Los Pen NEUs
August 30, 2024
From the Desk of Mrs. Weekes
Dear Los Pen Families,
It was a pleasure seeing so many of you at our Back-to-School Night on Thursday. Thank you for reserving some time to learn about how to partner for our students' success.
We look forward to seeing you on Friday for some more back-to-school fun at our PTA-sponsored Back-to-School Bash!
Have a wonderful 3-day weekend!
Mrs. Weekes
Parking Lot Reminders
Due to the growing size of staff, our parking lot spaces are reserved for Poway Unified School District staff and those with a valid handicapped placard only.
Please refrain from parking in our parking lot from 7:30 AM through dismissal, Monday through Friday. If you are coming into the lot to park during dismissal time, kindly wait for one of our staff members to direct you to a parking space.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Let's Eat!
Mark your calendar now for the 2024 Los Pen dine outs!
Take a night off from cooking and join fellow Los Pen friends and families for dine out nights to support Los Peñasquitos Elementary. Our wonderful restaurant community partners donate back a percentage of all sales to the PTA, which funds special programs and events throughout the year.
The details of each dine out night will be sent home in student folders and shared here closer to the event date.
Tuesday, September 26
Rubio's Carmel Mountain
10:30 am to 9 pm
Thursday, October 10
California Fish Grill Carmel Mountain
11 am to 8 pm
Tuesday October 22
The Kebab Shop Carmel Mountain
10:30 am to 9 pm
Additional dine outs will be announced soon.
Interested in Volunteering?
We would love to have you! For information about volunteering, including forms, visit https://www.powayusd.com/apps/pages/volunteer-information
Los Pen's Big Give is Coming!
It is almost time to kick off the biggest and most important fundraiser of the year, the Big Give! Click on the PTA logo for more details.
School Meals
School meals continue to be free for all students, regardless of household income, under California’s Universal Meals Program. Every student enrolled in PUSD (PreK-12) is offered one free breakfast meal and one free lunch meal each school day. Meals must be recorded by specific student accounts, either by scanning their barcode or entering their ID number in a pin pad. Please note that a student cannot take just a beverage for free; they must select enough items to make a reimbursable meal.
Although meals are free for all students, our District is still required to process Applications for Free and Reduced-Price Meals. We encourage all households to apply online at MySchoolApps.com, or using a paper application. Meal applications are very important because meal reimbursements are still based on individual student eligibility, and State funding for school sites is partially determined by free/reduced eligibility. Households that are income-eligible for free or reduced-price meals may also qualify for other benefits such as: free or discounted after-school care, reduced home internet costs, discounts on standardized testing fees, and food-purchasing assistance during summer breaks.
In addition to complete school meals, some school sites offer a la carte snacks and beverages for purchase. PUSD Food and Nutrition is a cashless operation, so students must have money in their prepaid account or bring a check in order to buy a la carte items. To load funds on a cafeteria account, families can visit MySchoolBucks.com or send a check to school.
To view interactive school menus, with nutrition facts and allergen information, visit MySchoolMenus.com, which is also accessible from the PUSD Food and Nutrition webpage.
Simple, printer-friendly PDF menus are posted monthly on the PUSD Food and Nutrition webpage, under School Menus > Printable PDF Menus.
Upcoming Dates to Remember
Monday, September 2
- Labor Day Holiday - No School
Thursday, September 5
- Early Release Day - School ends at 1:25 PM (1:00 PM for TK and Kindergarten)
Friday, September 6
- Friday Flag - 8:50 AM on the blacktop
- Principal's Tea - 9:30 AM
- Back-to-School Bash - 4:30 PM on the blacktop
- Los Pen's Big Give Fundraiser begins
Thursday, September 12
- Picture Day!
- Early Release Day - School ends at 1:25 PM (1:00 PM for TK and Kindergarten)