Peirce School Family Newsletter
Summer Edition
Happy Summer!
Thank you for a wonderful year at Peirce - it has been a joy watching your children grow and develop over the year and I look forward to being a part of their educational experience for many years to come. It is my goal that all students have access to high quality IB instruction, embody the IB Learner Profile, feel safe while at school, know that they are important members of the Peirce community and that all students have at least one adult that they can go to in a time of need. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be a part of the development of your children, we continue to strive to do right by the young people in our buildings everyday.
At the end of each year, families and staff begin to transition into various places in their personal and professional lives. I would like to thank the following staff members who will not be returning to Peirce in the fall for their tremendous contributions to the students and families of Peirce .
- Mr. Richie is the new assistant principal position at Swift School - a fellow network 2 school - the teachers and families of Swift are lucky to have him joining their team! Mr. Richie will be greatly missed by many members of the Peirce Community!
- After 27 years in CPS, Ms. Scharenbrock has retired - she is loved by many of our early learners in the Pre-K program - we wish Ms. Sandy well in her retirement.
- Ms. Hernandez will be entering a full time post graduate program
- Ms. Smith will be relocating to California
- Ms. Chiang will be relocating to Kuwait to teach high school biology at the American School of Kuwait!
- Ms. Feeney has spent many years supporting students with autism and will return to that work.
- Ms. Ferrand, Ms. Lambro and Ms. Migas are wished well on their new career endeavors.
In a building as large as Peirce with 1,040 students and 100 staff members, movement among staff is not uncommon. I will continue to work to hire the best teachers and teachers assistants to work alongside of your children as we work to implement a high quality IB program. Over the next two months, there is much to be done; finalizing hiring, schedules and programming for the 2018-2019 school year.
I wish you a wonderful, restful summer vacation and look forward to having your children back at school in the fall!
With Regards,
Lori Zaimi
Donations Requested - Board Games & Plastic Bins
- Chutes & Ladders
- Candyland
- Connect Four
- Uno
- Sorry
- Trouble
- Go Fish
- Memory
- Pick Up Sticks
- Battle Ship
- Mancala
- Guess Who
- Chess
- Checkers
- Scrabble
- Children's Trivia Pursuit
- & MORE!
If you are interested in making a donation, please drop off games to Sally Suarez or Lynn Carro in the main office.
Now Enrolling!
Kindergarten-8th Grade
Spread the word - we are now enrolling for next school year! Encourage any family that you know of in the neighborhood to begin the registration process. More information can be found on the school website by visiting here.Pre-Kindergarten
There pre-school application is now live and can be found by visiting more information can also be found by visiting here.
Kindergarten Play Dates
Get to know other incoming Peirce families. Join us for Kindergarten playdates on the Peirce playground.
Sunday, July 29 from 10 a.m. - .12 p.m.
Sunday, August 5 from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Saturday, August 18 from 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Thursday, August 23 from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.
2018-2019 Classroom Placements
Peirce Calendar!
Save the Date!
August 24th - Classroom Placements updated in Parent Portal (still tentative)
August 30th - Back to School Meet the teacher/drop off supplies from 3:00 - 4:00pm, PSO Back to School Festival from 4:00 - 6:00pm
August 30th - New Family Orientation, 3:00pm (If Kindergarten families missed the June 1st session, this is an opportunity to have a condensed version, and new families to grades other than Kindergarten are welcome to attend)
September 4th - First Day of School for the 2018-2019 School Year!
Helen C. Peirce School of International Studies
Location: 1423 W Bryn Mawr Chicago, IL
Phone: 773-534-2440