Willow Family Update
Monday, August 26, 2024
A Note from Principal Gordon
Happy Monday Willow Families,
Thank you all for an amazing first week! I got some great snapshots of the first day and supply drop off so I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. It was lovely seeing many of you at the Back-to-School bash on Saturday. As we continue into this week of warmer weather, please remember to send your child with weather appropriate clothing, their water bottle and their daily snack.
On another note, in a previous communication I shared that students need a doctor's note for non-dairy milk options. This has been updated to reflect that a parent or guardian may send a note requesting this option as part of a child's lunch.
Pay close attention to the new dismissal change below. Please stay cool and let us know if you need anything!
Take care,
Ms. Gordon
Important Dates
30 - Early Dismissal (11:40 am)
2 - No School (Labor Day)
18 - Early Dismissal (11:40 am)
26 - Open House (5:30 pm - 7 pm)
11-15 - No School Fall Break
21 - Picture Day
31 - Early Dismissal (11:40 am)
These are photos from the first day and supply drop off. I guess my tech skills aren't super great because a few heads are cut off with this platform. I will adjust them once I figure that out...enjoy!
Dismissal Update
After some amazing days but a few rough patches, we will be adjusting our dismissal procedure BEGINNING TUESDAY. At the end of the day, all classroom teachers will dismiss their own students who are walkers. Busers will follow the same protocol along with day care kiddos.
Please meet your child at their designated paw print that you drop them off to at arrival. This small change should help facilitate some big support for our students and families. Any student not picked up after dismissal will be in the main office.
Bus Information
Thank you for your patience with transportation. It appears that our bus schedules are a little off for the end of the day. We have requested the change at the district level to reflect; however, buses at Willow typically do not depart until 3 pm. Please keep this in mind as you review the time for your route stop. If the bus is more than 15 minutes late from Willow, we will notify you via telephone robo call.
Food Service Update
There have been some changes in food services. In particular, please note that lactose free and soy milk are now available as a replacement to the standard carton of milk. However, there must be a note on file from a parent or guardian for it to be apart of your child's lunch or you will be charged $1 if your kiddo chooses this.
Previously Shared Information
Meet Walter!
Walter is Willow's therapy dog. Many of the children know him from last year, but this year he will be fully integrated into Willow's school day. When you see him, he is very friendly and loves a good rub and treat, but please ask his handler, Ms. Spain, first! If you have not yet given consent or declined for your child to interact with Walter, please contact the main office beginning Monday at 8 am.
Line Up and Dismissal
On the first day, students will line up according to the map below. Paw prints with room numbers will indicate where each class will line up. There will be staff wearing Homewood t-shirts around the school to assist you with any needs you may have. Teachers will walk their students into the building at 8:00 am. Please line up outside the building at the designated areas on the map below.
School Hours
The school day for kindergarten, first and second grade students starts at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 2:50 p.m. Monday through Friday. Pre-kindergarten and students in the Early Childhood programs will session times are 8:15-10:45 am for the AM session and 11:45-2:15 pm for the PM session.
In the morning, playground supervision begins at 7:45 am. No student should arrive to school before this time as there is no staff supervision. Students should line up at 7:55 am and will enter the building with their teacher at 8:00 am. Students arriving after 8:00 am are tardy and must enter the building through the main office door with an adult. All students should be picked up at 2:50 pm at dismissal. There is no school supervision after school. If your child rides a bus and will need to go home a different way, please contact the main office no later than 2 pm.
If your child will be absent or starting the school day late, please contact the school office on the dedicated attendance line at 708-647-2200 before 8:00 am. You may also notify the office by sending an email to kimberly.tufts@hsd153.org.
Travel to and From School
Many children walk to school, some are dropped off by car, and some ride the bus. As a result, the streets around the school are filled with cars, buses, and children just before 8:00 a.m. It can get chaotic! If possible, please walk to school. Meeting up with friends and walking to school together is a great way to start the school day!
District 153 has designated that all Willow students who live outside a 1.5 mile radius are eligible to ride the bus. You should have received an email informing you of the bus number your child is assigned to. Bus route information and the morning pick up times can be found here. Please arrive at least 5 minutes early to your child's bus stop's assigned time. Please be sure that a parent or caregiver is waiting at the bus stop after school. In addition, for the safety of your child, it is important that they only ride the bus to which they have been assigned.
Parking around the school in the morning can be challenging. If you wish to park and walk your child to their line, please park on designated neighboring street. THE CUL-DE-SAC IS CLOSED FOR BUSES ONLY. You may drop your child off through the car line on Willow or Gladville. It is important that kids are ready to exit the car when the supervisor opens the door. DO NOT U-TURN AFTER DROP-OFF on any streets surrounding the school as this is a danger to all students traveling to and from Willow.
A crossing guard is typically stationed on Willow Road at the cross streets of Highland Ave, Page Ave, and Gladville Ave. There are additional crossing guards at Willow Rd and Dixie Highway and in back of the school on Gladville Ave. Please pay attention to the crossing guards. They understand the traffic patterns around the school and are looking out for the safety of all Willow students. Please follow their directions as they are trying to keep all children and families safe.
Lunch at School
Here is the link to the federal application form for reduced or free lunch.
Breakfast is available every morning from 7:45 am to 8 am. Any student may join breakfast during that time. Cost varies based on whether you qualify for full, free, or reduced lunch. Students will enter through Door B, and a supervisor will assist them.
About Us
Website: https://willow.hsd153.org/
Location: 1804 Willow Road, Homewood, IL 60430
Phone: 708-798-3720