CFT #1272 (March 2024)
President's Message
Our Voice. Our Values. Our Union.
Brothers and Sisters,
Before you leave for a well-deserved Spring Break holiday, I want to bring you up to date on several union matters.
Union Shirts:
In February, the union hosted a union social and handed out NEW SHIRTS. Erin Reeb coordinated the effort to get a shirt to every union member. If you did not get yours, please email me or Erin. Remember, wear your Union shirt every payday to show solidarity and CFT pride.
Action Committee:
Our action committee has met twice, and we are actively recruiting additional people. To build POWER, the committee will be getting you involved. Working together, we can get the work environment and contract we all deserve. We really need volunteers from our service departments, ESSC and Huffman. Email me if you would like to volunteer or learn more.
Please ask your friends if they get this newsletter. If not, have them email me or their rep. Newsletters are sent to personal emails only. I have asked building reps to organize a space on a workroom bulletin board to display union communications too. If you are on Facebook, follow our page 'Cahokia Federation of Teachers 1272'. We need EVERY MEMBER to get information and to understand their rights. If you have never read your contract, please make time to read it now. The contracts are attached every month to this newsletter. Print yourself a copy for easy reference.
In recent months, I have represented far too many non-certified members for job abandonment. The progressive discipline article does not apply to certified staff, but it does impact all non-certified people (secretaries, maintenance, bus aides, health aides, custodians, security, paras, etc). The progressive discipline article contains ten infractions that can result in termination, and one of the ten infractions is job abandonment. Job abandonment is not what it sounds like. It does not mean just disappearing from your job. Our district defines it as running out of available leave and going into dock days. Please be mindful of the days you are taking and keep track of how many you have left. If non-certified people run out of days, they must have APPROVAL from the SUPERINTENDENT to miss additional time. A doctor's note or a call to a supervisor is not enough. The board has the right to terminate employees for going into dock unless they are on FMLA or other protected leaves. Reread the entire discipline article in your contract so you understand this important information.
The union objected to recent unilateral changes made by administration to the district's FMLA procedures. We received concerns from union members because they were being told they had to take FMLA, and people also reported issues with returning to work. I enlisted the support of the IFT to address the FMLA issue. Erin, Ray and I met with the central office administration March 13. I am happy to report the following going forward:
-Employees will get a letter from the district when they take 3 or more days of consecutive sick leave notifying them of their right to take FMLA leave (it won't be a requirement). FMLA offers certain job protections for up to 12 weeks in a 12 month period, so know your rights.
-Employees will be required to submit a medical note to use 3 days of sick leave (The district has this right) within four school days of returning to work.
-Employees will be docked for absences without a note.
-Employees will have 15 calendar days to submit for FMLA leave.
-If FMLA is foreseeable, employees have an obligation to let the district know so preparations can be made to cover the absence.
-In some instances, a fitness for duty test may be required to return.
I am hopeful the agreement will make things easier for people needing to use sick leave. The district will provide more detailed information.
Minimum Wage
Several of our union siblings currently are earning less than minimum wage. I have asked that this be corrected with back pay to conform to Illinois law. This should appear as an item for the board to consider this month.
Health Aide Agreement
I recently signed a memorandum of agreement with the district to pay health aides when they are asked to drive to another school during school hours to cover when another health aide is absent. Our nurses are represented by Janis Woolard, and she and other union officers began working on this last spring. This is good news.
IFT President's Conference
Recently, I represented our local by attending the annual Illinois Federation of Teachers President's Council held in Springfield, IL. Jane Cohlmeyer was also in attendance, serving on the Retiree Constituency Council. I attended several informative workshops on topics like Artificial Intelligence and making space for the next generation of labor leaders. It was empowering to learn from other leaders.
Bids for teachers should come out this week. I have pressed to know principal placements before we bid again this year, and I have asked if ESSR funded intervention jobs are coming back. I am sorry to report that the district administrators have said they do not know at this time. I find this answer difficult to accept, and I am sure you do as well.
TSL Grant
The union and the district have met since my last newsletter, and we are able to agree on most of the district's language for the grant. I am told they are still planning to begin this spring. The union has a few areas of concern that I will share in more detail when the district's plans are finalized.
Have a great holiday.
In Solidarity,
Penniman Wears Union Shirts on Payday! Do You?
CFT Action to Support Grant-Illini Federation of Teachers
About Us
teachers, certified and non-certified staff, service workers, maintenance, custodial staff, secretarial, Technology Department staff, social workers, and nurses.
Location: Cahokia, IL, USA