Positive Astro Newsletter
February 2025
Message from School Leadership
Positive Astros Families,
This school year is moving very quickly. Can you believe we’re in February 2025?! February is a very special month because we pause to take time to focus on things that we value and appreciate. Here at NAE, our focus for this month is on the GLUE that makes families stick together. As a reminder, our school theme is building leaders with Grit and Glue! We want you to talk about Grit and Glue at home too! As your child is persevering here at school with Grit, we want students to realize that the Glue is just as important! Please speak to your child about the connection and relationships that glue us all together! To support this conversation, we want your family to consider the third quarter family project: Built with Heart Glue! This project will be sent home with your student and can be found down below. We’re excited to see the Glue that holds your family together.
In the month of February, the district climate survey is conducted. On February 3rd, Dr. Desjardins, the assistant superintendent of District Student Support will call to inform you about the survey. On February 4th, you will receive the survey call itself and be asked two questions:
- How likely are you to recommend Neil Armstrong Elementary to another family (on a scale of 1-9, 9 being best)?
- Do you feel your child is safe at school (on a scale of 1-9, 9 being best)?
Thank you for taking the time to complete these phone surveys, as your feedback helps us improve.
Finally, are you wanting to volunteer here at school? We love volunteers! Volunteers can be used for many different reasons and are part of our success! Listed below are several, but not all, ways in which Volunteers can be of service in order to help our students, teachers, and schools:
- Reading to and listening to students read
- Working on Math problems with a student
- Chaperone programs, field trips, school activities both during the school day and sometimes in the evening
- Help decorate the classroom for various themes, seasons and holidays
- Volunteer in the Media Center
We believe strongly that community and family should be an active part of the education experience. Visit the district website for more information on volunteering!
As always, thank you for ALL that you do to share in our school’s success. We appreciate your continued support.
Leading by Example,
Mrs. Hazeltine and Mrs. Welsh
Be in the Know!
February Family Project
We are so excited for the February Family Project. Please see below for details.
Talent Show Auditions
You are invited to audition for an opportunity to perform in the 7 Habits Family Night Talent Showcase on April 9, 2025. We are looking for students in grades 3-5 who have been studying their craft and/or are currently taking lessons. We are also inviting families of students in grades K-5 to try out! This is a day to “showcase” our Positive Astros’ “special talents”. The auditions will take place on February 18, 2025, after school in the Music Room. Please see the attached PDF for more information! It's going to be an exciting event.
Glow Run- February 21, 2025
We are so excited for the NAE Glow RUN! Please join us on February 21, 2025 for an evening full of glowing fun!
Important Dates in February
- February 5-7 Academic and Leadership Awards (Invitation Only)
- February 12, 2025- Early Release Day
- February 17, 2025- No School
- February 20, 2025- Spirit Night at Insane Conez
- More information coming from PTO!
- February 21, 2025- Glow Run
Students, parents, CCPS employees, and members of the community have a responsibility to report suspicious activities and potential threats to schools. Any suspicious activity or threat shall be promptly reported to one of the following individuals, agencies, or reporting tools:
- School Resource Officer or local law enforcement agencies.
- School Administrator any available staff member.
- The FortifyFL Reporting APP or to the crime stoppers tip line (1-800-780-TIPS).
- Contacting the Supervisor of District Security and Emergency Management at (941)- 255-0808.
- Calling 911.