Barry Bulletin
Barry Elementary Family Newsletter August 2024

Dear Barry Families,
I hope this message finds you well. As we progress through the school year, I want to take a moment to emphasize the importance of regular school attendance for your child's academic success. Our goal is for every student to be present for at least 90% of the school year, which means they should miss no more than 17 days out of our 170 student contact days.
To put this into perspective, if a student misses just 4 days each quarter, they can still achieve this 90% attendance goal. However, every day counts. When students miss school, they miss out on valuable learning opportunities that are crucial for their academic growth and overall success.
We understand that sometimes absences are unavoidable due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances. However, we encourage you to do everything in your power to ensure your student is at school every day. The more consistently they attend, the more they learn, and the better prepared they will be for future challenges.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child’s education. Together, we can help every student at Barry Elementary achieve their full potential.
📣 NEW News!
🎡 Wheel of Attendance
We are excited to introduce a new attendance incentive program that we’re launching this year: the Attendance Wheel!
Here’s how it works: Every Friday during lunch, we will spin our automated Attendance Wheel several times for each grade level. Students who have attended school 100% of the week will have their names entered into the Wheel. If the Wheel lands on your child's name, they will win a Gatorade and a small treat!
It’s important to note that only students who have been in attendance all week will be eligible to participate. While not everyone will win, every student who attends all week long will have their name on the Wheel and be rewarded for their commitment to being present at school.
We hope this fun and engaging incentive will encourage all our students to make consistent attendance a priority. Thank you for your continued support in helping us promote the importance of being in school every day.
From the Nurse
✍🏻 Parents: Please Complete our Stakeholder Requirements Survey by September 15
Platte County School District is reaching out to our parents and community members to gather feedback that will inform the development of our updated Strategic Plan for 2025-30. Please complete the short five-question survey linked below by September 15. Thank you for your feedback!
Homecoming 2024: GAME ON, October 7-12
Platte County School District's Homecoming festivities run October 7-12, 2024. This year's theme is "Homecoming 2024: GAME ON." Click here for the week's spirit days and festivities.
PCHS Student Council is also partnering with Glory Days Threads for an official Homecoming tee. Click here to order yours! The pre-sale will run until September 15. All orders will be delivered to PCR-3 schools on October 9. A portion of the proceeds from every shirt sold will be donated back to PCHS Student Council.
Additional information for parade entries will be sent soon.
New posts will be here: https://www.instagram.com/coachmoshpe/
Old posts here: https://x.com/i/flow/login?redirect_after_login=%2FCoachMosh
⛺Pirates R.O.C.K.! Monthly Character Trait: August 2024
Support Barry Elementary as a Pirates ROCK Star Business Partner!
Barry Elementary is seeking a second (or third) business partner to support our Pirates ROCK character education program! Your $500/year sponsorship includes:
- Participation in monthly character recognition events
- Logo and link in building parent and staff e-newsletters
- Logo and link on Pirates ROCK webpage
- Partnership status for flier/community event promotion on Community Events webpage and social media
- 18” x 24” poster displayed in building front office/entrance and additional poster and window cling offered for business to display
- Exclusive event table at annual staff Convocation in August
- Invitation to participate in other school-wide events
For more information or to sign up for this important program, contact Laura Hulett, Kacie Ambrose, or Dr. Mindy Wheeler.
Spirit Wear
We are excited to partner with the Barry Elementary PTA to offer Spirit Wear for the 2024-25 School Year! A portion of the proceeds from each sale will be donated back tot he PTA as a fundraising opportunity.
🔗 Important Links
🚌Transportation Changes
If you are needing to make a permanent change please use this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdctgWlI4RRV9QhrVKc2otnqLyVTOsfsbblv-LpDNBayDCNSg/viewform
📰Barry News Network
This is a link to our BNN channel, where students get the daily news and happenings of Barry Elementary! https://www.youtube.com/@BNNBarryNewsNetwork
🛒Barry'd Treasures
Please visit our Barry School Store website! If you have any questions, want to volunteer or make a donation, please contact Blaire Zessin or Teddi Weber.
🌳Family Resourses
Treasure Chest Support
The PCR-3 Treasure Chest is a stocked resource center providing food, milk, and toiletries for PCR-3 students and families in need. Qualifying families will receive a weekly form via email to sign up or can call 816-858-7001 for assistance.
Families will receive an email with approval to come to the Treasure Chest on Wednesdays from 4-6pm at the new Treasure Chest site (south side of Paxton building).
Operation School Bell
Operation School Bell provides new clothing, health supplies, books, and other essential items to local K-12 students in need.
4,557 K-12 students were served through Operation School Bell during the 2021-2022 school year, including:
- Elementary – 2,448
- Middle School – 608
- High School – 127
- Extended Calendar – 168
- Uniforms – 1,206
More than 52,000 students have been clothed over the 29-year history of Operation School Bell in our local community
🍕 Lunch, Visitor Sign Up & Menus
Parents & Guardians,
- Please only invite your specific children to eat with you.
- Help your children follow the lunchroom expectations the rest of the cafeteria is asked to follow like remaining at the table until their class is dismissed.
- When you have finished your lunchtime, please return to the front office rather than making rounds through the cafeteria to say hello to other students. The other students would love a wave though!
Thank you for wanting to be a part of our school community and we'll see you at lunch!
🍴 Online Meal Payments through Linq Connect
K-12 Payment Center is now Linq Connect, where parents can deposit money for meal transactions. Parents can access Linq Connect through this link or when signing in to PowerSchool Parent Portal. In addition to allowing for better and faster service to students during meal times at school, the online portion of this system allows guardians to set up scheduled meal deposits or deposits to accounts when falling below a certain amount. A transaction fee will be applied based on the amount of funds added. The Fees are 3.95% of the transaction total with a $2.85 minimum to be paid by the parent/cardholder.
To set up your student's account, you'll need their student ID number, which can be found on your Parent Portal. Parents can still deposit money for meal transactions by sending payment via check or cash to their child's school.
Coming-In the Building
Visitors to the building: you will always need to bring your ID with you when you come into the building. We will scan your ID into our safety system Platte County uses to ensure the safety and security of our students.
Early Check Outs
We ask that students be checked out NO LATER than 3:15. This is helpful as dismissal is our busiest time in the building. This will also ensure our dismissal team has time to be informed of changes. Please note that any check-outs before 3:50 reflect as an early dismissal on your students attendance.
Deliveries to Students
Students are not allowed to order or have deliveries sent to them at school.
🎫Digital Tickets
All Platte County R-3 athletic event tickets are now digital only. We no longer accept cash as the gate. Fans will purchase tickets online through GoFan or by presenting a card or mobile payment option at the ticket gate. Prices remain the same; a regular season game is $5 for adults and $3 for students. Below is our link to our digital tickets; please share this with any of your friends and family members that plan on attending our events and tell them to purchase tickets in advance to avoid long lines.
Digital Ticket Link:
Please note:
- PCR-3 staff members are admitted free to home and away regular season events by showing their staff ID at the gate. Please have your ID ready to show the gate workers.
- PCHS students and fans aged 55 and older are admitted free with a valid ID to regular season events.
- Everyone (including PCR-3 staff, PCHS students, and senior citizens) must purchase a ticket to any tournament or post season event.
Middle School/Elementary Attendance at PCR-3 Events
All middle school and elementary students (ages 6 and up) must purchase a digital ticket and must be accompanied by a supervising adult to attend PCR-3 athletic events. Middle school and elementary students are not allowed to be dropped off. If they do not have a supervising adult, they will not be allowed to attend.
Live Streaming
Most of our PCHS athletic events will be streamed on PCR3 Activities Youtube. Please share this link with friends and family members who are unable to attend in person.
✨Community Events
PCHS Cheer Super Saturday - Sept 14
PCHS Cheerleading is sponsoring their 38th annual “Super Saturday" cheer clinic on Saturday, September 14. Participants are invited to perform at the October 9 Victory Supper during Homecoming week. See flier for details and click here to pre-register.
📆Calendar/Dates to Remember
Sept 2 - Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
Sept. 3 - PTA Meeting 6:00pm
Sept. 4 - Picture Day!
Sept. 11-24 - MAJOR SAVER Fundraiser
Sept 16 - PLD - NO SCHOOL
Sept 19 - Board of Education Meeting
PTA Skate Night
Oct. 11 - Homecoming 3-Hour Early Dismissal
Oct. 17- PTA Skate Night
🕐 School Hours of Operation
Regular school day office hours run from 8:15am - 4:15pm.
- Students can enter the building- 8:30 a.m.
- Official start of school- 8:50 a.m.
- Dismissal- Car Riders and Y-Club-3:35 p.m.
- Dismissal-Bus Riders- 3:50 p.m.
Contact Us & Stay Connected
Principal: Kacie Ambrose
Email: ambrose.kacie@pcr3schools.org
Assistant Principal: Dr. Mindy Wheeler
Email: wheeler.mindy@pcr3schools.org
Website: https://barry.plattecountyschooldistrict.com/
Location: 2001 Northwest 87th Terrace, Kansas City, MO, USA
Phone: 816-436-9623