GHMS In the News
November 2024
🦃 A Thanksgiving Message from your Principals 🦃
As we enter the final month of 2024, we hope that your holiday season is filled with family, friends, joy and happiness. It is important to take some time to reflect on what is meaningful in our lives and to be thankful for what we have. Be sure to come out and support our students as they perform in our winter concerts throughout the month of December.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our Great Hollow families!
Mr. Scomillio, Mr. Macaluso and Mr. Russo
😇 Caught Being Kind 😇
Congratulations to all of our students who were Caught Being Kind for the month of November!
🎨 Artists of the Month! 🎨
Congratulations to our Artists of the Month for November: Vivian Siglain, Emmett Kay, and Lily McCullough!
SCPD Presentations
A special thank you to Officer Allison, from SCPD, for visiting Great Hollow on November 26, to speak to our students about important issues, such as Internet Safety and Cyberbullying, Alcohol Use and Drugs.
K-12 Family Tips: Help Kids Fight Cyberbullying and Other mean Online Behavior
from Common Sense Education:
Most kids will encounter mean behavior at some point in their digital lives. For some kids, this experience is a blip that's easily forgotten, while for others it can have deep, long-lasting effects. For parents, the key is staying involved in kids' lives -- both online and off -- so they can step in and offer help if necessary. With guidance from parents and educators, kids can learn how to dodge the drama and stand up for others. Click the brown bar above to read the entire article.
📕 Library News 📘
Thank you to everyone who supported our library by purchasing items at the Scholastic Book Fair! All proceeds go to the library to benefit our students.
Our library continues to be the hub of our school. Classes are always coming in for research, book exchanges, to hear first chapter read alouds, and for special projects. Students are using the library during lunch periods to read, socialize, play board games, and to utilize the makerspace. Students have also been participating in our "Word of the Week Challenge," and our monthly reading challenges. In GH Library, we make learning fun!
Makerspace fun!
Using circuits to make a car.
Veterans Day lesson
Setting up "America's White Table," after reading the book.
Scholastic Book Fair
Students had a great time browsing and shopping the book fair!
Don't forget to check out our weekly news recording, "News from the Hollow." The GH Digital Media Club works hard each week to bring us the latest news and upcoming events. The recordings are posted on the GHMS website and on the Library's website under the "Digital Media Club" tab. Check out our latest episode by clicking on the brown tab below:
PTA Spirit Card Fundraiser
Thank you to all who supported the PTA Spirit Card Fundraiser! Our wonderful PTA uses the profits to pay for our cultural arts programs and other activities that benefit our school community. Our students had a fun week of collecting and trading the ducks!
To raise awareness of men's health, many of our staff members participated in the "Movember" movement. Growing a "Mo" is a way to show support for better men's health. It grabs attention and starts important conversations. To find out more about the Movember Movement, you can click HERE.
📆 Upcoming Events 📆
December 4 All grades Chorus Concert 6:30 pm
December 5 MVTP Breakfast 8:30 am
December 9 Grades 7 & 8 Band Concert (Mr. Margolin) 6:30 pm
December 9-12 Candy Cane Gram Sales
December 12 Family Connect Night
December 13 Popcorn Friday
December 16 Grades 6 & 7 Band Concert (Mr. Lippman) 6:30 pm
December 18 All grades Orchestra Concert 6:30 pm
December 19 Festive Sweater Period 1
December 20 Grade 7 field trip to Theater Three
December 23-January 2 Winter Recess