KMS Family Newsletter
Welcome Back!
Message from the Principal
Dear KMS Families,
Welcome back to another exciting school year at KMS! We hope you had a restful and enjoyable summer break. As we begin this new chapter, we wanted to share some important updates with you.
First and foremost, we want to extend a warm welcome to both new and returning families. We are thrilled to have you as part of our KMS community, and we look forward to working together to create a supportive and engaging learning environment for all our students.
To help keep you informed and connected, we offer the KMS Family Information Hub. This hub will serve as a central resource for parents, providing easy access to important information, updates, and resources. We understand that staying organized and up-to-date can be challenging, especially with busy schedules, so we hope this hub will be a valuable tool for you to have all the information you need at your fingertips.
In terms of safety and procedures, we want to inform you that all students are required to wear their Student IDs every day during the school year. A lanyard will be provided to your child on picture day when they receive their Student ID. This is an important measure to ensure the safety and security of our students and staff. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that your child wears their Student IDs at all times while on campus.
Lastly, we want to express our excitement about partnering with families this year. We believe that strong collaboration between home and school is essential for student success. We value your input, involvement, and support, and we are committed to working together to create the best possible educational experience for your child.
Thank you for your continued trust in KMS. We are looking forward to a fantastic year ahead!
Mrs. Skelton
Important Immunization Updates
Please take a moment to review the important updates from the Wisconsin Immunization Registry.
Upcoming Dates
August 27: 6th Grade Jump to the Middle 8:00-12:00, lunch included. (If you have not signed up, please use this link) Students should not bring their school supplies to Jump to the Middle, please bring them to Open House.
August 27: Open House, Grades 6-8, 3:30-5:30 (All parents and students should stop in the cafeteria to pick up their schedule and other paperwork)
September 3: First Day of School!
September 9- Walk the Schedule Night, 6:00-8:00 pm
September 19-20: 6th Grade Camp
October 14: Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:00-5:00pm; 5:00-7:00- Informational Rotations for Parents
January 30: Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:00-6:00
April 28: Incoming 6th Grade Informational Meeting 5:30-6:30
Choir Concert Dates:
All Concerts are held in the KHS Theater
November 4: 6th grade @ 6:30 and 7:15 7th and 8th grade
January 20: 6th grade @ 6:30 and 7:15 7th and 8th grade
March 17: 6th grade @ 6:30 and 7:15 7th and 8th grade
May 27: 6th grade @ 6:30 and 7:15 7th and 8th grade
Band Concert Dates:
December 9: 6th grade @ 6:30 and 7:15 7th and 8th grade (KMS Gym)
March 3: 6th grade @ 6:30 and 7:15 7th and 8th grade (KMS Gym)
May 20: 6th grade @ 6:30 and 7:15 7th and 8th grade (KHS Gym)
Communication Spotlight
School Bell Schedule:
7:15- Doors to KMS Open, Breakfast Served until 7:30
7:30- Class Begins, all students must be in their classroom ready to learn at 7:30
2:45- Dismissal
*If your child needs to wait for a ride past 3:00pm, they will need to wait in the main entrance vestibule.
Assignment Notebook
KMS provides an assignment notebook to all students at no cost. It is expected that students carry their assignment notebook and fill it out for each class every day. You can help by checking their assignment notebook at home. Homework will be clearly marked and you will also be able to see what the students did that day in their classes. Additionally, any missing assignments, current grades, and any individual teacher communication can all be found in there as well.
School Supply List
School Picture Information
Picture Day is September 12!
Kewaskum Middle School Picture Information
Kewaskum School District Picture Information (access to all other school's prepay link)
Stay in the Loop with Remind
KMS uses Remind as an optional communication tool. We send out timely information and reminders, some parents prefer this because you can receive it as a text message.
Download the Remind App and enter ONE of the following class codes:
The same information is sent to both groups. Since Remind has a participant limit, we created two groups to ensure everyone who wants to join can do so. You only need to join one group.
Note: The groups from last year have been archived, so if you were a member last year, you will need to sign up again this year.
Thank you!
Get Involved at KMS!
6th Grade Families:
Please see message from Mrs. Miller about your first opportunity to get involved at KMS:
I want to start by introducing myself. I am Jamie Miller, one of the 6th grade math teachers at Kewaskum Middle School, and 6th grade camp coordinator. Our 6th graders will be attending Camp Minikani Sept. 19 - Sept. 20, 2024. I am looking for parents who would be interested and able to chaperone as well as be a cabin leader and stay overnight in a cabin with a group of students. Please complete the survey if you are willing to chaperone and I will be contacting parents come the end of July/beginning of August to get background checks in order. Thanks again for your time and please let me know if you have any questions.
Club- Activity-Sport Updates
6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Boys and Girls Cross Country
Practice starts August 19, 2024
Practice times 2:50 - 3:50 pm, Monday - Friday!
Meet by the discus fields.
7th & 8th Grade Girls Basketball
Practice starts September 3rd! First day of school.
Practice times are - after school until 5 pm.
- Lego League
- Yearbook
Please complete the link below to be added to the rosters.
LINK - KMS Athletic Sign-up
KMS Spirit Wear! (Store is Open Year Round!)
- This Kewaskum Back-To-School Spirit Wear Sale is in full swing featuring all new designs! Order now and you'll save 30% off the entire site.
All clothing is delivered to your home, get ready for back to school with some great new Kewaskum gear!
KMS Spotlight
Welcome to our new staff members:
- Welcome Ms. Paige Airaudi, 7th grade special education teacher.
- Welcome Ms. Katy Warner, Special Education Paraprofessional.
- Welcome Ms. Amber Leszczynski, Special Education Paraprofessional.
- Welcome Ms. Andrea Yttri, long term substitute for Mrs. Philibeck.
- Welcome Ms. Tracy Werner, lunch supervision paraprofessional.
Message from the KHS Booster Club
Contact Information
Location: 1676 Reigle Drive, Kewaskum, WI, USA
Phone: 262.626.3104