Nichols Leadership Academy News #18
A Leader in Me School
Sunday Announcement!
Hello Navigators,
It was so great to participate in the Great Kindness Challenge this week. We now need to keep the kind acts going. Everyone being kind, all the time, really makes a huge positive impact on us all!
The book fair begins on February 3rd in our Library. Check out this link for more information.
On Wednesday night we held a parent meeting to discuss concerns related to hate speech, derogatory words being said and unkind words and acts. The meeting was productive and valuable insight from parents was received. We will continue to work through these issues and work to maintain the positive atmosphere of Nichols. Please see these resources about how to talk to your students about race. We will plan other meetings and share more resources in the future.
Talking Race with Young Children
Please see the information below about immigration in the section below.
The at home challenge is still on for students to put first things first and be leader ready for school. Once the bingo card is competed, students can return it to their teachers for 5 Sail Tickets!
Can't wait to see everyone this week!
Community News
Every family should know that every child in the Oceanside Unified School District (OUSD) has the Constitutional right to attend school regardless of immigration status. OUSD does not request or record information about a student’s immigration status. Federal and state laws protect student information from disclosure to others, including Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). OUSD does not permit non-students, including ICE agents, access to OUSD facilities unless they can produce a warrant signed by a federal judge. School administrators will not permit the disclosure of confidential student information without first consulting their attorney to make sure that the information has been properly subject to a federal judge’s warrant.
Families should consult community resources to learn their rights and additional information will be provided to help families access these resources
Please see below for resources to support:
Community Resource Guide including immigration support services: English & Spanish
SDCOE Resource Page for educators, families and students
Todas las familias deben saber que cada niño en el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Oceanside (OUSD) tiene el derecho constitucional de asistir a la escuela sin importar su estado migratorio. El OUSD no pide ni anota información sobre el estado migratorio de un estudiante. Las leyes federales y estatales protegen la información de los estudiantes de ser divulgada a otros, incluyendo al Servicio de Control de Inmigración y Aduanas (Immigration and Customs Enforcement o ICE, por sus siglas en inglés). El OUSD no permite que personas que no sean estudiantes, incluyendo agentes de ICE, accedan a las instalaciones del OUSD a menos que puedan producir una orden judicial firmada por un juez federal. Los directores escolares no permitirán la divulgación de información estudiantil confidencial sin primero consultar con su abogado para garantizar que la información sea sujeta a una orden judicial de un juez federal.
Las familias deben consultar los recursos comunitarios para conocer sus derechos y se brindará información adicional para ayudar a las familias a acceder a estos recursos.
Recursos de apoyo:
Política de la Junta [en inglés] y Reglamento administrativo del OUSD [Se puede cambiar a español]
Guía de recursos comunitarios que contiene servicios de apoyo para inmigrantes: Español e inglés
Página web de Familias y comunidad del OUSD [Se puede cambiar a español]
Página web de Recursos del SDCOE para educadores, familias y estudiantes [Algunos enlaces disponibles en español]
Página web de Recursos de MiraCosta College [Se puede cambiar a español y otros idiomas]
Stay Connected, Stay Prepared with Genasys Protect
The Oceanside Police Department, in partnership with Oceanside Unified School District, invites families to use Genasys Protect for real-time emergency updates. This trusted platform ensures your privacy, sharing information only when necessary to protect our community. With location-based alerts from emergency services like Fire, Police, and Community Managers, Genasys Protect keeps you informed and prepared. Access it via the website or app for reliable updates tailored to your area.
These amazing Leaders take charge and lead the flag salute every month!
Counselor's Corner!
Oceanside Unified School District has partnered with Care Solace to help families in need of mental health support. This services can help quickly find available services. To access this service call 888-515-0595 or visit their website at www.caresolace.com/ousd. If you have any questions about this or other school counseling services please reach out.
Safety Enhancement System
Hello Nichols Families,
After successfully piloting a school safety and audio system at two of our schools during the 23-24 school year, at the June 2024 Board of Education meeting, the Board approved installing this system at all OUSD schools.
This enhancement serves as an update to our current bell and intercom system. Each classroom teacher will have a device on a lanyard that amplifies sound throughout the
classroom during every lesson. Every student, no matter where they sit, will be able to clearly hear the teacher and information being taught.
Along with audio and video capabilities, the new device incorporates a safety notification button to alert administration and front offices of any emergency situation. In the event of a classroom emergency, the teacher can activate the camera for office staff to view the situation. The device identifies the exact location to initiate school safety protocols. Further, and only in the event of a lockdown or active shooter emergency, Oceanside Police Department can utilize these same cameras to access views into classrooms and throughout the school.
Thank you for your constant support as we work to provide a safe and modern learning
environment for all! Slide Deck with more information.
Leader in Me
As a Leader in Me School we practice the 7 Habits. These habits are helpful in many aspects of life. Below are resources to emphasize the habits at home.
Habit 1 - Be Proactive
Habit 2 - Begin with the End in Mind
Habit 3 - Put First things First
Habit 4 - Think Win-Win
Habit 5 - Seek First to Understand and then be Understood
Habit 6 - Synergize
Habit 7 - Sharpen the Saw
Check out this video about the 7 Habits and a Leader in Me School.
Nichols PTO
Please join our PTO . Check out the PTO Newsletter.
The BASE PROGRAM provides Before & After School care. If you are interested in enrolling your Child, please contact them through their website.
Nichols YouTube Channel!
Chain of Communication
Nichols Elementary
Navigators always strive to be their personal best - to be Leaders now and in the Future!
Nichols Navigators are motivated, optimistic, creative problem solvers, and life-long learners. We demonstrate leadership, responsibility and synergize through partnerships.
Email: attendance.nichols@oside.us
Website: https://www.oside.us/nichols
Location: 4250 Old Grove Road, Oceanside, CA, USA
Phone: (760) 435-7400
Facebook: facebook.com/infopage4us
X: @Nichols_Navig
Principal - Robert Flaherty
Email: robert.flaherty@oside.us
Phone: 760-435-7400
X: @RobertFOUSD