WC News
Here's to a Groovy Year!
Growing Hearts, Minds, and Vegetables at Ward Central
Here at Ward Central, we are not only in the business of teaching, we have our hearts and minds set on growing the whole child ... and vegetables! Below are a collection of photos of our very own Sprouts hard at work reaping the fruits (well, vegetables) of their labor. These remarkable students work with Mrs. James in our outdoor classroom/garden, learning a multitude of horticultural skills and facts. We are incredibly lucky to have such a wonderfully dedicated team of students helping tend to our wonderful garden.
WC Outlook
This time of year is always very busy as a number of important events occur between now and the end of 2024. Just some of these important events are listed below, the rest can be located on the school calendar which is linked above.
10-14 No school
10-15 Lock Down Drill 8:15
10-15 Craig O’Neil will be here to read to kinder in library 9:30-10:30
10-16 Unity Day
10-18 Early release 1:30
10-18 Homecoming Parade 3:30
Indoor Recess
Indoor recess happens when weather conditions or safety concerns prevent outdoor play. During this time, students enjoy activities like board games, creative projects, and interactive games in a safe, engaging environment.
Our goal is to provide a fun and active break for your child, even indoors. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
Full STEAM Ahead
A group of 3rd and 4th grade students have been hard at work in teams developing and tweaking elastic band powered vehicles. The students were given a set of instructions on how to create the base machine, but the fine tuning and additional developments were left entirely down to the student teams. The end results are now ready to be launched for final analysis.
Counselor Connection!
We are excited about a great year at Ward Central! If you need anything, please reach out!
Mrs. Smith and Mrs. James
Change of clothes Procedure
This is for all students Pre-K through 4th grade!
Car-Rider Drop Off
Thank you to EVERYONE for helping us adjust to the new car-rider drop off procedure. We really can't express how grateful we all are for your patience and adaptability as we adjusted how the car rider line operates to enhance student safety. The first day may not have been super smooth or problem free, but after reflecting on the issues we were able to make small changes to make it run so much smoother.
Ward Central Elementary
Email: allan.west@cps.k12.ar.us
Website: Ward Central
Location: 1570 Wilson Loop, Ward, AR, USA
Phone: 501-743-3569
Facebook: Ward Central
Twitter/X: @centralward