Walking Together in the Word
Devotional guide for the week of May 3-May 8, 2021
Welcome to Walking Together in the Word!
These devotional materials guide you through the Bible readings for the May 9, 2021 Sunday worship service. We pray they are a blessing to you and your family!
Why study God's Word and pray together?
- Bible study and prayer strengthens faith and brings you closer to God and to one another.
- Study of readings and hymns for the weekend prepares you for worship.
- The way parents express and model their faith helps shape young people’s faith lives.
- God's Word gives life!---new life now and eternal life with Jesus in heaven. (John 20:31)
About this Devotional Study Guide
- Five Days of devotional material. Catch up or review on the 6th day, worship on Sunday!
- Bible Readings are the LCMS 3-year lectionary readings for the upcoming Sunday.
- Talk about It and Dig Deeper guide discussion and meditation on the Bible passages.
- Kid Talk has questions and activities especially for kids and families.
- Prayer starters are given--add your own as well! Scroll to the bottom for the Lord's Prayer and Luther's Morning and Evening Prayers.
Opening and Prayer
Heavenly Father, bless our time together as we study Your Word. Amen.
Read John 15:9-17 from your Bible, or
Devotion on the Gospel
Talk about it
- What does “abide in My love” mean for our daily lives?
- What, according to Jesus, is the highest expression of love?
Kid Talk
Read John 15:9-17.
Who are your friends? How do you know that they are your friends? By the things they say and do, right? Jesus is your best friend. Do you know why? He loves you so much, He died for your sins on the cross. He is making a place for you in heaven so that you can be with Him forever! What a friend we have in Jesus!
Listen and Sing: I Have a Friend in Jesus
Digging Deeper
- What thoughts come to mind as you read this passage?
- What is confusing or surprising about this passage?
- What does this passage teach you about God, His love for you, and His will for your life?
Then pray over the passage, talk about it with a friend or spiritual mentor, and explore further by reading the notes in a study Bible.
This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands. In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. 1 John 5:2–3
Closing and Prayer
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all (2 Corinthians 13:14).
Opening and Prayer
Heavenly Father, bless our time together as we study Your Word. Amen.
Read Acts 10:34-48 from your Bible, or
Talk about it
- What was at the center of Peter’s message to this gathering of people at Cornelius’ house?
- What is significant about these new Christians asking Peter to stay with them, and Peter choosing to stay, for a few days?
Listen: For God So Loved (in many languages)
Kid Talk
Read Acts 10:34-48.
Who does God love? Who does He want to be saved? Everyone! That’s what Peter learned in this reading from Acts. The Holy Spirit showed him that God loves all people, not just people who look or speak a certain way.
- Who can you tell this week that Jesus loves them?
Digging Deeper
- What thoughts come to mind as you read this passage?
- What is confusing or surprising about this passage?
- What does this passage teach you about God, His love for you, and His will for your life?
Then pray over the passage, talk about it with a friend or spiritual mentor, and explore further by reading the notes in a study Bible.
Closing and Prayers
Pray the Lord's Prayer, Luther's Morning or Evening Prayers, and/or add your own prayers.
Opening and Prayer
Heavenly Father, bless our time together as we study Your Word. Amen.
Read 1 John 5:1-8 from your Bible, or
Devotion on the Epistle
Talk about it
- What is the essential characteristic of one who is born of God? How then does this rebirth show itself in a person’s life?
- How does one who is born of God overcome the world?
Kid Talk
How do you show love for God? By obeying His commands and by loving others. That’s hard to do all the time. But God promises to help us! His love for us helps us love others.
Listen and Sing: 1 John 5:3-5
Download a coloring page on the Epistle
Digging Deeper
- What thoughts come to mind as you read this passage?
- What is confusing or surprising about this passage?
- What does this passage teach you about God, His love for you, and His will for your life?
Then pray over the passage, talk about it with a friend or spiritual mentor, and explore further by reading the notes in a study Bible.
Closing and Prayer
Pray the Lord's Prayer, Luther's Morning or Evening Prayers, and/or add your own prayers.
Opening and Prayer
Heavenly Father, bless our time together as we study Your Word. Amen.
Read Psalm 98 from your Bible, or
Talk about it
- How does the psalmist describe the saving acts of God on behalf of His people? (verses 1–3)
- What is our (and all of creation’s!) response to God’s saving acts? (verses 4–9)
Listen to "Psalm 150 (Praise the Lord)"
Kid Talk
Read Psalm 98.
This psalm tells us to "Sing to the Lord, for He has done marvelous things."
- Name some of the marvelous things that God has done.
The "rivers clap their hands" and the "mountains sing together for joy" as they praise God for the awesome things He has done.
- How will you praise God today?
Kids Talk about Praising God
Digging Deeper
- What thoughts come to mind as you read this passage?
- What is confusing or surprising about this passage?
- What does this passage teach you about God, His love for you, and His will for your life?
Then pray over the passage, talk about it with a friend or spiritual mentor, and explore further by reading the notes in a study Bible.
Closing and Prayer
Pray the Lord's Prayer, Luther's Morning or Evening Prayers, and/or add your own prayers.
Opening and Prayer
Heavenly Father, bless our time together as we study Your Word. Amen.
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling -- LSB 700
Love divine, all loves excelling,
Joy of heav’n, to earth come down!
Fix in us Thy humble dwelling,
All Thy faithful mercies crown.
Jesus, Thou art all compassion,
Pure, unbounded love Thou art;
Visit us with Thy salvation,
Enter ev’ry trembling heart.
Breathe, O breathe Thy loving Spirit
Into ev’ry troubled breast;
Let us all in Thee inherit;
Let us find Thy promised rest.
Take away the love of sinning;
Alpha and Omega be;
End of faith, as its beginning,
Set our hearts at liberty.
Come, Almighty, to deliver;
Let us all Thy life receive;
Suddenly return, and never,
Nevermore Thy temples leave.
Thee we would be always blessing,
Serve Thee as Thy hosts above,
Pray and praise Thee without ceasing,
Glory in Thy perfect love.
Finish then Thy new creation,
Pure and spotless let us be;
Let us see Thy great salvation
Perfectly restored in Thee,
Changed from glory into glory,
Till in heav’n we take our place,
Till we cast our crowns before Thee,
Lost in wonder, love, and praise!
Public domain
Talk about it
- How does this hymn reflect the thoughts of the Gospel and Epistle readings for this week?
Listen and Sing!
Closing and Prayer
Pray the Lord's Prayer, Luther's Morning or Evening Prayers, and/or add your own prayers.
The Lord's Prayer
Luther's Morning Prayer
I thank you my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please You. For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.
Luther's Evening Prayer
Chapel of the Cross--Lutheran
Our Core Values:
- Empowered by the cross of Christ
- People working together
- Opening the Word to all people
- Showing the love of Jesus
- Warm and supportive environment
Email: pastorlaesch@chapelofthecross.org
Website: http://www.chapelofthecross.org/
Location: 11645 Benham Rd, St. Louis, MO, USA
Phone: (314) 741-3737
Facebook: facebook.com/ChapelSTL