The Gilbert School E-News
April 2023
Congrats to our team TGS Root To Success who did a fantastic job competing in the MaPP Challenge!
Participants representing The Gilbert School from left to right: Caralyn Parent, Natalia Rodriguez, Joey Fortunato, Vinny Carpenter, Angelina Morales. Ellis Zhang, and Thomas Reeves.
TGS Root To Success Team Participates in MaPP Challenge Program
On Thursday March 16th, a group of our high school students participated in the MaPP Challenge Program at Southern Connecticut State University. Students spent the day working collaboratively to solve mathematical puzzles while competing with various high school teams from around the state.
TGS Spring Spirit Week Begins 4/3!
Incoming 7th Grade Parent Night 4/5
Family Math Night 4/25
Project Graduation Event 5/6
Middle School Updates:
The Northwestern Region 7 Vo-Ag and Oliver Wolcott Tech priority application deadline has been closed.
Oliver Wolcott “Initial Notices” were sent directly to families around February 15. If you received this notice, be sure to respond to the email confirming acceptance.
NWR7 Vo-Ag acceptance notices are being sent directly to families around February 15. If accepted, TGS files will be sent to NWR7 after their packets with release forms are completed and returned to them
Attention 7th grade students and families interested in attending and applying to the NWR7 Vo-Ag program as an 8th grader:
The Agricultural department is hosting an activity night on Tuesday, April 4th. See this invitation for more information.
2023-2024 School Year schedules are in the process of being created.
In February, 8th grade students participated in high school presentations with their middle and high school counselors. Students learned about what to expect in high school, their options and opportunities, and picked their classes for freshman year based on their interests and teacher recommendations
7th grade students that were recommended to take a World Language in 8th grade made their selections.
For questions about which level/class your student was recommended for, please reach out to your student's teacher.
Middle school students will be participating in their quarterly town hall assembly to recognize ‘Students of Quarter 3’, those with perfect attendance, and the ones that made the honor roll. Another special celebration is being planned for those that achieved honor roll for quarter 3.
SBAC testing preparations:
Middle school students will be participating in the SBAC state testing in May. Students have completed practice tests in preparation for formal assessments.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
-Hellen Keller
It’s a GREAT Day to be a Yellowjacket!
By Buckley Morgan, Gilbert Director of Athletics
April has arrived and the winter season seems to have moved on, but not without some great accomplishments by a great group of athletes. We had Thirty Six Scholar Athletes spread throughout the four winter programs. We also had seven All-Star Athletes and three All State athletes.
The Gilbert All-Star athletes are:
- Emily Arel for Girls Basketball (1000 points and Scholar Athlete)
- Adam Biraga for Boys basketball (Scholar Athlete)
- Emma Schibi for Cheer (Scholar Athlete, Last years All State recipient)
- Sam Goncalves for Wrestling ( 126 lbs Class)
- Evan Schibi for Wrestling (132 lbs Class and went to New England)
- Andy Rodriguez for Wrestling (170 lbs Class)
- Joshua Flores (195 Lbs Class & Scholar Athlete)
Selected for All State
- Adam Biraga (Boys Basketball)
- Emily Arel (Girls Basketball)
- Emma Schibi (Winter Cheer)
These are some amazing athletes, who achieve great success. They accomplish their success through much hard work, far beyond just the in season practice sessions. They are year round athletes who give their best in all that they do. All of our Gilbert student-athletes do us proud here at The Gilbert School.
Boys Basketball made it to the second round of states and the Girls Basketball team made it to the First round of states. Cheer also made it to states while some of our wrestlers made it all the way to New Englands. We may be small but our athletes make a ripple that goes far beyond our little northwest corner of Connecticut. Congratulations to all the Gilbert student athletes on a successful winter season. Now we move on to a great Spring Season.
Gilberts Annual Blue & Gold Golf & 5K
We are currently planning the 2023 Blue & Gold Golf scramble and 5K run. For more than 20 years the Blue & Gold fundraiser has been the single largest fundraiser with all funds raised dedicated to the Gilbert sports programs.
For Gilbert specific updates, navigate to and follow the TGS Athletic Department Facebook page, our Twitter page, Instagram, or visit the Gilbert Athletics webpage. You will find the athletics handbook on the website. All athletes should know it, front to back.
Contact the Gilbert Director of Athletics at: morganb@gilbertschool.org or call 860 379-3721. The Middle school Athletic Director is Joshua Penn at: pennj@gilbertschool.org
Gilbert Welcomes Joel Jokinen from Finland
By Debra LaRoche Walls, Dean of Admissions
On Sunday, February 26, the Gilbert international program welcomed 11th grade student, Joel Jokinen, from Finland, to finish his school year. International senior student ambassador, Ivan Lyu, and Dean of Admissions, Debra Walls, were there to warmly greet Joel at the Hartford Bus Terminal who was transferring from a school in Maine.
Since Joel was on an eight-hour bus ride, the three went for a welcome dinner to learn
more about Joel’s school experience in Maine. He shared that he made one great friendship
with a student named Henry whose family owned a farm near the Academy that he was studying at. Henry’s family reminded him very much like his own family and he invited Joel to stay with them during holiday’s and during the winter break, Henry flew to Finland to meet Joel’s family.
While studying in Maine, Joel shared that the nearest McDonald’s was a two hour walk
away and the nearest store was a two-hour car ride which rarely was offered to the international students. Joel wanted to have a better school experience before heading back to Finland and asked his agency to find him another school.
In the short time he has been with us, Joel has been a great addition to the Gilbert school community. He joined the local YMCA on his second day being in Winsted and can be found there after school in the work out rooms. He has also joined the Gilbert boy’s baseball team as he was a pitcher back home in Finland playing Finnish baseball.
Back home in Finland, his mother Minna is a Dentist and his father, Timo, has a director position. His one sibling, his brother Elias, is two years older than Joel and is presently doing his military requirement that is mandatory by the Finland government. The Jokinen Family are avid skiers and ski annually in a myriad of locations such as the Alps, Italy, and France. In the
summer, they can be found boating and enjoying family time at their cottage.
Joel shares a love of music and his favorite genres are hip-hop and pop music. He is also a beginner guitarist. His favorite subjects in school are biology, math and sports. At Gilbert he is enjoying his woodworking class, Rock/Pop Ensemble and Algebra 2 Honors courses. We wish that Joel was able to return to Gilbert in the fall to be a graduate, however, he needs to return back to Finland to finish his school year there. We wish him well and will always be grateful that he was able to share these few months with us. Joel is an amazing young man with a bright future. Best wishes in your future endeavors and thanks for finding Gilbert.
High School Updates:
2023-2024 Course Selections are complete. Counselors met with all students in grades 8-11 to discuss class offerings and select courses for next school year.
Post secondary presentations were given to all juniors. Counselors discussed post secondary options with students. Contact the School Counseling department with any questions you may have.
- Juniors had the option to attend the NACAC College Fair on 3/30. If your student would like to attend a nearby college fair, scroll down for a list of upcoming dates.
- Students in Advanced Placement courses participated in the timed practice tests, or 'mock AP tests' at the end of March. Click here for this May's AP Exam Schedule.
- On March 28th, all TGS students participated in team building and problem solving challenges during our Wingman Activity Day. Watch the calendar for upcoming Wingman dates.
SENIORS: Scholarships
Counselors frequently email seniors and post scholarship application information to Naviance. In Naviance, go to “Scholarships & Money” to see the scholarships that are coming in to Gilbert. Paper copies may also be available in the Guidance office. See Mrs. Kirsch or your school counselor for assistance.
- Winsted Lions Club Scholarship - The Winsted Lion's Club Scholarship application is now available in Guidance and on Naviance. They are awarding a first-place scholarship of $1,000 and a second place for $500. Applications are due on or before April 30th.
- Rotary Club of Torrington & Winsted Scholarship - The Rotary Club of Torrington & Winsted has just released its scholarship application. Check out the application on Naviance, in the School Counseling, and attached in your email. Applications are due April 15th!
SENIORS: Complete Your FAFSA
SENIORS: Remember To Update Naviance
Seniors are continuing to receive college admissions decisions. It is important for students to log into Naviance to indicate “accepted”, “denied” or “deferred”. Don’t forget to notify your school counselor regarding these decisions and add a pennant to the college acceptance wall for all college acceptances. We look forward to celebrating your successes with you!
SENIORS: Deciphering Your Financial Aid Offers
In the United States, there is no standardization in financial aid offers. Colleges and universities don't have to list their total cost of attendance per year on your offer - which can make it challenging to determine the exact out-of-pocket expense for each of your schools.
Try a free Financial Aid Offer Comparison Tool to help you unravel the mystery of your offer, and show you the bottom-line cost for each school where you've been accepted:
JUNIORS: School Day SAT Scores
TGS junior students took the Connecticut School Day SAT on Wednesday March 23. Most scores will be available on College Board on April 15. See the links below for additional testing dates off campus, and free customized online test prep through Khan Academy.
Khan Academy, in conjunction with College Board, is offering free customized SAT prep based on a student's performance on the PSAT. Generated SAT practice is tailored specifically to focus on those areas in which the student requires the most practice. Click on the button below to find out more information!
GRADES 9-11: SAT & ACT Test Dates
In spring 2023, all junior students will be participating in the Connecticut SAT School Day here at The Gilbert School (date to be announced). However, any student (not just juniors!) can register online to take the SAT and/or to take the ACT throughout the year - as many times as you choose. Additional testing dates are listed below. Like anything else, the more you practice, the better you'll get!
*Please note that The Gilbert School is no longer a testing site and will not be hosting SAT testing on alternate dates.
GRADES 9-12: Upcoming College Fairs
Hundreds of colleges and universities from the US and worldwide will be ready and waiting to talk with you at an upcoming in-person college fair. Don't miss these free, one-day events for high school students and families. See the list of fairs below.
- April 25 - Southern Connecticut College & Career Fair, Hartford HealthCare Amphitheater, Bridgeport, 4:30 - 7:30 pm
- May 9 - June 5 - NEACAC College Fairs, various colleges/universities in New England
Attention Students, Families, Faculty and Staff!
The 2023 TGS yearbook is complete and will be arriving in late May! We have a limited number of yearbooks still available, so purchase yours now to guarantee that you get a book! You can purchase your yearbook for $85 by clicking here to order a high school yearbook online.
News From The TGS Health Office
By Kelli Gilbert RN BSN, Director of Health Services
Scoliosis Screening
We will be screening for scoliosis in the spring. Nurses look at each individual student’s back in a private area. If scoliosis screening has been documented by the student’s physician in the past year, it is not repeated by the nurse. Students eligible for screening are girls in grade 7 and boys in grade 9.
COVID Testing
TGS no longer has COVID tests available for families. However, you can get free COVID tests for home use by requesting them at https://www.covid.gov/tests. Some insurance companies, such as HUSKY, will provide insurance coverage for at home test kits.
Additionally, free COVID test sites are available at the following locations:
- Walgreens - 1745 East Main Street, Torrington
- CVS - 661 North Main Street, Torrington
- Walgreens - 28 E Elm Street, Torrington
- Walgreens - 220 Albany Turnpike, Canton
Need a Free Dental Cleaning?
Community Health will be here in April for free dental cleanings. If you haven’t already signed up and are interested, please contact Mrs. Gilbert at gilbertk@gilbertschool.org or 860 379 8521 x1431.
Important Dates to Remember
No School
4/7 Good Friday
4/10 -14 Spring Recess
Incoming 7th Graders Night
4/5 - Auditorium, 6:00 - 7:30 PM
School Pep Rally
4/6 - Gym, 1:00 - 2:00 PM
School Corp Meeting
4/19 - Library, 6:00 - 9:30 PM
Math Night
4/25 - 5:00 - 7:00 PM
Pasta/Lasagna Dinner - Proj Grad
4/29 - Cafeteria, 4:00 - 7:00 PM