The Buzz
Autumn Term - 23rd November 2023

Message From the Executive Headteacher
Autumn has really arrived now and the leaves have begun to fall, we are continuing to work hard to provide the highest quality opportunities for the children. We are hopeful the full report from the recent Ofsted inspection will be ready to share with you all very soon.
It was wonderful to see so many parents and carers visiting this week: they came to share information about their jobs and also in year 1 to accompany the children on a geography walk of the local area, I know the children really enjoy this.
Thanks to all the parents who gave feedback to the governors during the parent consultations, this was overwhelmingly positive but we are always willing to listen to any EBI (even better if) and the school leadership will be considering the suggestions and thoughts of the parents who responded.
I hope you are looking forward to Christmas at HISN, the HISNA team has been working hard to get everything ready for the fair on Saturday. It is a non uniform day ( no football kits please) on Friday, please do bring a full bottle in exchange for the privilege. I hope you are able to come along to the fair and support the school, the money raised goes towards those wonderful additional extras which the children really benefit from.
Helen Lockey
Executive Headteacher
The external HISN Spring 2024 Clubs Timetable will be released via Parenthub on Thursday 30th November at 7pm.
In order to ensure as fair a process as possible, no bookings will be taken by the clubs until this time. Bookings all need to be made directly with the clubs and booking details will be included on the new timetable.
Below is a summary table so you have a rough idea in advance of the clubs offering.
🌟Certificate of Excellence
Last week certificates were given out for Partnership
AM Nursery Rosie
PM Nursery - Aria
RC Ayaan
RF Leighanna
RK Devadatta
RP Oliva
1B Laina
1C Amelia
1D Jelssie
1Y Alex
2C Eddie
2H Aaron
2J Thomas
2MC Reya
👋 Makaton Sign of the Week
🟨 Nursery
This week in Nursery we have continued to enjoy learning about 'People who help us'. This has meant re-reading our story of the week and taking on some roles ourselves. We have used the dressing up clothes to pretend to be a police officer, firefighter, supermarket worker, paramedic, refuse collector as well as many other jobs.
In maths we have continued to learn about patterns and we have been practising creating repeated patterns. We used patterns to decorate our gingerbread people too - ready for a Christmas display in the hall! We enjoyed taking part in PE in the hall and played a listening game called 'traffic lights'. It was really fun moving in different ways. It has been another fantastic week of playing and learning in Nursery!
🟥 Reception
Reception has had another busy, exciting week! Inspired by our learning topic for this half term, the children have been learning all about people who help us in our local community. We have been lucky enough to have some special visitors from the community come in to talk to us about their jobs and how they help the community. Sophie the midwife came in and also Reggie's Mum Natalie to talk about her role in recycling and the environment. We asked lots of questions and learnt lots about how they help our community.
In our provision we have been exploring lots of different activities about people who help us. We have been dressing up and helping the animals at the vets, becoming police and firefighters and also making some excellent artwork in our creative area using recycled materials!
🟦 Year 1
Year 1 have been gearing up for Christmas and getting ready for this year’s production of The Nativity. We have been learning lots of nativity-based songs, creating actions to go along with the words, and we have even included a little dancing. We are all so excited for you to come and see us!
In English we have started our new focus book ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers. We began the week by writing about what we would pack if we were to visit the South Pole. After that, we had an acting lesson where we created a freeze frame from the book and added a line to state how that character was feeling. This transitioned into our writing lesson in which we wrote down how the characters would be feeling as the story unfolded, using the emotions we had learnt the day before e.g. frightened, terrified, lonely and relieved.
In Science we have been continuing our work on materials and looking at the different properties of these, whether they are bendy, waterproof or absorbent. We have also learnt about what transparent and opaque means and looked at what objects have these properties.
In Geography, the children have extended the scale of their investigation of the school grounds, carrying out simple fieldwork in the area immediately local to the school. Using Google Maps, we went on a tour of Hampton and spotted different features virtually. We have also looked at the symbols used on maps and learnt what these means, using a key.
In Art, we have been looking at the London-born artists Chantelle Martin and Bridget Riley. We created our own patterns and used these to help us produce a larger scale piece of art inspired by these two artists.
In Maths, we have been continuing with our focus on subtraction. We have been using various methods, including taking away, breaking apart, counting on to find the difference and counting back using number lines. We have been using our part-whole models and ten frames to help us subtract one number from another and begun recording our answers as number sentences in various ways.
🟩 Year 2
Christmas has begun in Year 2 with us learning all of our wonderful songs for the Christmas show. We have really impressed our teachers learning the words and actions so quickly. A letter will be sent explaining costume requirements but all children will simply need black bottoms and a black top. The final touches to each role will be organised in school.
We have been busy thinking about subtraction in Maths this week, we have used our dienes to help us organise numbers into tens and ones before subtracting. We have thought about tricky number sentences such as 41-39= where we have to 'exchange' a 10 for 10 ones to help us solve our problem. We are practicing lots, please encourage us to show you our methods at home too.
In English we have continued focusing on non-fiction reports and have written our very first report all about ourselves. We thought carefully about the information we wanted to include and used subtitles for each paragraph.
To end the week we cannot wait to start our DT project. We are going to be exploring and tasting ingredients which we might use in our own Christmas wrap. We will taste test this week before we select our chosen ingredients ready to make our wraps next week- delicious!
The well being and safety of our children is everyone's responsibility. If you have concerns about a child please contact SPA on 547 5008 or out of hours on 0208 744 2442.
🎅Christmas 2023 Diary Dates
Messages from the Office
Social Media / Sharing and Celebrating
As a partnership, we are very proud of our communication systems and the feedback we receive from parents is very positive. However, we are also always looking for ways to further improve our offer.
HJS currently have an active Facebook page but we are considering either expanding this to include HISN, or looking to use an alternative platform.
The main purpose of the platform would be to share and celebrate events in school as well as send reminders out to parents.
Please could you indicate below which social media platform (if any) you would be most likely to engage with by clicking on the below link.
ℹ️Helpful School Information
Click on above tab to view HISN's virtual school tour
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815