Adult Services News
May 2018
Collaborating with Community Groups for Programming on May 9
For further exploration of this topic, WebJunction is offering a free webinar Taking Community Partnerships to the Next Level on May 29.
Excite Innovation Grant
Teams of 4 from public, academic and special libraries are welcome to apply. Cohort 2 will meet at the Cranston Library's Central Branch several times for training between September 2018 and February 2019. There are no tuition fees, and scholarships will be awarded to cover travel, lodging and staff coverage for accepted teams.
If you have project coming up in your library that you would like to tackle in an innovative, creative way, learn more about how you and your team can apply. Deadline for applications is June 14.
Share about your Money Smart Week Events!
Did you host a Money Smart Week event? If so, the Financial Literacy Roundtable would love to hear from you! Please send the topic, date, and attendance numbers of your programs to The stats that are collected help FLRT to follow patron demand and keep track of all related programs in the state.
Spotlight on Cassie Patterson
This month, the spotlight is on Cassie Patterson, Assistant Director at the Greenville Public LIbrary. She serves as the Co-Chair of the RILA Financial Literacy Roundtable and is a member of the OLIS Resource Sharing Working Group. Patterson obtained her MLIS from the University of Rhode Island. She previously worked in the Mansfield Public Library where she was the head of reference and adult services. She was also responsible for programming for teens and adults. She has also worked at the Attleboro Public Library in the reference and circulation departments. Cassie will be hosting the May meeting of the Adult Services Roundtable at the Greenville Public Library; the topic for the meeting is Collaborating with Community Groups for Programming.
Favorite thing about being a librarian?
My favorite part of being a librarian is helping people to discover something new about themselves, a new passion – or developing a skill that they didn’t know they were capable of – and achieving a goal they set for themselves.
Favorite or most successful program?
One of my first big programs here in Greenville was a Downton Abbey themed tea party. We invited a professional milliner to speak about the history of millinery in Rhode Island and to bring some of her hand-crafted pieces. It was a lot of work and some serious hiccups happened, but as far as the patrons were concerned, everything went smoothly. I swore I would never host another tea party again, but it was a lot of fun and we received excellent feedback from attendees.
American Wolf: a true story of survival and obsession in the West by Nate Blakeslee and A Kind of Freedom by Margaret Wilkerson Sexton.
Programs, Reading and Community Outreach
Adult Reading Round Table (& a little romance)
Meanwhile, ARRT's latest newsletter titled Romance is Discussable! shared ideas for romances that might be conducive to using in a book club, urging you to consider adding this genre to your book club offerings.
Great timing, as this year's Route One Reads theme is romance! Route One Reads is a project of the sixteen Centers for the Book from the states that fall on RT 1 between Maine and Florida. Each state is tasked with selecting a book within the years' theme that is either set in or written by an author from that state. RI's 2018 romance pick is Treading Water by Marie Force, which is both set in Newport and written by a local author!
Talking About the New Medicare Cards webinar
The Cranston Public Library will be hosting this webinar in conjunction with the Dept. of HHS. It will be May 24 from 10a-11a at the Central Library and is open to all RI library staff.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has started mailing newly-designed Medicare cards with a new Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI), or Medicare Number. This step is to protect seniors and those with disabilities on Medicare from fraudulent use of Social Security numbers which can lead to identity theft and illegal use of Medicare benefits. People enrolling in Medicare for the first time will be among the first to get the new cards, no matter where they live. Current Medicare beneficiaries will get their new cards on a rolling basis over the coming months. New cards will be mailed to all Medicare beneficiaries over the next year.
This webinar will help you answer questions Medicare beneficiaries or their caregivers may have. Please register by emailing Ed Garcia (
Match-Your-Project Grant Resource
Conferences and (non-Olis) Continuing Education
- Webinar: Visual Merchandising for Public Libraries: Practical Strategies for Applying Bookstore Insights to Library Collections (Infopeople, May 15, 3:00)
- Webinar: Considering the Census: How Past Questions about Race and Ethnicity Can Help Predict Future Questions about Gender and Sexuality (Federal Depository Library Program, May 16, 2:00)
- Webinar: New Voices in Mystery Fiction (Booklist, May 22, 2:00)
- Webinar: Conversation Cafe: Libraries Transform Communities for Public Libraries serving Small, Mid-Sized and/or Rural Communities (ALA Office of Public Programs, May 23, 2:00)
- Health Information for Public Libraries Symposium (Atlanta, May 22 -23; stipends of $500 available on a first come/first-served basis)
- Webinar: Creating Constructive Conversations within our Communities (Colorado State Library, May 24, 2:00)
- Webinar: Reducing Workplace Stress with Mindfulness (Infopeople, May 24, 3:00)
- Webinar: Taking Community Partnerships to the Next Level (WebJunction, May 29, 3:00)
- ALA Annual Conference (New Orleans, June 21 - 26)
- NELA Verbal Judo Training Program (Shrewsbury, MA, July 11)
- RILA/NELA Joint Conference (Warwick, October 21 - 23)
*Many of these events were found using the Wyoming State Library's Training Calendar, which shares upcoming free webinars for librarians, including many that are not listed here and may be of interest to you!
RILA/NELA 2018 Annual Conference Scholarship
Each recipient will receive a full conference registration (does not include travel reimbursements or hotel) AND a one year membership to NELA. Applicants do not need to be current members of NELA.
Apply now!
Grants & Awards
ALA Center for the Future of Libraries Fellowship (May 15)
Excite Transformation For Libraries Innovation Grants (June 14)
Association of Bookmobile & Outreach Services Awards & Scholarships (Aug 8)
Bank of America Foundation Grants (varies)
Library Pipeline: Awesome Foundation Innovation in Libraries Grant (due between the 1 - 15 each month)
Theme Months/Weeks/Days
RI Latino Books Month
Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month
Jewish American Heritage Month (JAHM)
Mental Health Awareness Month
National Bike Month
Older Americans Month
National Library Legislative Day & Virtual Library Legislative Day (May 7-8)
Gay and Lesbian Pride Month
GLBT Book Month
Father's Day (June 17)
Upcoming OLIS CE & Events
Collaborating with Community Groups for Programming
Join fellow programming librarians for this sharing session on how to take your community partnerships to the next level. Hear from colleagues that have worked with community groups to develop programming, extend services, and strengthen relationships for a win-win. Cassie Patterson, the Assistant Director for Greenville Public Library, will moderate the discussion.
Wednesday, May 9, 2018, 09:30 AM
Greenville Public Library, Smithfield, RI, United States
Digital Inclusion Week Showcase
From technology lending programs to digital literacy classes to makerspaces and creation labs, libraries do a great deal to promote digital equity across Rhode Island, and we'd like to celebrate that. Join us at the Warwick Public Library for a showcase of exciting projects from around the state. Learn more about digital literacy and inclusion efforts happening in RI libraries, and play with technology including virtual reality headsets, a robotic arm and 3D scanner. Special guests from the RI Computer Museum will be there to share about their pilot Library Learning Lab program, and how you can bring some of this technology to your library for FREE!
No registration required, but learn more at the OLIS CE Calendar.
Wednesday, May 9, 2018, 04:00 PM
Warwick Public Library: Central Library, Sandy Lane, Warwick, RI, USA
Adult Roundtable Planning Meeting
Register to attend!
Wednesday, Jun 13, 2018, 02:00 PM
Kingston Free Library, South Kingstown, RI, United States
Location: One Capitol Hill Providence RI
Phone: 401-574-9316
Twitter: @libraffoni