Cub Connection
August 11
CELC News & Updates
Hello CELC Families,
Can you believe that we only have 3 more days until school starts? Our staff can't wait to welcome our 2024-25 Cubs!
Here are a few updates to help keep you up-to-date:
On Monday, August 12th, our office will be closed from 7:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for an all staff training. We apologize for the inconvenience.
The first day of school is Wednesday, August 14th. See schedule below.
Class lists will be posted outside on the front gate on or before 3:00 p.m. on August 13th. They will also be available on ParentVUE as well.
The first 8 days of school are minimum days. The student dismissal time is at 1:05 p.m. to allow time for teachers to meet with students individually and complete initial assessments. This is a new time, so please make sure to make a note of it. Teachers will be asking parents to sign up for a time with your student. There will be sign ups outside their classroom doors.
Our "normal" schedule begins on Monday, August 26th. See schedules below.
For the safety and security of students and staff, gates are locked during school hours.
CELC’s Back to School Night is scheduled for Thursday, August 29 at 5:00 p.m. Please join us in the Multipurpose room at 5:00 pm for a quick PTA meeting. Rooms open at 5:15 p.m.
- AUSD will continue to provide free breakfast and lunch to all students this school year. See menus below.
- Breakfast is available at the cafeteria at 8:35 a.m. daily.
- Students may choose to eat a cafeteria lunch or bring a sack lunch from home.
Please report any absences to your child's teacher and the office. Please let the office know the reason your child is out and what symptoms they have. Email Mary Barkely, our amazing Clerk or call the office at 619-659-8250.
We LOVE volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering in any capacity, please pick up the required paperwork in the office. Get cleared early if you think you are interested in volunteering in the classroom or for field trips.
Please send your student to school each day with a backpack, refillable water bottle, a healthy snack, and a lunch (unless they are getting a cafeteria lunch).
Please include a change of clothes in a ziplock bag in their backpack. Potty accidents tend to happen early in the year. We have clothes on hand but having their own tends to make them feel more comfortable.
See you all soon!
Tamara Ripke, Proud Principal
Class Roster Posting "Party"
Class lists will be posted at the front of the school at 3:00 pm on Tuesday, August 13th. They will remain up for the first day of school. You can stop by anytime to see the list. It will also be available on ParentVUE. Come by between 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday if you are available. Thank you to the PTA for supplying the popcorn for our Cubs. The popcorn will be available while supplies last.
School Cafe Application
Please take the time to fill out a free/reduced lunch application for your student. It is imperative that all families complete the lunch forms, even if the family will not qualify for or take advantage of the school lunch program. These forms ensure that CELC (and all other AUSD schools) receive proper Federal funding for all sorts of important school functions such as academic and social emotional support, teacher training, and instructional equipment. This form can be accessed in advance at this link For any family registering a new account, our district is listed as Alpine USD. You need your student’s ID number. It is available in ParentVUE. We will also have them available for you at your scheduled student assessment. Our hope is to have as many families as possible complete this form by the end of the first week. Thank you so much for your support!
Transportation Information
Our 2024-25 Theme
Cubs in the Community
School Rules
Take 5
Have you ever asked your child how their day was or what they did? Do you often get a one word response like "nothing" or "fine". Try using our Take 5 Questions to help get more thought provoking answers. It is a great opportunity to connect with your child, learn more about their experiences at school, and help them build their language skills.
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Book List
Our amazing School Social Worker, Camryn McInerney , created a list of recommended read aloud books. This is another great way to connect with your Cub. Choose one of your favorite books or one on her list and make reading with your child a regular habit.
Smiles for Miles
Humor helps the heart! Join us in spreading "Smiles for Miles"!
Last week's Joke Answer: AC
Extended Student Services (ESS)
Guidelines for Student Illness
AUSD Spirit
Mondays- Wear a College Shirt or College Colors
Wednesdays- Mid-Week Mindfulness- wear a shirt with a kind message
Fridays- Wear a school shirt or school colors or RED for (Remembering Everyone Deployed)
School shirts will be available for purchase. Stayed tuned for more information from our PTA.
Child Nutrition Information
Dates to Note
8/13 CELC Class Lists Post at 3:00 pm
8/14 First Day of School
8/28 MVLA's first in-person day
8/29 Back to School Night at 5:00 pm
9/2 Labor Day- No School
9/5 CELC/MVLA Fall Picture Day
9/11 Patriot Day Wear Red, White, & Blue
9/18 CELC/MVLA Fall Picture Day Makeup
11/18-11/22 Parent/Teacher Conference Week- Minimum Days
CELC/MVLA Office Staff
Mary Barkley, Clerk
Tamara Ripke, Principal
Stephanie Green, Administrative Assistant
Student Support Services
Camryn McInerney, School Social Worker
Connect with Us
M-F 8:00 am to 3:30 pm
Location: 8818 Harbison Canyon Road
Phone: (619) 659-8250