ARD Notices must be dated after the previous ARD begin date.
- Example:
A new ARD is scheduled for 10/2/2024.
The ARD Notice for the 10/2/2024 ARD must have an actual date on or after 9/23/2024; a date after the begin date of the previous ARD.
What's New?
In case you missed it, Assessments and Accommodations have been updated. The changes can be found in the EdPlan Modifications/Enhancements document or select the link below for the SDMS FYI September 2024.
Help Desk Support
As the district transitions from Skype to TEAMS as our phone service, the SDMS Help Desk may be unavailable. If you need to contact the help desk, please email us, or enter a Support Hub ticket.
Support Hub:
You have three options when contacting the SDMS Help Desk.
Support Hub Ticket | | 972-794-3550
Create a Support Hub Ticket!
The fastest way to get your issue resolved is to complete a Support Hub ticket.
Not sure how to get a ticket to SDMS? SDMS Support Hub Guide gives you step by step instructions on how to complete a ticket.
At SDMS, we are always seeking new ways to improve customer service. And the best way to do that is to ask the experts—our customers. Support Hub customer surveys come directly to your email once a Support Hub ticket is closed. The survey is short and only takes a minute.
Professional Development Dates October 2024
New Special Education Teachers - PD for Access to EasyIEP
This session provides an introduction and overview of the EdPlan case management system. Primary learning objectives include the user becoming familiar with the functionality of the EdPlan/EasyIEP system; navigating through the sections of an ARD/IEP event; and creating an ARD/IEP document. After completion of this session, access to the EdPlan/EasyIEP application will be established based on the attendee's title.
October PD for Staff with EdPlan/EasyIEP Access
This session is for staff with access to EdPlan and have questions about EasyIEP. Q&A is an in person help desk session.
EasyTRAC/Wizards (3.5 hrs) October 22nd, & 29th
provides an overview of the mechanism Dallas ISD uses for logging services provided to a Special Education students
PEIMS! PEIMS! PEIMS! (Fall 2024) October 17th, & 24th
Stay Compliant year-round! During these sessions SDMS staff will be available to assist with campus’ PEIMS errors.
Progress Monitoring in Progress Track October 17th, 23rd, & 30th
This session is for all sped campus/central staff to understand how to document student progress in EdPlan/Progress Track
Reports for Special Education Teachers and Staff October 23rd
This session is for all sped campus/central staff who want to learn how to run SDMS Custom Reports in SpedReporter.
Online Professional Development Available Any Time!
Attaching Audio/Video Files in EdPlan - Online
This self-paced online course covers step-by-step instructions for attaching electronically produced files in the EdPlan/EasyIEP application.
EdPlan/Special Education Overview - Online
This course is specifically designed for staff who have or need read-only access in EdPlan
Staff with read-only access include campus Principals, Assistant Principals, and Counselors who's access is granted automatically.
Select a course title link to register in Cornerstone!
For more detailed information about SDMS Professional Development select the link below.