Scarborough Middle School
Family Newsletter for 10.10.24
Hello Scarborough Middle School Families,
Parent Teacher Conferences are taking place from Monday, November 4 through Friday, November 15. Conference Manager is going live at 6:00 am on Monday, October 21.
Helpful tip for 6th Grade families when trying to sign up for a fall conference. Make sure you go into your Conference Manager "my profile" section and change the school from Wentworth to Scarborough Middle School.
Please see below for more information.
Kathy Tirrell, Principal
Chris Murphy, Assistant Principal
Parent conferences will be held from Monday, November 4 to Friday, November 15, with all teachers being available until 7 pm on either Wednesday, November 7 or Tuesday, November 12. This time is another way for you to get feedback about your child’s learning, aside from PowerSchool, and any individual communications that you might have with teachers throughout the school year. Scarborough Schools use an online format, Conference Manager, to schedule conferences. Although time to sign up online does not open until Monday, October 21, 6:00 AM, we wanted to share this information with you now for your planning.
Key points in regards to conferences:
Conferences are set for 15 minutes each.
Students are expected to attend with parents, as they are critical participants in their learning.
Conferences will be held in person. If you need an alternative accommodation, please reach out directly to the teacher.
Time constraints allow for families to sign up with one core subject teacher (Mathematics, ELA, Social Studies, Science) from your team. All teams work together in advance to collect feedback to share with you from all core classes.
You may also sign up with Allied Arts (Health, PE, Art, Music, Band, Technology) or World Language teachers.
Special education teachers, counselors/social workers, and support teachers are also available to meet during this time.
Helpful tip for 6th Grade families when trying to sign up for a fall conference. Make sure you go into your Conference Manager "my profile" section and change the school from Wentworth to Scarborough Middle School.
I strongly encourage you to reach out to school personnel ANYTIME, not just at conferences. Staff are always available by email, and would be happy to talk via phone call or meet in person at a mutually agreed upon time as well. We are committed to partnering with you towards your child’s benefit.
Kathy Tirrell,
Attendance Matters
Creating a Family Charter
We invite you to ask your learner about how they created a School Charter. If you are interested, here is a way to create a Family Charter. Creating-a-Family-Charter.pdf
SMS Yearbook
2024-2025 SMS Yearbooks are now on sale! Pre-order now and check it off your to-do list for the year! You can also take advantage of a back to school offer for up to 4 icons when you order a personalized book. Please visit the SMS Yearbook Website for more details on how to order.
Visit our SMS Yearbook Website for additional details, including more tips for ordering a yearbook. If you still have questions after visiting the website, please reach out to Mr. Cabana (
SMS Theater Team
Student Absence Reporting
Families should report their middle school student's absence from school by calling the SMS main office at 207-730-4800 or by email at A reason for the absence must be stated, otherwise SMS office staff will reach out to determine the reason for the absence.
Excusable reasons for an absence:
- illness
- appointment
- religious holiday
- family emergency
- planned absence
For Planned Absences (a day out of school which is not illness or medical appointment related), families should fill out the Scarborough Middle School Planned Absence for which is found here.
For questions about attendance, please contact the Scarborough Middle School main office at 207-730-4800 or email us at
Important Upcoming Dates
2024-25 Scarborough School Calendar
SMS Flu Shot Clinic
Thursday, October 24 in am
Quarter 1 Ends
- Friday, November 1
Fall Parent Teacher Conferences
- November 4 to November 15
Voting Day at SHS
- November 5
No School
- Monday, November 11 Veterans Day
SMS Scholastic Book Fair: More Information will be shared closer to event
- November 11 to November 15
Early Release Day- Wednesday, November 20
- Dismissal at 12:55pm
Thanksgiving Break- No School
- Wednesday, November 27- Friday, November 29
Looking Ahead:
6th Grade Dance-
- Friday, May 2 from 5:00pm-7:00pm
7th Grade Dance-
- Friday, May 16 from 5:00pm-7:00pm
8th Grade Celebration and Dance
- Friday, June 6
Scarborough Middle School
Location: 21 Quentin Drive, Scarborough, ME, USA
Phone: (207) 730-4800
Twitter: @scarbmeschools