TJMS Jaguar Tracks
Weekly Student and Family Newsletter - Week of 11/18/24
Parents/Guardians: Please Share this with Your Student
Upcoming Events:
This Week:
11/20 School Site Council Meeting, 3:15 pm
11/21 Parent/Teacher Conferences, 5-7:30 pm
11/22 Minimum Day - Early Release 12:18 pm
11/22 TJMS Night @ Firebirds
Coming Soon:
11/25-11/29 NO SCHOOL Fall Break
Quote of the Week in Honor of Native American Heritage Month
November is Native American Heritage month, and a good time to honor the legacy of our ancestors, but every day we should stop to think about our country’s beginning and that the United States would not exist if not for a great deal of sacrifice, blood, and tears by Indian Tribes across the country.
-Deb Haaland
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Please plan to join us this Thursday, November 21st, for Parent/Teacher Conferences. Teachers will be able to speak with you about your student's progress from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm.
Progress Reports for Quarter 2 will be available prior to the event.
No ELOP Classes This Week
Registration For Session 2 Opens This Week - Seed Advisory Slides
Friday is a Minimum Day Early Release Schedule
Parking Lot and Traffic Safety
Traffic Flow During Pickup/Drop Off
- When picking up or dropping off students, please do NOT stop in the outer lane of the drive way. If you need to stop and wait for your student to get in or out, please pull as far up as possible and stop against the inner curb (school side).
- We must ask that all families drive safely and carefully while in the school parking lot.
Walking Student Safety
- Students should NEVER cross Jackson street except at the cross walks where they are protected by traffic signals.
- Please speak to your students if they walk to ensure they always walk to the cross walks.
Parent Support and Assistance Requested - Uniforms and Dress Code Enforced
Uniform Expectations:
Top: Red, White, or Black collared polo style shirt
Bottom: Shorts or Pants
- Shorts must be finger tip length
- No holes above finger tip length
- No Pajama Pants
- No Sagging
Shoes: Student must wear close toed shoes that wrap all the way around the foot
Tardy Policy Enforced
Gates Open: 7:55 am - First Bell: 8:12 am
We NEED You in Class on Time!
- Every Tardy Counts
- 5 Tardies in a Week = Lunch Detention List
- Tardies Count Across ALL Class Periods, Not Separately
Cold and Flu Season is Here
Registre su Jaguar para obtener dinero universitario GRATIS
We are Building Graduates... One Day at a Time
Follow Us on Socials
Follow Our Link Tree!
Thomas Jefferson MS Jaguars School Account
TJMS Student Leadership Account
Bell Schedule and Important Dates
Thomas Jefferson Middle School Contact Information
Website: https://tjms.dsusd.us/
Phone: (760) 863-3660
Facebook: facebook.com/TJMSJAGUARNATION
Catherine Burling
Catherine is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters