The Oriole Newsletter
News from the Nest

August 2024
A Note from Leadership
WE ARE OSSEO - Innovative, Courageous, Focused, Reflective & Conscientious!
The 2024-2025 school year is officially the centennial year of Osseo Senior High School! As we prepare to graduate our 100th class this spring, we invite you to join us in celebrating 100 Years of Osseo Excellence! Stay tuned for special events & recognitions over the course of this year celebrating where we've been, who we are today, and the bright pathway forward for our community.
Happy New School Year (2024-2025)
As we look to the 24-25 school year, there are a few housekeeping items we wish for you to discuss with your scholar(s). We ask all parents/guardians to discuss with their scholar(s) the importance of arriving to school prior to 7:30am as well as each class on time, every hour of the day. Scholars have seven minutes of passing time between each class. Our expectation is that every scholar will be in class, on time and ready to learn within the seven-minute passing period (before the final bell rings).
We hold our scholars to high-standards and expectations. We value every minute of your student’s education and encourage them to be fully engaged from the beginning of class to the end.
Starting the first week of school, we will be conducting random “hallsweeps” for students who are unable to make it to class on time due to excessive socializing in between classes. Students will be asked to make a phone call home to discuss with their parent/guardian their reason for being tardy. We ask for your support stressing the importance of punctuality and arriving to class on time within the seven-minute passing period.
Thank you for your support and partnership! Arriving to class on time is a priority at Osseo Senior High School and will be a contributing factor to help ensure your student’s academic success.
OSH Administration
Upcoming Events
Osseo Senior High School Orientation Information – 2024-2025:
WHEN: Wednesday, August 21st, 2024
o 9th Grade- 8:00am-12:00pm
- Students can walk through the Activity Fair in the Main Gym after Orientation
o 10th Grade: 12:30pm-1:15pm
o 11th Grade: 1:15pm-2:00pm
o 12th Grade: 2:00pm-2:45pm
o All Grades: 2:45pm-3:30pm
WHERE: Osseo Senior High School – Enter the Main Gym Doors (Door 2)
Students will receive their first trimester tentative schedules and have their school picture taken. There will be informational tables set-up in the Main Gym from various departments such as Food Services, Health Services, SPED, EL, Activities, Parking, Yearbooks etc.
Counselors will be available to answer any schedule questions.
Learning Conferences
Upcoming School Days
- September 3: First day of school
- September 11: Learning Conferences (4:00pm-7:00pm)
- September 28: Homecoming Dance
Class of 2024
- The class of 2024 was offered $21,441,098.00 in scholarships.
- 56 Members of the Class of 2024 earned a 30 or above on at least one section of the ACT and/or a 9 or above on the Writing session of the ACT.
- 55% shared they are attending a 4-year college/university.
- 28% shared they are attending a 2-year community/technical college.
- 13% shared they are entering the work force.
- 3% shared they are joining a transition program.
- 1% shared they would be joining the military.
Kudos to our scholars! We are grateful for the role Michelle Mazanec and Kris Bergh play in guiding our scholars into their futures. Maz and Ms. Bergh provide MANY opportunities and different experiences the support our scholars in choosing an after school path that is specific to their goals and interests.
Learn more about our CRC here!
Quick Hit
Osseo Family Portal
Have a question about daily schedules? Forget where to find the latest registration information? Hoping to report your scholar's absence without making a phone call? The OSH Family Portal is the resource for you! We keep the site up to date with helpful dates, reminders, programmatic & contact info. It is a deep (yet easily navigable) wealth of information. Click the OSH Family Portal image direct access and remember -- there is always a button linked at the bottom of The Chirp each month!
Activities Pass
Students will be able to buy home game student activities passes for $30.00 here. This pass is good for all home events of each activity of every season (Exlusions: playoff games, OSH plays, and OSH musicals).
HOME GAME PROCEDURE: We will check student IDs and only allow students from OSH and the opposing school for each event. Middle school and elementary students MUST have a parent present at the game with them. (NO REFUNDS) (NO BACKPACKS)(NO RE-ENTRY)