Bonny Slope Elementary
September 19, 2024
Dates To Remember
9/25 North & Central America (GeoClub)
9/26 Picture Day
9/27 Aug/Sep Birthday Lunch
10/9 International Walk + Bike to School Day
10/10 *Jog-A-Thon-- BSCO Fundraising Event (Field)
10/11 NO SCHOOL - Staff Development day
10/18 October Birthday Lunch
10/18 *Monster Mash Family Event
10/25 NO SCHOOL-Grading Day
10/30 Asia & Middle East Part 1 (GeoClub)
10/30 *Fall BSCO Community Meeting 7:00pm (Library + Zoom Option )
We have several vendors offering after school classes starting in October. You can see all the offerings here: After School Activities Please check back often as more classes get approved.
Principal Chat 9.25.24
We will have our first Principal Chat of the year on September 25 at 12:00 on Zoom. The link for the Zoom meeting will be sent via ParentSquare on Monday, September 23. Our Academic Coach, Jennifer Oordt will talk about how to support reading at home, and we will also share about our emergency response protocols. If you are able to join us on Zoom, please make sure to join with your name and if you can join with your camera on, that would be great too.
We are well into the back to school rhythm! As the welcome back, new classroom dust settles and the reality of a new grade sets in, let me remind you of all the great things you have done and continue to do to promote strong readers: All those summer break moments where you were engaging in experiences and discussions, developing language and background knowledge were vital for developing readers.
Promoting strong readers also means you need to carve out quiet time to focus on books. This is a true fact. As busy as life is, filled with constant distractions, NOW is the time to make sure there is a consistent time for settling in with a book at home. Educators call that time in text or the amount of time where engagement with the book has taken place. Trust me, this is not easy, but necessary for students to develop into strong, engaged readers. Students need uninterrupted TIME to enjoy books. If that means parents are reading, parents are listening and reading, parents are listening or parents are setting timers, this process doesn’t just happen on its own. Parents need to make time reading a priority, then children follow their lead.
This week our students who participated in the summer reading program celebrated their accomplishment with a special lunch and treat. I asked the students at each grade level what their favorite books were, what books they think everyone should read and when they found time to read. The following list of books is based on the opinions of Bonny Slope students who are already hooked on books:
1st grade
Mighty Robot Series
Minecraft Series
National Geographic books - Space and Dinosaurs
Guinness Book of World Records
50 States Books
2nd Grade
Babysitters Club
Magic Kitten Series
Smile, Guts and Sisters
Daisy Dreamer
Wild Robot
3rd grade & 4th grade
Treasure Hunters
The U-nique Lou Fox
Mouse and the Motercycle
Geronimo Stilton
Anything by Roald Dahl
Anything by Andrew Clements
Harry Potter
Encyclopedia Brown
OBOB list!!
Save Me a Seat
Kwame Alexander books
Land of Stories
Lost Cities
A Tale of Witchcraft
Front Desk
Paper Wished
Making Friends
5th Grade
OBOB list!!
School for Good and Evil
Keeper of the Lost Cities
The Dune Series
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Out of My Mind
Out of My Heart
When I inquired about when students found time to read I got a variety of responses:
“I read in the car on trips and on the way to practice.”
“We read during quiet time, when my baby brother takes a nap.”
“I read every day right after school.”
“I read at night and my parents have to check on me to make sure I go to sleep!”
The students who are enthusiastic about reading started out with a time that was carved out for them to read. Trips to the library ( and the ice cream store right by the library) are a consistent ritual. Creating the reading culture starts when a decision is made to prioritize TIME with books. This may mean hard choices are made, but the payoff is priceless.
Jennifer Oordt
Academic Coach
SEL Screener Opt-out
This year, our school district will administer a new social-emotional learning assessment, called SAEBRS. This letter was sent earlier via ParentSquare, but the dates for the assessment have been changed. The new window for the assessment is September 30 - October 18.
Here is the letter with instructions for obtaining more information and opting out.:
September 9, 2024
Dear Parent/Guardian:
As part of the Beaverton School District’s promise of Belong. Believe. Achieve. we aim to create an environment in which all students feel a deep sense of belonging to their school community — where they are accepted, supported and encouraged to be their authentic selves. As part of this commitment, our school will be administering the SAEBRS universal screener this school year. This tool is intended to build student awareness and help school staff know which students might need additional Social Emotional Learning (SEL) support. There are two kinds of SAEBRS assessments: student self-rating assessments and teacher rating assessments. Staff will administer the following assessments up to three times per year at the corresponding grade levels listed:
Kindergarten-12th grade: SAEBRS teacher rating tool
2nd-12th grade: mySAEBRS student self-rating tool
We believe this survey is a valuable tool because the SAEBRS screener can help identify risk factors in students. The tool also informs the selection of SEL lessons and other instructional practices in classrooms.
Other Important information:
1. Participation is voluntary and your student may decline to participate.
2. The mySAEBRS is done using a computer or tablet and takes students approximately 5 minutes to complete.
3. If you would like to see the exact questions asked on the survey you may contact the Bonny Slope school counselor, Jessica Bascom at Jessica_A_Bascom@beaverton.k12.or.us
4. Please contact Betty Skundrick at Bonny Slope Elementary, 11775 NW McDaniel Rd, Portland, OR 97229 no later than September 25, 2024 if you do not want your student to participate in the SAEBRS or mySABERS during the 2024-2025 school year. Betty_skundrick@beaverton.k12.or.us.
More information can be found at: https://www.illuminateed.com/products/fastbridge/social-emotional-behavior-assessment/mysaebrs/
Thank you,
Betty Skundrick
Dismissal for Car Pick Up and Walkers
Walkers: Please remember to use our designated crosswalks before and after school. We have staff available to cross students as early as 7:55 in the morning and until 3pm in the afternoon or when kids are no longer present.
Car Pick Up: If you arrive early for pick up (prior to 3:05), please park in our lower parking lot or in the adjacent neighborhood. Parking alongside McDaniel stops traffic and makes it difficult for buses/cars to navigate safely in front of our school.
Birthday Lunch with the Principal
We will be starting our Birthday Lunch with the Principal soon. Your student will be invited to attend during their birthday month. Each student will be offered an Outshine No Sugar Added Fruit Ice Bar (Strawberry, Tangerine, Raspberry, Black Cherry, Strawberry Kiwi or Mixed Berry flavor). Below are ingredient lists for reference. Please let the office know if your student CANNOT have this treat. Email: BSLP-communications@beaverton.k12.or.us or call: 503.356.2040. Thank you!
On Your Marks...
Information about Jog-a-thon will be coming home in Friday Folders this week. Get ready by:
- Marking your calendar for race day on October 10th.
- Visit the Jog-a-thon website for information and to get registered in Pledgestar. Help your child's class meet their participation goal.
- Volunteer shifts in ParentSquare are filling up fast. Check out the listing to see how you can help! Event support and Class Tent support are needed! Sign up today!
- A Spectator sign up form is now available. If you signed up with the RSVP post, you will need to fill out a new form (Thank you for your understanding. The new process still has a few bugs).
Please note: all volunteers and spectators MUST have completed a background check in Raptor to be able to come onto the field.
- If you are not cleared in Raptor, please DO NOT sign up for any volunteer shifts until you have gotten your notification email saying you passed the background check.
- Spectators who do not have Raptor clearance are welcome to watch Jog-a-thon by the fence in the parking lot.
To get your background check done, click here to be taken to the Raptor application. All applications are processed through the Beaverton School District. We cannot rush your application.
Art Literacy
Calling All ART Lovers!
Art Literacy is holding its first training of the year on September 30th. RSVP in ParentSquare to attend the training, where you will learn everything you need to know about how to lead a lesson and make the art project with students. Volunteer shifts are available in ParentSquare NOW by teacher!
Visit the Art Literacy website for lesson details.
Questions? Contact artliteracy@bonnyslopebsco.org
PAWS Teams
Do you love supporting your child's teacher? Do you like to plan parties? Or help with paper-management? Willing to do what needs to get done? There is still room on our PAWS Teams for parents to help support each grade level. Primary contacts for teachers have already been identified; all additional volunteers lighten the load for everyone else. Contact volunteers@bonnyslopebsco.org with questions or fill out a PAWS Team interest form here.
Monster Mash
Monster Mash is Back!
Date: October 18, 2024
Time: 6-8pm
We need volunteers! Here are ways you can get involved:
- Host a trunk for the Trunk-or-Treat: We'll provide the candy and give you a budget to decorate ($100 reimbursement). We need at least 10 cars to make this happen!
- Volunteer at a treat station
- General help: move the crowds along, provide relief breaks for trunk-or-treat hosts, just be around generally to help where needed
Fill out the volunteer interest form ASAP and we’ll reach out to you!
Calling all Map-letes!
- The first check of the year is coming up on September 25th. Download your practice map (click here to link to the Google file) or pick up a study packet in the main office. September's check day will test your knowledge of North and Central America.
Volunteer Request: Help support our students' hard work by volunteering to help test their knowledge. Shifts are available now in ParentSquare.
Questions? Contact geoclub@bonnyslopebsco.org
Walk + Roll to School Day
International Walk + Roll to School Day is Wednesday, October 9th! Make a plan now for how your family will participate: coordinate with a friend for a walk to school, ride bikes as a family. Choosing to walk, bike, and bus to school is one of the biggest ways students can help the planet, it's a great way to start the day, and it also happens to be really FUN!
After School Classes
There are more after school fliers that have been approved for Bonny Slope. Please take a look for all approved fliers: https://www.beaverton.k12.or.us/departments/communications-community-involvement/after-school-activitiesflyers
Bonny Slope Elementary
Principal: Betty Skundrick
Assistant Principal: Anh Nguyen-Johnson
11775 NW McDaniel Rd.
Portland, OR 97229
Phone: 503.356.2040
Fax: 503.356.2045
Attendance: 503.356.2040 Press 1 for attendance
Attendance email: