Holy Rosary
Some of our Year 6 students taking part in the Lifeline Day launch earlier this week 🌟
Most of us were given the impression that we had to be totally selfless, and when we couldn’t achieve that, many of us gave up altogether. One of John Duns Scotus’ most helpful teachings is that Christian morality at its best seeks “a harmony of goodness.” [1] We harmonize and balance necessary self-care with a constant expansion beyond ourselves to loving others. This is brilliant! It’s both simple and elegant, showing us how to love our neighbour as our self. Imagining and working toward this harmony keeps us from seeking impossible, private, and heroic ideals. Now the possibility of love is potentially right in front of us and always concrete. Love is no longer a theory or a heroic ideal. Love is seeking the good of as many as possible.
Richard Rohr, ‘Commanded to Love’
Hi Everyone,
Welcome back following what I hope was an enjoyable WA Day long weekend. The extra day at this time of year just seems to be a really good opportunity to charge the batteries. Here’s hoping too that the break helped to dodge some of the illness prevalent at the minute.
A lot of people have commented on the rejuvenated Pre-primary Playground. It does look fabulous! This is the third time over the last eight years that the P&F with the support of parents have worked on it. The first time involved extending it down along the walkway, increasing the size significantly. The second time involved changing the sandpit areas and adding the beautiful ‘jetty’ and the boat. This third time involved removing the boat, the hedge, much of the dirt and more. Painting, replacing the boat with the car, replenishing the white sand, and adding plenty of wood chips really make it look great.
Significantly, on each occasion, some of the parents involved had their youngest child in Pre-primary at the time, so their benefit from these wonderful initiatives would be limited. I think that is a fantastic example of people paying it forward, for the benefit of future generations. There are parents involved who didn’t have a child in Pre-primary but who had a child in Kindy and they too are making an investment into the future. These are significant examples of our community reaping the benefit from the hard work and good will from those within. Holy Rosary would not be the place that it is, without you. Thank you, thank you.
And last but certainly not least, we wish the 120 parents going to the 80s night tonight a FANTASTIC time! YAHOO!
We hope to see you at next Friday’s Year One Assembly.
Have a great weekend,
Interschool Training
Serious soccer and netball training in train before school for next week’s
Interschool Winter Carnival!
Running Club
And Running Club is off to a fine start with more than 50 children showing up at 7.30!
Staffing Update
At the end of this term, we will farewell Ian Puzon! Ian, together with his three brothers, is a former student of Holy Rosary. Ian joined us after teaching in Esperance. He has been a fantastic addition to our team this year, and leaves us to join the international teaching circuit, taking up an amazing position at I-Shou International School in Taiwan! All the best Ian, they are lucky to have you!
Merit Award Recipients
Year 3 Assembly
Throwing it back to the Year 3 assembly! 🎉 Crazy hair, epic drumming, and unforgettable memories. These rockstars definitely know how to steal the show! 🥁💫
SEQTA Engage Parent Log-in to access reports
It is important that you please check your log in for SEQTA Engage as early as possible so that you will be able to access your child's report at the end of this term.
To do this you need to go to the following site:
or follow the link from our school website to “SEQTA Engage - parents” and use your username and password credentials that you used previously.
New Families and PP parents have been sent an email this week inviting them to set up a username and password to SEQTA Engage. You will have 7 days to set up your username and password.
If you have remembered your username but have forgotten your password, please click on the Forgot your password? link and an immediate email will be sent to you. The email will expire within one hour, so please action this immediately.
If you forgotten both of these, then please contact the school and we can remind you of your username or re-send a link.
Some of our dedicated Year 3 students! 💪📚
School photos have arrived!
Yesterday our school photos were sent home with all students. If you ordered a family photo, please come and collect it from the front office.
These three 'deputy principals' may not have official titles, but their smiles could convince anyone!😁
Yesterday we celebrated our amazing Library Monitors. Thanks to all of them for their help at the Book Fair and each week in the library. Senior Chess is hotting up with only 8 players left in the competition. Junior Chess will start in Term 3. Please keep an eye on the whiteboard for more info. Year Five Book Clubbers are enjoying meeting each week. Group 2 will also start in Term 3.
There are many overdue books at the moment. A reminder that all lost or damaged books must be replaced by the parent as soon as possible so that further borrowing can occur. If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Mrs Butson
“Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.” —Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne
3D were the first class to take home the Library Trophy!! Everyone remembered their bags! Well done 3D!
The Christian Service group is currently collecting toiletries and long life food for the Vinnies. There are buckets in each classroom and all donations will be collected on Friday 14th June.
Triple P Parenting has a wonderful free and online course to support parents who have children living with anxiety. Find more information here:
Mrs Butson
Thursday 13th June
CPSSA Winter Sports Carnival - Yr 6
Friday 14th June
Year 1 Assembly
Important Dates
Term 2, 2024 - Tues 16 April - Friday 28 June
Term 3, 2024 - Wed 17 July - Friday 20 September
Term 4, 2024 - Monday 7 October - Friday 6 December
Locavora Lunch Orders
How to setup an account
Please read the attachment below on how to setup an account to order lunch for your child/children from Locavora.
P&F Facebook
If you’d like to be kept up to date on current and upcoming events and important information from the P&F please add us on Facebook.
- Five days a week during term time
- Vacation Care during school holidays
- Available for children attending Kindy through to Year Six.
Sacramental Dates for 2024
Our Lady of the Rosary Parish
Parish Office - 9446 2055
Father Peter Hoang OP - 0412 445 199
Holy Rosary School
Email: admin@hrs.wa.edu.au
Website: hrs.wa.edu.au
Location: 35 Williamstown Road, Doubleview WA, Australia
Phone: (08)9203 4500
Facebook: facebook.com/holyrosaryschooldoubleview