Platte Co. Extension Happenings
October 2024
Welcome to Platte County's new monthly newsletter!
Weed Control Starts in the Fall!
By Kelly Feehan
Did you know fall is the best time to control weeds like dandelions and sweet clover in lawns?
(Click below for more)
4-H Youth Development - Sheila Hoppe
The Importance of Maintaining High Uniformity of Water with Center Pivots
by Bruno Patias Lena
A well-maintained center pivot is designed to operate with a Uniformity of Water Application (UWA) of over 90%. However, factors such as natural wear and tear of the sprinkler package and the installation or replacement of nozzles with improper sizes can reduce UWA, ultimately reducing yield. The negative impact of low UWA is generally larger during dry growing seasons when the total irrigation water requirement increases. This was the norm in 2022 and 2023 at several locations in Nebraska.
A group of extension educators assessed the Uniformity of Water Application (UWA) in three center pivots in Nebraska during the 2023 growing season. The objectives were to determine UWA before and after replacing nozzle packages to understand the impact of low UWA on crop yield. A catch-can test method was used to determine UWA by placing cups underneath the pivots to measure irrigation depth. One catch can test was conducted before, and another after the nozzles were replaced. This allowed not only checking for improvement in uniformity after nozzle replacement but also relating that to potential yield losses.
Before nozzle replacement, UWA values were 78%, 59%, and 23%. Post-replacement, UWA significantly improved to 92%, 90%, and 74%, respectively, demonstrating a clear link between maintenance practices and UWA levels. There was a substantial increase in yield uniformity from 2022 (irrigated with the old nozzle package) to 2023 (irrigated with the new nozzle package) (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Yield map in 2022 when pivot had old nozzles, and in 2023 with the new nozzles.
We conducted an economic analysis using yield data and found some interesting findings. Before conducting this analysis, we asked the grower what the expected yield average values for all his operation was. He mentioned that the yield average for all his operation would be at least 65 bu/ac for soybeans and 230 bu/ac for corn. In 2022, a substantial portion of the area yielded below the grower's specified threshold. This discrepancy from the farmer's anticipated yield values resulted in a significant potential yield loss for both soybeans and corn – $9,000 and $14,500, respectively — totaling about $23,500. When looking back into 2023’s yield map, the positive impact of yield stabilization is evident following the installation of the new nozzle package. Most of the area yielded at or above the 65/230 bu/ac threshold with little impact on profit.
Proactive measures, including simplified catch-can tests and regular checks of yield map data, are recommended for growers to assess UWA and identify potential issues. Replacing the nozzles can reduce potential yield losses by increasing UWA.
Platte County Extension Master Gardeners
The Nebraska Extension Master Gardeners Volunteer (NE-EMGV) program has dedicated volunteers, some of whom have devoted more than half of their lives to Extension, actively contributing to disseminating science-based resources and knowledge within communities. (Click the Master Gardener logo for more!)
Curious of Drought Conditions?
Growing to Sell at Farmer's Markets or Directly to Consumer
Session Topics:
Pesticide Updates - Learn about how pesticides can impact the growth of your plants, how it moves to non-target plants and what herbicide injury on your plants. Participants will also learn what to do to help protect your plants from drift and what to do if they are hit by herbicide drift.
Pricing and Marketing - Standing out at a market can be a challenge! Join us as we talk about branding your booth at the market and how to decide what your marketing plan and pricing strategy is going to look like going into the 2024 selling season.
Ecology of Production - Growing and managing a healthy crop is about more than just the plants. Supporting pollinators and other beneficial insects and wildlife can be just as important to the success of your harvest. Non-crop plants can increase productivity while decreasing inputs. From pollinator-friendly buffer strips to cover crops. This will provide some basic background and tips to support the whole ecosystem that is your farm.
Resource Panel - Learn more about your local resources to assist you in growing your operation. Resources may include: local NRCS, Farm-to-School, SARE, and other groups that are focused on helping and promoting producers in your local area.
Program Sites and Dates Include:
Norfolk, September 16, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., (Central Time), Northeast Community College
North Platte, September 23, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., (Central Time), Lincoln County Extension Office
Nebraska City, October 3, 8 a.m. to Noon, (Central Time), Kimmel Orchard
Scottsbluff, October 15, 8 a.m. to Noon, (Mountain Time), Panhandle Research and Extension Center
Omaha, October 23, 8 a.m. to Noon, (Central Time), Douglas/Sarpy County Extension Office
Wilber, October 30, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., (Central Time), Saline County Extension Office
The registration for this class is $30 in all locations.
Extension Publications Quick Access
Now you have quick access to NebGuides/Extension Circulars written for Nebraska. Numerous topics from gardening, lawn and tree care, nutrition, animal agriculture, food safety and much more.
First Time (or Veteran) Canner?
Canning can be a safe and economical way to preserve quality food at home. Home preserved foods can help provide a variety of nutritious meals all year long.
Packing Meals & Snacks for Student Athletes
Student athletes lead hectic lives, often juggling practices before and after school, along with traveling long distances for games or meets, sometimes returning home late at night. Providing balanced and appealing meals and snacks that fulfill their nutritional needs can be a challenge.
Interested in Becoming a Cottage Food Producer?
Browse "All Things Nebraska" (Click Image Below)
Platte County Extension Photos
Nebraska Extension Platte County Educators presented to the Columbus Area Chamber of Commerce's 24-25 class of Leadership Columbus for Education Day sharing expertise with these area business leaders.
Upcoming Events with Platte County Extension
October Extension Board Meeting
Notice is hereby given that meeting of the Platte County Extension Board of Directors will meet at the Platte County Extension Office Classroom, 2715 13 Street, Columbus, Nebraska, on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 8 p.m. An agenda of this meeting, kept continually current and subject to amendment/change, and is available for public inspection at the Extension Office during normal working hours.
Bradley Christensen