Crusader Connections
Father Andrew White S.J. School Newsletter
February 6, 2024
🗓️ Important Dates
February 14: Ash Wednesday Mass, 8:30am
February 16: No School for Students - Professional Day
February 19: No School - Presidents' Day
February 23: Stations of the Cross
February 24: Destination Imagination Competition
F.A.W. Awards - First Semester 2024
F. = Follow God...
A. = Always Respectful and Kind...
W. = Willing to Learn...
Report Cards Posted
Report cards were posted on the Parent Portal last week. You can find the report card in the E-Locker under E-Portfolio. https://www.plusportals.com/FatherAndrewWhiteSchool If you need assistance logging into the Parent Portal, please contact Mrs. Greer at greer@fatherandrewwhite.org.
Honor Roll
Record Your Volunteer Hours
Be sure that your parent volunteer hours have been submitted. At this point, you should have completed 12-13 hours to stay on pace to fulfill your 25 hour commitment if you are a Service Scholarship family. https://fatherandrewwhite.org/volunteer-hours-log/
Re-enrollment Status - Classes are filling up!
Did you secure your spot for next year? Families can complete re-enrollment forms through their TADS account online at https://secure.tads.com/Accounts/Login.aspx.
NOTE: The easiest way to complete the process is to click on the link that will be included in your email.
Now Enrolling!
Father Andrew White Catholic School has opened enrollment to new families for the 2024-2025 school year. We welcome you to consider becoming a part of this amazing, award winning school. Schedule a private tour to discover how our students are "Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow, Living our Faith." Call the office at (301) 475-9795 or email office@fatherandrewwhite.org.
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open to new students. http://mytads.com/a/fatherandrewwhiteschool
Catholic Schools Week!
Many pictures were posted from our Catholic Schools Week celebration. Even if you do not have a Facebook account, you are still able to see our posts. Check out the fun we had! https://www.facebook.com/fawschool/
Also, thank you for your generous donations! We were able to donate $1,000 to the St. Aloysius Mission Ministry that will be helping to fix up Camp Maria Retreat Center. We also donated 228 cans of soup to the St. Aloysius SVdP Food Pantry. Additionally we collected enough donations for three local animal shelter/organizations! God bless your giving hearts!
Thank You!
Thank you to all who supported our Italian Dinner and Brown Bag Auction! It was a wonderful evening of fellowship and delicious food! And the amazing baskets were a huge hit with both kids and adults! Many thanks to our coordinators who organized both events!
Italian Dinner: Angie Sample & Karen Farr
Brown Bag Auction: Jessica Phillips & Shannon Dent
Thank you to everyone who helped and attended our Italian Dinner! It was wonderful to see the gym full of happy, smiling families, enjoying a meal together! We loved seeing some of our FAW alumni in attendance as well. The Brown Bag Auction always adds an extra level of excitement for our students and families. Many hands make light work and we had many hands help us set up, decorate, cook, serve, tear down and clean up! In particular, we'd like to thank Crabknockers for lending and setting up cooking equipment, the LVFD for lending kitchen supplies, and the Wallace family for donating 8 dozen farm fresh eggs. We look forward to seeing everyone next year!
Sign up for Math Tutoring - Starts this Thursday!!
Candy Gram Orders are Due!
Buy Candy Grams for your friends!!
Valentine's Tag Day next Tuesday!
Wear red, pink, or purple!
Archdiocesan Tuition Assistance Program
Applications for next year’s Archdiocesan Tuition Assistance Program are now available. Families may apply online by logging on to https://adwcatholicschools.org/tuition-assistance/.
On the top toolbar, hover over “TUITION ASSISTANCE” and then click on the “ARCHDIOCESAN TUITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM” link at the top of the menu. Any families who think they will need tuition assistance for the 2024-2025 school year MUST APPLY THROUGH THIS ADW PROGRAM FIRST, before asking for aid from FAW.
The TADS admissions portal is accessible for the 2024-2025 admissions cycle for all archdiocesan elementary schools.
TADS tuition assistance deadline: February 16, 2024
School Store - Starts next Wednesday, February 14th!
This quarter, some of our middle school students are operating a school store. They are learning how to take inventory, markup items for profit, and manage the ins and outs of a business. The school store will be open every Wednesday during their elective class time. Items cost anywhere from 25 cents to $10. Please encourage your children to visit the school store! Kindly send in an envelope with money, marked with your child’s name and “School Store” so the middle schoolers know who to expect this week.
Middle School Volleyball Signups Begin Today!
Volleyball is back! If your middle schooler is looking to play on our FAW team, please complete and return the interest form below. Practices start in two weeks!
FAW Athletics
We have been posting our basketball schedules and the results from our games on our website. Please see the link below!
📣 🏀 Go Crusaders! 🏀 📣
Pictures from our 8th Grade Basketball Night
Golden Apple Award Nominations
Each year ten local Catholic school teachers of the Archdiocese of Washington are honored as Golden Apple Award winners. If any parents would like to nominate a teacher who shows an excellence in teaching and a commitment to a quality Catholic education, please email Mrs. Szoch: principal@fatherandrewwhite.org for more information. Please note: the teacher must have been employed with our school for at least three years and be a certified catechist in order to be considered for this award.
Are you Feeling Lucky?
Take a chance (or 2 or 3!) on being one of the 31 winners in the fourth FAW Lottery Fundraiser! With $2,825 in cash prizes, this is a great opportunity to support the school and have a chance to come away a WINNER!!! Be sure to ask your family and friends to see if they'd like the chance to put a little extra cash in their wallets, too! Please see the flyer below to see how you have 31 chances to win!
Tickets will be coming home soon!
FAW News Email
Do you have an announcement you’d like to put in our weekly bulletin? Or perhaps you went to an FAW event, such as a basketball game, and you’d like to share some information or photos you took. We have created an email where you can send pictures, blurbs, etc. This will help us get new items in our bulletin, on our lobby TV, and on our website. Email: FAWnews@fatherandrewwhite.org Kindly send anything you’d like considered in the Announcements by Friday evening of the week prior.
As most of you know, I was away for a couple of weeks on a mission trip to Belize, but I am back at school and happy to be here! While away, the wonderful people that covered for me saw a variety of “the usual” ailments, most of which are still going around at school and in the community. In the past few weeks, we have had several cases of influenza B, gastrointestinal illness, conjunctivitis (pinkeye), strep throat, COVID-19, respiratory and cold viruses, and “fevers of unknown origin.” With so many contagious illnesses circulating, we ask that you remind your children about the importance of proper hand hygiene, along with covering coughs and sneezes, not sharing drinks, and cleaning surfaces as often as possible. At school we have ordered new filters for our air purifiers, and are increasing our cleaning and disinfection procedures. Lastly, as per school policy, please remember to send in a doctor’s note if your child is absent for three consecutive days or longer due to illness. Plus, since doctor’s notes usually do not include a diagnosis, it would also be helpful if you could let me know what was wrong and why they were absent.
Are you looking for volunteer opportunities?
Would you like to help with the Spring Auction? If so, contact faw.social2023@gmail.com to find out what you can do!
Weekly Reminders:
❏ Sign up for Math Tutoring
❏ Return Candy Gram Forms and Payment
❏ Complete Financial Aid Application
❏ Send news and pictures to FAWnews@fatherandrewwhite.org
❏ Submit Volunteer Hours
Email: office@fatherandrewwhite.org
Phone: 301-475-9795
Website: www.fatherandrewwhite.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/fawschool