Irish Gifted Academy
Week of September 8th, 2024
Hey IGA Family!
I hope this message finds you and your family well. I am thrilled to share that we had another fantastic week at IGA filled with excitement, learning, and celebration!
Progress Reports:
On Friday, progress reports were sent home with all students. I encourage each of you to take the time to review your child's progress with them. These reports provide a valuable opportunity to discuss their academic achievements, areas for growth, and to set goals for the remainder of the term. Your involvement is crucial to their success, and together, we can ensure they continue to thrive.
Homecoming Royalty:
I am also delighted to announce that our Homecoming festivities were a huge success! Congratulations to our newly crowned Homecoming Queen and King, Peighton Pittman and Brayden Moore! We are proud of all our students who participated and demonstrated incredible school spirit and camaraderie.
Safety First:
As always, the safety and well-being of our students are our top priority. We continue to implement and refine our safety processes and protocols to ensure a secure environment for everyone. Our measures include requiring all visitors to sign in at the front office and provide identification, regular safety drills, secured entry points, and vigilant supervision throughout the school day. Please remind your children to report any concerns to a trusted adult immediately. We appreciate your support in reinforcing these safety protocols at home.
Grandparents Day & Book Fair:
This week, we are ecstatic to celebrate Grandparents Day, a wonderful event where we welcome many grandparents who will join us to share special moments with their grandchildren through literacy. Our annual Book Fair is back! It’s fantastic to see students so excited to explore new books and foster a love for reading. The Book Fair is open tomorrow through Friday, so be sure to stop by and help your child find a new favorite book!
Thank you for your continued support and for being a vital part of our school community. Together, we are making this year a remarkable one for our students!
With gratitude,
Mr. Taylor
Five Houses.....One IGA #Family
Coming Up Next...
Monday, September 9th - Friday, September 13th: The Irish Gifted Academy's A Book Fair Grand Event {9/9: Pre-K Johnson @ 8:30 AM, Pre-K Soles @ 9:30 AM; 9/10: Kindergarten Wood @ 8:30 AM, K/1 McDaniel @ 9:30 AM, 9/11: 1st Grade Fernandez @ 8:30 AM, 2nd Grade White @ 9:30 AM, 9/12: 3rd Grade Glover @ 8:30 AM, 4th Grade Woodard @ 9:30 AM; 9/13: 5th & 6th Grade @ 8:30 AM, 7th & 8th Grade @ 9:30 AM}
Monday, September 9th: Dublin Middle School Softball AWAY @ East Laurens at 4:30 PM
Monday, September 9th: Regular Meeting of the Dublin City Board of Education at 6:00 PM
Tuesday, September 10th: Moore Street School's Soar with PBIS from 10:00 - 11:00 AM in the MSS Conference Room
Tuesday, September 10th: Dublin High School Irish Cross Country AWAY @ Warner Robins at 4:30 PM
Tuesday, September 10th: Dublin High School Lady Irish Volleyball HOME Doubleheader vs Northside and Southwest beginning at 5:00 PM
Tuesday, September 10th: Dublin High School Lady Irish Softball AWAY @ Dodge County at 5:30 PM
Wednesday, September 11th: Dublin High School Senior Transcript Review Day in the DHS Auditorium{9:00 AM for Students with Last Names Beginning with A-M // 1:00 PM for Students with Last Names Beginning with N-Z}
Wednesday, September 11th: Dublin Middle School Football AWAY @ East Laurens at 5:00 PM
Wednesday, September 11th: Dublin Middle School Softball AWAY @ East Laurens at 5:00 PM
Thursday, September 12th: Dublin High School Fighting Irish JV Football HOME vs. Bleckley County at 5:00 PM
Thursday, September 12th: Dublin High School Lady Irish Softball AWAY @ East Laurens at 6:00 PM
Click Below to Access Our FY25 Student Handbook
Dress Code Reminder
Attendance Policy
Visit Here to Learn Ways You Can Volunteer at IGA! #BetterTogether
If you are able to assist us in any of the below capacities, please reach out to Mr. Taylor at matt.taylor@dcsirish.com. We are so grateful for the village we have!
- Assist with Check In / Check Out Process for Books in Our Reading Corner
- Assist with Interior Painting / Decor
"Five Houses....One IGA #Family" -- House Background and Information
Isibindi — House of Courage — Language (Zulu) — Country (South Africa) — Animal (Lion)
Altruismo — House of Givers — Language (Portuguese) — Country (Brazil) — Animal (Snake)
Amistad — House of Friendship — Language (Spanish) — Country (Mexico) — Animal (Peacock)
Reveur — House of Dreamers — Language (French) — Country (France) — Animal (Wolf)
Nukumori -- House of Kindness -- Language (Japanese) -- Country (Japan) -- Animal (Dragon)
Altruismo -- House of Givers
Nukumori -- House of Kindess
Isibindi -- House of Courage
Reveur -- House of Dreamers
Five Houses.....One IGA #Family
Amistad -- House of Friendship
About Us
Email: matt.taylor@dcsirish.com
Website: https://iga.dcs.irish/en-US
Location: 1951 Hillcrest Parkway, Dublin, GA, USA
Phone: 478-353-8450
Facebook: facebook.com/irishgiftedacademy