Mary Hogan Family Newsletter
Update from Principal Jen Kravitz
Dear Mary Hogan Families,
These days go so quickly at the end of the school year and are so bitter sweet. This week had us out and about Addison County. Too late for this edition of the newsletter - so in next week's, are the 3rd and 5th grade field trips (to Crown Point and Shelburne Museum, respectively).
There were so many highlights of the week for me here. One was hearing a student say "I want to be a teacher" after learning about the story of Judy Heumann's life and advocacy for people with disabilities. Another was hearing how excited the 5th graders were to go to MUMS after their visit: "We don't have to walk in lines in the hall and can talk to friends!". I had a chance to hang out and read with preschoolers and see 1st graders programming bee robots. Kindergarteners invited me to learn with them in 3 group literacy rotation. I also go to see the 4th graders' personalized pencils from the Maker Space and chat with many students at recess. All of these interactions have been so filling.
Yet, the best part of my week was seeing the whole school out cheering today for the MUHS seniors in their final parade over to the Memorial Sports Center before their graduation tomorrow. Students were so excited about seeing people they knew, cheering on the older students, and celebrating them with a parade! Check out the Instgram stories for some videos of what it looked like, if your are curious.
One more week ahead. I know it will be FABULOUS!
Be well,
Last Student Day is...
June 14, 2024.
Upcoming Events
June 11 - Last Day of Preschool, Conklin & Leavitt to to Middlebury College Maker Space
June 12 - Final All School Meeting - Chorus & Band Concert, Kindergarten Pizza Party, 5th grade pool party
June 13 - 1.30pm - 5th Grade Promotion
June 14 - Last Student Day! 5th grade send off breakfast, kindergarten fun day, 3rd grade pool party, 5th grade final parade, AND at 5pm - MESA end of year Dance Party at the Middlebury Rec Center (See below for more)
This Week at Mary Hogan
Biking in the Sun
Preschoolers had a biking day this Monday and it was a BIG hit!
Exploring the Trails
4th graders explored Robert Frost Trails and learned about prescribed burns from the US Forest Service
Readers Gonna Read
The Free Book Give Away had Hawks reading all over school this week!
A Last Story Time
This week heralded the last of a few things, including a last story time.
Past and Present
Library News!
The Mary Hogan library was super busy this year helping so many amazing readers! Our students and staff have borrowed over 20,600 books since September! Now, it is time for everyone to return the items they borrowed. Please search your homes, cars, and backpacks for library materials and return them as soon as possible! Thank you for your cooperation!
Every kindergarten student has worked all year on an ABC book of projects during library time! They were sent home today and we hope that families take time to look at their child's work and see the titles of the books we have been reading during library class.
This week, all students were given free books to take home and keep! A special thanks to Bonnie's Book Foundation and Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) for providing our students with these brand new books! We hope that everyone continues reading during the summer months!
MESA Message
End of Year Dance Party
Please join your classmates and their families in celebrating the last day of school with a dance party at the Recreation Center (154 Creek Rd.) from 5-7pm on June 14! Entry is by donation. Parents please remain in the company of your children. Hot dogs, drinks, snacks, and dessert will be available for purchase. DJing provided by Midd Town Melodies. Music requests are allowed with a $1 donation per song request. Come dance, let loose, and enjoy the end of the school year! Sponsored by MESA!
Family Resources & Opportunities
Tiger Football Youth Skills Clinic
Sponsored by – Friends of Middlebury Football (FOMF) and Middlebury Union High
School (MUHS) Athletics
Date & Time: Tuesday - Friday, June 18 - 21, 8:30 AM - Noon
Ages: Grades 4 - 8 (for the 2024-25 school year)
Location: Doc Collins Field - MUHS
Cost: $20.00 ($40.00 max for immediate family) *Scholarships available upon request: contact John Nuceder - 802-989-8642 or
MUHS Assistant Varsity football coach, John Nuceder, other High School and Flag Football coaches, and former Tigers will instructor clinic participants. The emphasis is for young athletes to have fun, be active, and learn skills for each position, offense and defense. Each clinic session will be station based learning organized by age. No equipment is needed. Please wear comfortable footwear for a lot of movement, as well as weather appropriate clothing. No previous experience necessary.
Free Food for Kids This Summer
Fun in the MiddSummer!
For Incoming Mary Hogan Kindergarten Students!
4th Grader & Families - Explore National Parks for Free!
Every Fourth Grader can get a free pass for themselves and their families to all the national parks/lands in the US. Here's a link if you'd like to share with your students.
Want to help out at Mary Hogan? - Sign up to be a volunteer!
Want to know more about the Volunteer Process? Check out more information HERE.
Photos of the Week
For more awesome photos, check out the Instagram account, below!
Connect on Social Media!
STUDENT ABSENCES: 802-382-1401
STAFF ABSENCES: 802-382-1498
TELEPHONE: 802-388-4421
FAX: 802-382-1405