Weekly Update
August 26th-30th

Maverick Band Update February 2nd-7th
Congratulations guard on another great performance! And thank you to everyone who has helped with getting the guard ready for their performances! A big thank you to Ms. Costello and Ms. Wolf for all of their work on painting the floor. Another big thank you to Mr. Dundon, Mr. Bird, Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Dishman, and Mr. Putney for all of their help in building the Viking Ship! Another contest this week! You can purchase a winterguard show shirt here if you would like to support the guard! The online shop is only open until next Sunday.
Great Job at the basketball game this week! Thank you to everyone that came and supported the teams. You brought a lot of energy and really contributed to the game.
Solo and Ensemble:
Solo and ensemble is this week! Students, you need to make sure you have your originals, and that they are numbered for the judges. You need to practice announcing yourselves to the judges and what you are playing. If you are unsure of how to pronounce your piece, or your composer, please let a director know and we can help you. You need to practice saying this out loud so it doesn't sound awkward when you are performing on Saturday. Here is the general format for what you should say :
(Solo)Hello! My name is _________________ and today I will be performing (Name of piece) by (Composer).
(Ensemble) Hello! My name is _______________ and this is _____________ (etc. until you introduce everyone in the group) Today, we will be performing (Name of Piece) by (Composer).
Make sure you are dressed nice on Saturday. No jeans, and no T shirts. If you're not sure of what to wear, just wear your concert black. Again, if you have questions, please let a director know.
The schedule is posted below. If you have a conflict with you assigned time, just let me know and we can work something out. You guys have been working hard, I can't wait to hear you all on Saturday!
Band Fees:
If you have not paid the remainder of your band fees, please do this as soon as possible. As always, if you can not do that right now, we completely understand. Just let us know and we will work something out. If you are not sure if you still owe, contact us and we can look it up for you. This also includes region fees and instrument rental fees. The rental fees are $50 per semester for anyone using a school owned instrument. The best way to pay those is online through the myschoolbucks.com website. It's the same one the district uses for meal money and Chromebook fees. Again, if you can not take care of this right now just please let us know.
We will see you all tomorrow!!
These are going to the cleaners next week! You are responsible for making sure that all of your pieces are turned in. If you do not bring them back this week, you will receive a fine and will be responsible for making arrangements to get your uniform cleaned.
Mr. Walta Information for the Week
Zero Hour and Rehearsal!
Monday: Zero Hour & 1st Period- Work on Solo and Ensemble
*If you are not participating in S&E- sit in with Mr. Checki's band and play
Tuesday: Zero Hour & 1st Period- Work on Solo and Ensemble
*If you are not participating in S&E- sit in with Mr. Checki's band and play
Wednesday: Zero Hour & 1st Period- Work on Solo and Ensemble
*If you are not participating in S&E- sit in with Mr. Checki's band and play
Thursday: Regular Zero hour & 1st Period
Friday: Regular Zero hour & 1st Period
Mr. Checki Information for the Week
Winter Guard Information
Mr. Allen Information for the Week
Looking Ahead!
Maverick Booster Information
Volunteer Opportunities
We need you! Your support and help are what helps make our band successful. We can't do it without you! Please join us for the next booster meeting.
*Please make sure you fill out the WFISD Volunteer Application
Complete the form at this link to show how you would like to volunteer!