The Vase
Painting Forms and Creating Meaning
- Use white and black paint to model a 3D vase form that will be used as a symbol for me in a composition.* Symmetry will be used in the form
- Create a mixed media composition that uses symbolism to communicate ideas about me.
- Develop symbolic meanings for forms and patterns in my work to create a personal visual language.
Vase (aka Vessel)
. noun
a vessel, as of glass, porcelain, earthenware, or metal, usually higher than it is wide, used chiefly to hold cut flowers or for decoration.
- We are learning about how to take a flat shape and give it form.
- Here we will be working with white vases.
- What do you notice about these forms?
- How would you begin to draw them?
- We will start with a pencil drawing and then use black and white paint to form the shape.
- You will have to think about light source and shadows to make this convincing.
- Notice how these form cast shadows.
- Notice the positive and negative space the symmetry of the vase creates….
- But the vase is more than just something to put flowers in…this year we are focused on symbolism in art....
- How could the vase be a symbol?
Some philosophical traditions , as well as some religious ones…saw the human body as a vase that holds our spirit. Think about how we are symmetrical too....like the vase...
Now…Imagine you are a vase that is full of cracks and holes and yet your purpose is to carry water. It will be very hard to fulfill your purpose if you are a damaged form. If you are spending all your energy just trying to carry the water you can't enjoy the views during your adventure.
Lots of people have leaky vases and never notice they are spilling all over the place, unable to contain themselves.
How beautiful the vase is doesn’t matter if it cannot hold water. Function and form must work together.
Mending Broken Vases
Our Assignment:
We will be using the idea of the vase in a symbolic way. Put on your abstract thought hat and think about what shape you would be if you were a vase. This is not about your literal shape. Think about how open you are with others, how giving you are, how much you have to offer others.
Our vase will be a simple form with no color…only black and white in greyscale. This helps us learn to model 3D form while also thinking symbolically.
After we paint the vase we will create a collage and mixed media composition that also tells a symbolic story about you. The patterns and designs you choose for your collage can represent the way you want the outside world to view you. Think about what colors and patterns you might use to represent a cheerful or outgoing personality verses a low key and shy personality.
Finally you will incorporate a silhouette or simple shape of a symbol to represent something about you that you keep to yourself.
All of this should come together in a unified composition with attention to detail and the Principals of Design.
- Create a pencil line drawing of “your vase” – use black and white paint to model the 3D form (you can cut out the shape and trace it to achieve symmetry).
- Collage a newspaper or other neutral toned paper background; delineate the table form with your collage.
- Cut out your vase and collage it to the background.
- Paint/color/design in a pattern in areas of your background (think of colors and shapes that represent your outward expression).
- Add a personal symbol in areas for interest. It can be outlined or silhouetted. This can be done in paint or colored pencil. It should be subtle.
Once You Finish
Submit artwork and statement on Schoology (6th and 7th grade only)