Greenwich Twp. School Board Brief
Mason Dane Stewart Baxter
Autumn Brandley
Obadiah Buckley
Ethan Bulger
Rian Josephine Caldwell
Abigail Chapkowski
Harlan Mae Clement
Caiden Ross Coleman
Elliott Colon Jr.
Paula Alvarado Cua
Lily Herbert
Luke Herbert
Jada Samara Holmes
Khamanie Chanell Jones
James Keller
George Koutsoutis
Amiyiah LaFleur
Ciara Lindsey
Sindy Liu
Wendy Liu
Kaitlyn Christina Marshall
Carmelo Nelson Matthews
Lukas Milligan
Bella Paterna
Lauren Kathryn Pellegrini
Idris Amin Porter
Samira S. Rone
Eduardo Josue Rosa-Rodriguez
Giuliana Marie Rossi
Braeden James Sammons
Logan A. Shipman
Sarah Sholders
Sean Siegel
Keenan Joseph Smith Jr.
Noah P. Somerville
Nicholas Squilla
Bruce Monroe Stanfield III
Madison Leigh Stewart
Anderson Van Pelt
Juan Van Pelt
Azariah Sapphire Ward
Nicholas Samuel Weber
Jorja Marie Widmer
Jayden Mikael Williams
Kyle Jamison Young
Regular Board of Education meeting June 18, 2024
Greenwich Township Board of Education
Email: cgarrison@gtsdk8.us
Website: http://www.greenwich.k12.nj.us/
Location: 415 Swedesboro Road, Gibbstown, NJ, USA
Phone: 856-224-4900 X2132
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/greenwichtwp/
Board Brief
Regular Board of Education meeting June 18, 2024
Mrs. Erin Herzberg - School Board President
Mr. Andrew Chapkowski - School Board Vice-President
Mr. John T. Goetaski
Mr. Michael Hasenpat
Mrs. Roseanne Lombardo
Ms. Meghann Myers
Mrs. Susan Vernacchio
Highlights from the Greenwich Township School District Board of Education Meeting June 18, 2024
Enrollment: 423
1. Superintendent Recommendations Approved
A. Approval of the following teachers for the PreK-Kindergarten orientation on August 28, 2024, with a stipend of $35.00 hour: Megan Ballinger, Kiley Barker, Stephanie Beckett, Brianna Fowler, Janet Geary, Susan Pipczynski, Tara Reale, Alexa Walsh
B. Renewal of the following Substitutes for the 2024-2025 school year:
Deck, Martha School Nurse $250.00 per day
Ford, Mary Principal Secretary $20.00/hour
Franco, Dolores School Nurse $250.00 per day
Gentile, Brianna School Nurse $250.00 per day
Ireland, Dillon Custodian $17.00/hour
Medica, Max Custodian $17.00/hour
Rivera, Elsie Principal Secretary $20.00/hour
Tortella, Cathy School Nurse $250.00 per day
Vogeding, Mark Custodian $17.55/hour
Zane, Lori Principal Secretary $20.00/hour
C. Approval of Lauren Ernst and Joshua Bomze as advisors to the Mock Trial After School Club, at a stipend of $750.00 each, for the 2024-2025 school year.
D. Approval of the following staff members to the ScIP Committee for the 2024-2025 school year, at a stipend of $35.00 per hour: Stephanie Beckett, Joshua Bomze, Patricia New, Robin Vicino
E. Approval of salary adjustment for Miranda Coughlan, from BA +15 to BA +30, Step C, prorated to May 14, 2024, $55,806.00.
F. Acceptance of resignation from Chelsea Fagely, BSS teacher.
G. Approval of the following staff members to conduct IEP meetings and/or perform evaluations, as needed, effective July 1, 2024 - August 30, 2024, at a rate of $300.00 per evaluation and a rate of $35.00 per hour for IEP meetings: Diana Dresh, Colleen Moran, Jacob Lightman, Ryan McVeigh, Sean Keane, Tara Reale.
2. Budget & Finance:
A. Contract with GCSSSD for Remedial Services for Non-Public IDEA, 2024-2025.
B. Professional Services Resolution 2024-2025
C. Transfer Current Year Surplus to Maintenance Reserve by resolution
D. GCSSSD JIFF Risk Management Consultant 2024-2025
E. Nutri-Serve Management of Food Service appointment with form 23CR
F. Paulsboro High School 2024-2025 tuition contract.
G. Contracts with school districts providing specialized services to our students. Please see the Board agenda for the listings.
H. NJ State approved list of Clinics/Agencies regulated by NJ Administrative Code 6A:14-5.1 through 5.2 in accordance, for the 2024-2025 school year.
I. Transfer of Current Year Surplus to Capital Reserve by resolution.
J. Professional Services contracts for the 2024-2025 school year.
3. Report of the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary- Approved
A. Bills Lists with payroll -#77-85 and payroll #161-163
B. Student Activities statements for April and May 2024
C. Report of the Board Secretary for April and May 2024
D. Report of the Treasurer for April and May 2024
E. Transfer Reports for April and May 2024.
F. Transfer Report to the Executive County Superintendent for May 2024.
4. Buildings & Grounds:
A. Use of Facilities request from Repauno Port & Rail Terminal, BSS parking lot on June 20, 2024, from approximately 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm.
B. Resolution for application to New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for $71, 000.00 in grant funds, for BSS playground expansion and improvements for students and public usage.
5. Public Session: Topics brought up included -
Announced that the new PTO President is Dana Hasenpat and the Vice President is Vanessa Keegan. Positive comment on our Preschool Program. Resignation of staff member.
6. Executive Session - Yes
7. Action After Executive Session:
A. Approval of Alisa Whitcraft, Principal at Broad Street School, contract for 2024-2025 at $146,037.00
B. Approval of John Tirico, Director of Special Services, contract for 2024-2025 at $121,535.00.
C. Approval of Shared Services agreement with Woodbury Heights, for Scott Campbell, to provide School Business Services.
D. Approval of Atlantic City Electric Small Business Direct Install agreement to provide installation of Energy Efficient measures at Broad Street School.
E. Approval with Collier Engineering Service to provide services related to the 2020-2024 Local Recreation grant at Broad Street School.
8. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:54 pm
South Jersey Elementary Honor Band Festival!!!
Congratulations to our students who participated in the All South Jersey Elementary Honor Band Festival, May 11, 2024. Mr. Haney had 5 students: Nolan Forlano, Sophia Henderson, Katelyn Barow, and Sophia Melnychuck, from Nehaunsey Middle School Band and Juliana Fisler from Broad Street Band. The students participated in an all-morning rehearsal which lead up to a massive concert involving the best of elementary students (grades 4-6) in all of Southern NJ. The students did a fantastic job and we are all so proud of them! Please enjoy the link below to the concert.
Attached is the link to the recordings for the concert:
Spotlight Employees for the month of May 2024:
Daniel Giorgianni - NMS Guidance Counselor - In our busiest times, Mr. Giorgianni keeps us all calm and organized. He again exceeded at standardized testing this year; scheduling, coordinating, implementing all students, teachers, and data. We thank you for always being there for all of us, testing or not!!!!!
Stacey Ridinger-Robles - Art Teacher - As well as being our district Art teacher, Mrs. Ridinger-Robles makes our buildings beautiful with the students' artwork throughout the year! We have had many compliments, especially during our assemblies and concerts. Thank you so much for all your effort!
Thank you all for going above and beyond for our students, staff, and administrators!!
Beckett-Carsen Anderson
Geary-Carlo Dawson
Walsh- Tiago Lora
Barker-Natino Dawson
Maxie- Stella Malara
Exley-Madison Hasenpat
Nastase-Logan King
New-Delaney O’Donnell
Pezzino-Ariely Arias
Wedgwood-Mia Stahl
Sayers-Jackson Grelli
Fowler-Reed Gedling
Fried-Charlotte Grelli
Camacho-Erin Shannon
Guzzardi-Emerson Gurick
Art - Isaias Rodriguez-Colon, 7th grade
ELA - Katelyn Barow - 6th grade, Brianna DiGerolamo - 7th grade, Juan Van Pelt - 8th grade
HPE - Rian Caldwell - 8th grade, Logan Shipman - 8th grade
ITALIAN - Ethan Bulger - 8th grade
MATH - Nolan Forlano - 6th grade, Brennan Neville - 7th grade, Nicholas Weber - 8th grade
MUSIC - Nolan Forlano - 6th grade
SCIENCE - Dillin Tomlin - 6th grade, Dylan Collins - 7th grade, Carmelo Matthews - 8th grade
SOCIAL STUDIES - Katelyn Barow - 6th grade, Tommy Accordino - 7th grade, Abigail Chapkowski - 8th grade
TECHNOLOGY - Nathan Giering - 7th grade
PERFECT ATTENDANCE: Raegan Kazmeirski, Lia Pagan, Alett Santiago-German, Sindy Liu and Wendy Liu
BULLDOG AWARD - Zach DiSilvio - 6th grade, Julius Scott - 7th grade, Madison Stewart - 8th grade
UNSUNG HERO - Cami Van Pelt - 6th grade, Alett Santiago-German - 7th grade, and Paula Alvarado - 8th grade
PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARD - Jaxxon Dombroski - 6th grade, Nora Dowdy - 7th grade, and
Autumn Brandley - 8th grade
BEST ALL AROUND - Lia Pagan - 6th grade, Averie Fergone - 7th grade, and Rian Caldwell - 8th grade
6th Grade - Katelyn Barow, Aliyah Chila, Holly Forcinito, Nolan Forlano, Lia Pagan, Dillin Tomlin
7th Grade - Averie Fergone, Nathan Kiering, Giulianna Giorgianni, Raegan Kazmierski, Brennan Neville, Alett Santiago-German
8th Grade - Mason Baxter, Ethan Bulger, Rian Caldwell, Abigail Chapkowski, Harlan Clement, Amiyiah LeFleur, Sindy Liu, Wendy Liu, Bella Paterna, Giuliana Rossi and Nicholas Weber
Trustworthiness: 6th grade: Aliyah Chila, Chase Tobin
7th grade: Nora Dowdy, Rocco Lawrence, Tommy Accordino
8th grade: Autumn Brandley, Ethan Bulger
Respect: 6th grade: Sophia Henderson, Dom Ferretti, Dillin Tomlin
7th grade: Giulianna Giorgianni, Demtrius Spencer, Nehemia Burno
8th grade: Sindy Liu, Logan Shipman
Responsibility: 6th grade: Yacelina Reyes Vargas, Nolan Forlano
7th grade: Reahannalee Landron, Alett Santiago-German, Brennan Neville
8th grade: Bella Paterna, Noah Somerville
Fairness: 6th grade: Skyler Schemelia, Zach DiSilvio, Dexter Somerville
7th grade: Grace Trzcinski, Joron Thompson
8th grade: Paula Alvarado, Kaitlyn Marshall, Mason Baxter
Caring: 6th grade: Lexi Stewart, Eli Valentin
7th grade: Alina Hughley, Violet Vanselous, Isaias Rodriguez-Colon
8th grade: Abigail Chapkowski, Anderson Van Pelt
Citizenship: 6th grade: Abi Craig, Carmine Woodburn
7th grade: Raegan Kazmierski, Tristian Baxter
8th grade: Jorga Widmer, Cal Barber, James Keller
Next regular Board of Education meeting is Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 6:30 pm
The schedule for the 2024 Board of Education meetings is available online.