Prosper ISD Academic Competition
August 19, 2024

August 19, 2024
New UIL Social Studies Topics
Each year UIL has a different topic for UIL Social Studies. This year's topic areas are linked below.
Practices will start in a couple of months, but if your child is interested in UIL Social Studies, he/she can get a jump start by using the resources listed here.
High School students can check in with their coach for books.
Speech and Debate Parent/Guardian and Student Required Meeting
Parents/Guardians and students planning to be in debate class or participate in high school speech and debate this year should plan to attend this required meeting.
August 22, 2024 at the Prosper High School Cafeteria at 6:30pm
Even if students/parents are veterans to the program, we have important information that has changed that we need to communicate, so please plan to attend.
High School Writers Needed - Scholarship Opportunity
Each year UIL sponsors two essay competitions that provide exciting opportunities for students to explore the contributions of historically underrepresented groups to the history and culture of Texas. With a focus on original research and the use of primary sources, students are encouraged to look to their own communities in finding topics for their essays.
Both competitions are open to all students in grades 9-12 attending UIL member high schools. All entries submitted according to contest guidelines will be evaluated by experienced judges. State finalists will be selected from the entries submitted for each competition. Students selected as state finalists will be considered for state awards and have the opportunity to have their work added to the historical record of the state of Texas. All students selected as state finalists will also become eligible to apply for TILF scholarships; the TILF program provides dozens of scholarship opportunities each year.
The competition provides students an opportunity to explore the contributions of African Americans to Texas history, as well as honoring the legacy of its namesake, Barbara Jordan. The theme of the competition is "African Americans in Texas: Past and Present."
The theme of the competition is "historical and cultural legacies of Latinos in Texas history.
If interested, contact your campus UIL Coordinator.
PHS - Kerry Phillis - klphillis@prosper-isd.net
RHHS - Aly Jordan - anjordan@prosper-isd.net
WGHS - Lauren Javandoost - lejavandoost@prosper-isd.net
Learn More About UIL Academics
Elementary School UIL
Creative Writing - Grade 2
Impromptu Speaking - Grade 5
Modern Oratory - Grades 3 - 5
Number Sense - Grades 4 - 5
Oral Reading - Grades 3 - 5
Ready Writing - Grades 3 - 5
Science Phenomena - Grade 5
Social Studies - Grade 5
Spelling - Grades 3 - 5
Storytelling - Grade 2
Middle School UIL
Chess Puzzle - Grades 6 - 8
Editorial Writing - Grades 6 - 8
Feature Writing - Grades 7 - 8
Impromptu Speaking - Grade 6
Informative/Persuasive Speaking - Grades 7 - 8
Mathematics - Grades 6 - 8
Modern Oratory - Grade 6
News Writing - Grade 8
Number Sense - Grades 6 - 8
Oral Reading - Grade 6
Original Oratory - Grades 7 - 8
Poetry/Prose - Grades 7/8
Ready Writing - Grades 6 - 8
Science - Grades 6 - 8
Social Studies - Grades 6 - 8
Spelling - Grades 6 - 8
Get Involved in UIL Academics
We want your child in UIL Academics!
There are many events that will provide an avenue for them to get involved in their school and build socialization and life skills in teamwork. Studies show us that students involved in their school are more productive in school, have higher grades, and are more likely to excel beyond high school.
Each campus will have a google form to be completed to sign up for participation in UIL on that campus. Monitor your campus newsletters for the sign up form.