Austin High School
Black Bear News -- Mar. 2, 2025
Principal's Message
AHS Parents and Students,
On Tuesday, our Chorus and Band will have their State Assessments. Good luck to both!!
This week is the last week of the 3rd 9 weeks. Please encourage your students to finish strong.
Also, March 10 - 14 is the Spring Holidays for Decatur City Schools!
If you have a question or a concern, please feel free to email me at demond.garth@dcs.edu. #BestIsTheStandard!
Have a great day!
Spring Break - March 10 - 14
2025-2026 Course Verifications
- Students will receive their Course verifications on Monday, March 3rd in their 2B class.
- If your student is absent on Monday, they will need to pick up their verifications from Mrs. Saldana in the front office.
- If you have any questions about their course verifications, please contact your students counselor.
- Any changes to course verifications are due back by Friday, March 7th.
Last Chance for Senior Drape Picture
- If your student missed their drape photo, the photographer will be on campus March 17th.
- This will be the last time they will have an opportunity to get this picture taken.
Prom Tickets are now available for Purchase
- You may purchase a ticket from Mrs. Partain with cash or check in room A-100 or in the shop on S2 Pass.
- Outside guest forms are also located on Mrs. Partain's door.
- There are also Prom information packets in the Hallways.
AP Mock Exam Week
3M Scholarships
- Our wonderful Partner-In-Education, has two scholarships available.
All requirements are due to your school counselor by March 21st.
Please contact a counselor if you have any questions or concerns.
AHS Parking Decals are REQUIRED
AHS Counselors
Ann Faulk
256-552-3071 Ext. 6440
Joy Dixon
256-552-3071 Ext. 6408
Catrena Jackson
256-552-3071 Ext. 6424
AHS Administrators
Rachel Bailey
12th Grade Assistant Principal
Dr. Vivian Malone
11th Grade Assistant Principal
Regan Carpenter
10th Grade Assistant Principal
Connecting to AHS
Email: demond.garth@dcs.edu
Website: https://ahs.dcs.edu/
Location: 3004 Modaus Road Southwest, Decatur, AL, USA
Phone: 256-552-3060
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AHSBBN