Linntown Intermediate
Back to School Newsletter
We Want to Welcome You All to the 2024-2025 School Year!
It is hard to believe that we are already into September. Our school year has gotten off to a great start! Each school year brings with it much anticipation and excitement as well as a fresh start. We are looking forward to all we are going to do and accomplish this year at Linntown. Our staff has been working very hard as they are continuously looking for ways to challenge our students and help them grow academically, socially and emotionally. We are also looking forward to partnering with all of you to provide our students the best experience possible.
Upcoming Events at Linntown Intermediate School
September 9th - PSA Meeting @ 7:00pm in the Kelly Elementary School Library
September 16th – Picture Day
September 24th - 4th & 5th Grade Open House (6:00 - 7:00)
October 17th - Dragon Dash (More Info. to Come)
October 25th – End of the 1st Marking Period
October 30th – Picture Retakes at Linntown Intermediate
PreK - 5th Grade Administrative Structure
Gaga Ball at Linntown
Cell Phones and Smart Watches
Linntown students are able to have cell phones in their backpacks during the day due to needing to communicate with their family outside of school but we do not allow students to have their phone out during the day. We have noticed more students wearing smart watches that give them the ability to text or call family and friends. While these watches are allowed, we do not want them to be a distraction during the day for our students. We have spoken to the students about not using them during the school day to call or text so they do not disrupt themselves or others. If we notice smart watches are becoming a problem then we will reach out to individual parents and we may also ask students to turn them in to the teacher or office at the beginning of the day and then they will receive them back at the end of the day. Our goal is to provide the best educational environment as possible and to reduce any distractions that we are able to reduce. We appreciate technology but we also do not want it to interfere with learning. We thank you in advance for your cooperation in sharing this message with our students.
Thrifty Threads
A highlight of every student's experience at Linntown is Thrifty Threads. Thrifty Threads is a "store"
where students get to redeem their Thrifty Thread vouchers that they receive for meeting our school behavior expectations. Mrs. Christina Trapani does an incredible job of setting up the room to look just like a store and is always restocking the shelves and racks to make sure our students get the best experience possible when they visit. We are always looking for donations to make sure we can keep the store fully prepared for the days our students get to shop. If you would like to make any donations or have any questions about Thrifty Threads, please reach out to Mrs. Christina Trapani ( trapani_c@dragon.k12.pa.us ) . We appreciate your support in making this a memorable tradition and experience for our kids at Linntown.
Band & Orchestra Information Night
Is your student interested in joining the orchestra or band program at Linntown?! There is a rental and information night happening on Tuesday September 10 at 6:00pm at Donald H. Eichhorn Middle School.
4th grade students are eligible to participate in orchestra and 5th grade students are eligible to participate in both orchestra and band. If you're interested in learning more and setting up an instrument rental, please plan to attend this meeting.
Lewisburg Elementary PSA
For more information about our Lewisburg Elementary PSA, please visit their website at:
Website: https://www.lasd.us
Location: 1951 Washington Avenue, Lewisburg, PA 17837
Phone: (570) 522-3256