Washington Technology Middle School

Eagles Eye Newsletter November 2024 Edition
Dear WTMS Families,
Welcome to the November edition of the Eagles Eye Newsletter! As the weather gets cooler and the holiday season approaches, we have plenty of exciting news, events, and reminders to share with you. Here’s what’s happening at our school this month.
Important Information
Join the Washington Middle School Leadership Team
- Looking for community members of our school
- One meeting a month, on Friday morning
Dates to Remember
Thurs. Nov. 7th - End of Quarter 1
Fri. Nov. 8th - NO SCHOOL
Mon. Nov. 11th - Quarter 2 Begins
Tues. Nov 12th - Phillip Eye Institute Screening Event (7th Grade)
Thurs. Nov. 28th - Fri. Nov. 30th Thanksgiving Break
Thurs. Dec. 12th - PICTURE RETAKE DAY 8:30 am - 12:00 pm
📋 Reminders
- Have your student bring their iPad fully charged!
- Please review the electronics expectations with your student.
- Cell phones will not be allowed during school hours 8:15am-3:00pm *NEW POLICY*
- If you need to speak with your student call (651) 293-8830
- We believe human interaction is important, talk to one another!
- Electronics are disruptive
- Can cause student conflict
- Students don't need them
- Electronics go missing
- Attendance matters!
- All students must attend each class and remain in class
- If students leave class this effects their learning outcomes
Washington Sports Expectations and Reminders
Girls Basketball
Girls Basketball practice starts Monday, November 11th at 3pm in the aux gym.
🥅 Washington Sports Expectations and Reminders
It is an expectation student-athletes are attending practice consistently.
No Practice Time= No Contest Time.
School Attendance:
It is expected that student-athletes attend a full day of learning by showing up to their classes on time. All student-athletes need to be in attendance by 11:00 AM to participate in practice/contests unless an excused absence is marked and communicated in advance to the attendance clerk by their parent/guardian.
Safety, Security, and Supervision:
Student-athletes are to exit the building within a reasonable amount of time (10 minutes or less) following the conclusion of home practice/contests.
If students are in the building after school hours, they need to be under supervision of a staff member.
Varsity locker rooms are designated spaces for in season student-athletes; they are not spaces for students to hang out. All student-athletes need to limit time/use for the designated purposes of locker rooms: changing, showering, and/or using restrooms.
Following contests of away events, students are to call for rides as they get on the bus, so rides can be called for pickup upon return... Coaches are to remain with students until student-athletes are picked up/leave out from Washington following away contests.
In-season student-athletes get in free to home contests at Washington; they must check in with the admissions gate to indicate the team they are on.
Contest Safety Policies and Practices: spectator expectations for athletic events.
Students need to have transportation arranged for pick up at the end of practice/contests and are NOT to be unsupervised in the building following their assigned programming.
***If middle school students are attending games (high school or middle school), they need to have a supervising adult with them for the duration of the event.
Afterschool For Middle School
🧩 FlipSide
The Fall/Winter session of Flipside has started at Washington and is offering 17 enriching classes to students! It's not too late to sign up. Flipside is completely free! Daily snack and transportation are provided. Check out the class list and join! Programming is 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm, Monday through Thursday!
Please reach out to Nina Nguyen with any questions or concerns, nina.nguyen@spps.org.
Upcoming Events
Family Engagement Event
"Together We SOAR" Family Engagement Event
December 19, 2024
5pm - 7pm
Dinner Provided
Title One Sponsored Event
Language interpreters and/or child care upon RSVP
Lunch Menu
Hennepin Healthcare
Hennepin Healthcare is putting on several youth summits this year for asian, latine, black, and indigenous youth age 12-18 interested in learning more about careers in healthcare. Learn more here: https://www.hennepinhealthcare.org/talentgarden/
Thanksgiving Meal/Turkey Giveaway Resources
List of resources for Thanksgiving meal and/or turkey giveaways. All of these events are first come first serve, so registration is encouraged.
🥳 Congratulations to all students awarded October's Student of the Month and Top Library Patrons !!!
"Keep up the good work!"
Follow Us:
Facebook: Washington Technology Middle School
Instagram: wtmsmiddle