Crest View Paw Prints
November 21st, 2024
Nov. 25-29 - No School
Dec. 3 - Last day to donate coats for Coat Drive
Dec. 5, 5:30-7:00 pm - ROCV Community Meeting
Dec. 7, 11:00 am-2:00 pm - Parade Float Construction
Dec. 7, 6:00 pm - Lights of December Parade
Message from the Principal
As you know we are redesigning our school vision which will direct the future of Crest View. I provided a link to a survey in an earlier Paw Prints, however we only received 29 submissions from parents. Feedback from parents was that the survey was too long. I have modified the survey to be much shorter and all answers are optional. I invite you to take a few minutes to complete this survey so that your voice is heard. Thanks so much for your support!
The cafeteria is now open for breakfast at 7:30 am. Students will need to enter through the front entrance and go directly to the cafeteria. They will stay in the cafeteria until 7:40 when outdoor supervision starts. Please note: The cafeteria will stop serving breakfast at 8:15 am.
As the cold weather sets in we will have less students riding their bikes or walking to school. This means there will be more car traffic during drop off and pick up. Please remember these important safety rules:
Avoid U-turns in front of the school,
Avoid parking on either side of Sumac Road at the Hug n Go Lane.
Turn right when coming out of the main parking lot.
4th and 5th grade parents are encouraged to pick/drop off on Upland.
1st-3rd grade parents are encouraged to use the Hug n Go Lane.
Kinder parents are encouraged to use the main parking lot.
Please consider connecting with your neighbors and use the SchoolPool program
Crest View Parent Feedback Survey (September Results)
Please read the results of last month's comments linked above. We will continue to use the Parent Feedback Survey to monitor our delivery of the Crest View Vision and Mission. We had 6 comments in August and 4 in September.
School Accountability Committee: Meeting Recap
On Nov. 13th, 2024, the Crest View SAC met to discuss the district and school-wide budgeting process, CVE’s revisioning planning, Unified Improvement Plan (UIP) update, and a general discussion on Crest View enrollment trends. Principal Hamilton outlined the building blocks of CVE’s budget, and potential changes to budget in the coming years. We discussed enrollment trends at Crest View, and noted that many students zoned for Crest View as their neighborhood school choose to attend other schools in BVSD instead (e.g., UniHill, BCSIS, High Peaks, Foothill). We also discussed feedback that has come in from the CVE Revisioning Survey. Principal Hamilton and SAC would really appreciate more feedback from the parent community to aid in the revisioning process and help determine what Crest View focuses on in the coming years. If you haven’t yet had a chance, please fill out our Crest View vision survey. And as always, thanks for reading! Please email Principal Hamilton if you’d like to learn more about SAC and join us.
Crest View News
Click here to watch this week’s episode of CVTV.
Rotary Club Coat Drive final days!
Thank you for your contributions to the coat drive (coats, boots, hats, gloves, mittens). If you have not already donated and would like to, you have until Dec. 3rd to be sure they get counted. Donation boxes will be picked up on Dec. 4th.
Lost & Found
The Lost & Found is getting full! Please stop by or remind your students to claim their items. Unclaimed items will be donated over Thanksgiving Break.
Giving Snowman
The Giving Snowman, a Crest View tradition, is here! We still have quite a few spots to fill. Please consider sponsoring a family if you are able. Use this link to sign up!
Thanks for sharing the joy of giving to our wonderful community at this time of year.
BVSD Choice Enrollment Window Now Open through Jan. 8
The Boulder Valley School District is now accepting applications for choice enrollment. The Boulder Valley School District welcomes both students from outside our district and those who want to choose a school outside of the neighborhood school to participate in our Choice Enrollment process.
Increase your chances for an offer by applying by Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2025
Apply anytime before Jan. 8: It doesn’t matter whether you apply on the first day of the window or the last day. Families have equal possibilities of getting the school of their choice, as long as it is during the window.
Applications and information: Get all the details and apply today at www.bvsd.org/parents-students/enrollment-center/choice-enrollment
Lottery results will be sent on or about Jan. 10
OmniSalud Enrollment Open
The annual enrollment period for OmniSalud is November 1 - January 15. Omni Salud provides undocumented individuals living in Colorado with a fully secure and confidential platform to obtain low-cost or regular-cost health coverage. Enrollment for the low-cost option is limited and available spots will fill quickly.
Re-enrollment for current enrollees: November 1 - November 22, 2024
Action Required: Current enrollees in OmniSalud Silver Enhanced Savings $0 plans must log in, complete a new application, and enroll in coverage for next year. This process is not automatic. Eligibility requirements, including income, still apply.
General enrollment: 8 a.m. on November 25, 2024 - January 15, 2025
Spaces are limited for $0 plans for 2025. Anyone can apply for any remaining Silver Enhanced Saving spots at this time. Once the $0 plans are gone, the full-price plans will continue to be available until January 15. There is no limit on the number of full-price plans available.
School Aged Care
Enjoy our November After School Newsletter!
Update from our Specials Teachers
November Specials Corner Updates
School lunch reminder: Pick 3 to make it free!
School lunch is free for all students this school year. However, by federal guidelines, a school meal must include at least three components to qualify as "free". We understand that some students who bring lunch from home may still want to have school milk or something from the salad bar and families may be confused when there’s a charge for these items. BVSD Food Services shares a simple way to avoid these extra charges by selecting the three required items for a meal. Read more: School lunch reminder: Pick 3 to make it free
ROCV (ReachOut Crest View) News
Downtown Boulder | Saturday, December 7th, 2024 | 6 pm
After an outstanding float in 2023, Crest View plans to participate again this year! An annual winter tradition in Boulder, the parade is a fun way to represent our school in the community while bringing OUR community together.
Volunteers have already begun planning, but the magic happens 12/7 from 11a-2p in the Crest View parking lot. Mark your calendars! Students and family members are welcome to walk in the parade and/or help with planning and building the float. Students, teachers, and staff have created decorations and graciously donated time and resources to this CV tradition since 2019. This year's theme is once again "Candy Cane Village"! Gear up in your best red and white decorations, outfits, costumes or better yet wear your Crest View school gear. Crest View is Float #13
More info to follow regarding specific volunteer opportunities. Questions can be sent to Chris Angelovic: parade@rocv.org
How to sign up: https://bvsd.helpatschools.com/schools/7/events/12357
Support Crest View with your Thanksgiving Food Shopping!
-Use a reloadable ROCV Safeway card for 5% of your purchase to go to ROCV. Need one? Send your student’s name and teacher to shoppingrewards@rocv.org and we’ll send a card home with them.
-Shop at King Soopers? Link your loyalty rewards card with ROCV. Works with all Kroger family stores. Instructions here: https://rocv.org/shopping/king-soopers/
Food Pantry Accepting Halloween Candy Donations
Did your expert trick-or-treaters collect mounds of candy this Halloween? Well, the Food Pantry is accepting candy donations and will re-purpose them in our weekly food bag program. Please label your candy bag "Pantry" and drop off at the front desk or contact us at foodpantry@rocv.org.
Square 1 Art
Square 1 Art takes your child's artwork and turns it into timeless keepsakes - magnets, ornaments, necklaces, coffee cups, and more. These make perfect and unique gifts for family, friends, and the artist! Each student should have received a personalized catalog in Friday folders last week.
Order online by Dec 2nd to receive your keepsakes by the holiday. A portion of each purchase supports Crest View!
Financial assistance is available! Email us at square1art@rocv.org to request a free keepsake for your student All requests are confidential with no questions asked.
Reminder to continue to donate your milk caps to the Milk Caps to Moola program. MILK CAPS for MOOOLA is a program sponsored by Longmont Dairy that helps students earn money for their school and students. Longmont Dairy milk caps are worth 5¢ each and are redeemable for cash by participating schools only. Participating is easy as 1-2-3!
1. Drink Longmont Dairy Milk (All caps from Longmont Dairy products in our glass bottles are eligible)
2. Save the bottle caps. Save as many as you can—from your bottles, or collect them from your family and neighbors.
3. Bring your milk caps to school and put them into the collection box located just outside the main entry to the school.
Longmont Dairy is also holding an eggnog bottle design contest. Click HERE for more details!