Bulldog Beat 12/9-12/13
πAdventure Awaits: Let's Move Mountainsπ
Good News Club will NOT be meeting Dec. 17. Club meetings will restart Jan 14th!
Be sure to send in your Santa Supper money to reserve your plate by Dec. 13th!
πΈ Makeup Picture Orders Due December 16th! πΈ
The Holidays are in Full Swing Here in the Valley!
Don't Forget Winter Break! πβ¨ππβ
VIES Performances and PTO Meeting
November's Character Trait: Gratitutde
Last month, November, students at Valley worked on a new character trait. They focused on Gratitude which is a feeling of being thankful and appreciative for the good things and people in your life. We explained to the students that it's like having a happy and thankful heart because you recognize and remember all the nice and helpful things that others do for you. We asked them to remember, showing appreciation goes beyond just saying 'thank you.' We explained that we can use our whole body to communicate kindness and respect and that when you thank someone, try making eye contact, smiling, and speaking with a clear, friendly voice. We wanted our students to make our school a place where everyone feels appreciated and valued every day!
Battle Bots go to State at JMU
First Grade Project Based Learning 4th Annual Drive π±πΆ
4th Grade Students Play Jingle Bells in Instrument Stations πΉ
A December Season's way to Support Valley
Ways to Improve Your Students' Reading π
Top Reader In Each Class During Dec. Will Enjoy A Pizza Party With The Principal
Valley's New Sign- Thank you Jerry's Signs and Awnings
ππ John S. Battle Hosts "A Christmas Carol and Silent Auction" ππ
Parent Coaching with Parent Guidance Opportunity
The attached video provides instructions for parents and families to sign up for free coaching through Parent Guidance. This is a great resource for families who may not be able to access traditional therapy or may not qualify for that level of support, but still need some help. Although this is not a replacement for mental health therapy, it is still beneficial. The parent coaches focus on in-the-moment strategies for parents to use when their child exhibits challenging behavior at home. Please click below to watch.
Bulldog Store
We would like to thank all of our families that have donated to the PBIS store. Students are excited to be able to spend their Bulldog Bucks they are earning during the second nine weeks. The second nine weeks PBIS store will be December 20, 2024. If you would still like to donate, please review the attached letter below.
The PBIS Store Will be Open December 20th! Make sure you have all your Bucks!
December Newsletter and Parent Calendar
Parent Volunteers
VIES is looking for parent volunteers to assist with various events and activities throughout the school year. If you are interested, please contact the school to learn more about the background check process and possible opportunities.
Life is Better With Ice Cream π¦
Dairy Queen Blizzard Attendance Winners
This week's winners of the Perfect Attendance Blizzard drawing is:
December 2nd through the 6th attendance winners
~Marley S. ~Caleb W. ~Serenity S. ~Cynthia C. ~Zaidyn M.
December 9th through the 13th attendance winners
~Beverly C. ~Grace N. ~Deegan C. ~Ethan K.O. ~Riley R.
We love having all our Bulldogs in attendance and we can't to see who will win next week's Blizzard Drawing!
CIS December Attendance Incentive: Find Mrs. Hardin in the Hall π
Community Opportunities:
Community Children Christmas Event (Sign-Up Ends Dec 15.)
98.5 WTFM, in partnership with several local organizations, is hosting a special Christmas event for children who have been affected by the flooding and storms this past September. This event is designed to bring joy and support to kids who have faced difficult circumstances -- whether through the loss of their homes, family members, or just the emotional toll of the disaster. We would love to extend this invitation to all children in your district who have been impacted. To confirm attendance, we ask that families sign up online (or they can be nominated by a teacher, counselor, family member, friend, etc.) at the link below, providing the names and ages of the children who will be attending. This will allow us to make sure every child gets an appropriate gift and we have enough food & goodies for all to go around. Sign ups are requested by 12/15.
Event Details:
- Date: Sunday, December 22, 2024 (Time TBD).
- Location: Quantum Leap Trampoline Park, Johnson City
- Food and Gifts: Provided free of charge
- Sign-Up: Required to ensure we have enough gifts and food for all attendees (click the image to begin)
Sign-Up Link: https://wtfm.com/operation-help-appalachia-save-christmas/
Love to read? Love a good book? Love being a VIES Bulldog? Then...
Click on the image to take you to dreamland...we hope you enjoy!
Stay Connected to your Student's Education
We have several ways to stay connected to your child's education and teachers. Every parent has access to ParentPortal which allows you to see grades and attendance. You can register on the county website if you have not already signed up or you can call the school and request your student's login information.
Every grade uses an app to maintain communication between parents/guardians and teachers. Please see the list below on which app you should download to stay connected to your student's teacher:
PreSchool- Call the school at (276)642-5500
Kindergarten- Remind
First- Remind
Second- Email
Third- ParentPortal
Fourth- ClassDojo
Fifth- Remind
Elementary Menus - December
Elementary Menus:
Breakfast Menu: Link
Lunch Menu: Link
The new site is linqconnect which can be accessed from the school nutrition home webpage. There is also a link on the School Nutrition webpage FAQ's/Direction on how to access linqconnect for student account prepayments. Here is the Link to WCS nutritional page.
Office Procedures!
- Please call the office if your child is absent from school. 276-642-5500 or email rhockman@wcs.k12.va.us
- Send or fax any doctor appointment notes to cover for excused absences. 276-645-2394
- Any transportation changes must be made by 2:20 PM to ensure safety of dismissal time.
- Due to Safety, NO check outs from office after 2:20 PM students will need to go to car rider line.
Contact Us
Instagram: /vies_bulldogs
Website: https://vies.wcs.k12.va.us/
Location: 4350 Gate City Highway, Bristol, VA, USA
Phone: 276-642-5500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/viesbulldogs
Twitter: @VIESBulldogs