The Star Inquire
September 2024
Meet your administration team!
Rachel Sullivan - Principal
Narda Harber - Assistant Principal
Justina Record - Principal Resident
A Message From Our Front Office
🌟Dear Rivera Families🌟
Thank you for allowing us to serve you. We encourage you to log into your Home Access Center (HAC) now. There, you can view your students' teachers, report cards, and their attendance records, including absences and tardies. If you need assistance setting up HAC, please call the front office at 940-369-3800.
A few reminders about our school schedule:
- Morning arrival is from 7:15 am to 7:40 am.
- Learning begins promptly at 7:40 am, any students arriving after 7:40 am must be checked in at the front office by a guardian.
- If there is a need for a change in your child's transportation for the day, please notify us by 2:00 pm.
- The cutoff for early student pickup is at 2:30 pm.
- Dismissal starts at 3:00 pm.
Our School Theme This Year!
Free Breakfast and Lunch For This School Year!
We need your help!
We are pleased to announce that Denton ISD has been approved for a federal program that will provide free breakfast and lunch for all students – regardless of their eligibility for free and reduced lunch – at 10 campuses across the district.
We need your help to continue this for next school year, please click this link and fill out the form.
Student Support Team
A Message From Our Student Support Team
The district has adopted STOPit as their new reporting app and will replace Safe Schools. With STOPit, you have the power to protect yourself and others from harmful, inappropriate, or unsafe behavior. Use the STOPit mobile app to anonymously report incidents to your school. Reporting is completely anonymous. You can include text, images or video. It only takes a few seconds. Report incidents such as:
Cyberbullying or cyber abuse
Violence, threats, or weapons possession
Alcohol or drug-related issues
Ethics violations such as cheating or plagiarism
Tomas Rivera STOPit code: TomasRivera
Star Camps
Let's Act Like A Star!
Our students have been applying what they learned during our beginning-of-the-year STAR camps. These camps taught them the procedures and expectations for navigating our hallways, cafeteria, restrooms, playground, and the new science lab, as well as during arrival and dismissal. This foundation is essential for creating a safe and welcoming environment for everyone. We are proud of how they have demonstrated initiative and leadership skills.
STAR Camp: Restrooms
STAR Camp: Cafeteria
STAR Camp: Hallways
STAR Camp: Arrival
STAR Camp: Playground
STAR Camp: Dismissal
Meet Our Teachers and Support Staff
5th Grade Team
CISNT Daytime Case Management Site Coordinator
Communities In Schools Of North Texas
Hey Rivera Families!
It has been a pleasure meeting the students and their families over the last few weeks. I am thrilled to be able to support the Rivera Community. Communities in Schools has been supporting students by offering school supplies, snacks, and clothing. If you require further assistance, kindly reach out to me at (940) 369-3806 or via email at
Additionally, I strongly believe in the power of community support. Currently, we have a shortage of small-sized clothing (4T and 5T). If you have any gently used clothes to donate, please consider contributing to our closet.
It's been an amazing beginning to the school year, and I'm excited to be here at Rivera!
Samantha Guerra Pereyra
Case Management Site Coordinator, Rivera Elementary
Communities In Schools of North Texas
(O) 940-369-3806 Hablo Español
Apply for CIS Services at Rivera-
Lunch Menu
Important Dates
Mark Your Calendars!
- 9/02 - Labor Day (No School)
- 9/03 - Hat Day
- 9/16 - Hispanic Heritage Month Begins
- 9/20 - Early Release at 12:00 PM
- 9/23 - Rivera's Book Fair
- 9/24 - Rivera's Book Fair
- 9/25 - Rivera's Book Fair
- 9/26 - Rivera's Book Fair
- 9/27 - Rivera's Book Fair
- 9/27 - Breakfast with Grandparents from 7:30 am-8:00 am
- 10/1 - Rivera Stars Deep in the Heart of Denton from 4:15 pm-8 pm
- 10/10 - Academic STEAM Night from 5:30 pm-7:30 am
- 10/17 - Children's Medical Providing a Presentation on Safety
- 10/24 - Distribution and installation appointment for free booster seats
Early Release Information
Extended Daycare Program
Denton ISD will provide engagement for students on the upcoming early release day, September 20th, 2024, from 12:00 pm until 3:00 pm for elementary children.
The Extended School Day program will coordinate with each campus to provide engaging activities for students while teachers are participating in Professional Learning Communities. In addition, Denton ISD transportation will be provided at both the early release time (12:00pm) and the regular release time (3:00 pm) for all eligible elementary bus students. If you indicate on the form that your child will ride the bus, please notify the ESD office 24 hours prior to the Early Release Day if there has been a change in pick up plan.
Parents must sign up each month to participate.
If you have any questions regarding this, please contact the Extended School Day office at 940-369-0080.
Participation in this opportunity will require completion of the form below. All forms must be submitted no later than midnight on Saturday, September 14th, 2024 to participate.
Book Fair Deets
Your purchase helps to directly support our students and our school.
We highly recommend creating an eWallet as a safe, cash-free way for your child to make purchases. Cash, check, and credit card are also accepted. Visit our school’s Scholastic Book Fair website for more information and to set up your child’s e-wallet now! Please note that sales tax will be added to the purchase when sending cash.
Nurse Lauren's Corner
A Message from Nurse Lauren
We have already seen the increase in beginning of school-related illnesses that is typical this time of year, so I wanted to inform or remind you all of the instances when not to send your child to school and illness guidance as it relates to school.
The information can be found at the following links: When To Keep Your Child Home From School and Respiratory Virus School Guidance, which is also on the Denton ISD website under the ‘Health Services’ tab . This is, of course, for the health and well-being of our students, staff and families. Thank you all for your diligence with this, please reach out with any additional questions.
To keep you informed, as part of the Texas Department of State Health Services requirements, I will begin health screenings later this month and will continue through October. Please see below what grades will participate and what screenings they will have:
Pre-K, Kinder– Vision and Hearing
1st, 3rd, 5th – Vision, Hearing, and Type II Diabetes Risk Assessment
If your student wears glasses or contacts, it is important that they wear them daily to prevent an unnecessary health referral. If your student has hearing loss and is under the care of a physician, you may submit documentation to skip the referral process.
If your student does not meet the screening requirements, you will get an email from me with a referral for additional health screenings.
Female students aged 10, or in their fall semester of 5th grade, will have spinal screenings completed in October. Please watch for an email from me with more information closer to that time.
If you would like more information regarding required health screenings, please visit the following websites:
- Vision
- Hearing
- Type II Diabetes Risk Assessment
- Spinal
Take care,
Lauren Britt, RN, BSN
Tomas Rivera Elementary School Nurse
(940) 369-3805
Resources for Families
Open Door Policy
In Denton ISD, we believe our schools are a reflection of our community. Our mission to empower life-long learners to become engaged citizens who positively impact our local and global community can only be accomplished through open and honest conversation between our families and staff. To efficiently address any concern families may have, we strongly encourage all communication to begin at the level closest to the concern.
Our Communication Commitment: Building Positive Relationships Between Denton ISD Staff & Communities
Denton ISD is committed to building positive partnerships between our staff and the communities we serve through positive and clear communication, acting as a bridge for community engagement, which leads to effective outcomes. When our staff and community work together, we set our students up for success, ensuring they are future ready.