Hornets' Nest News
Everything you need to know about Castle Rock Elementary
October Newsletter
October Events:
Please note that the following events are scheduled as listed, however, are subject to change.
- Thursday, 10/3: Volleyball vs. Shasta Valley at Montague at 5:00 PM
- Friday, 10/4: Monthly Awards Assembly @ 9:15 AM
- Tuesday, 10/8: Volleyball vs. Gazelle at Gazelle at 5:30 PM
- Wednesday, 10/9: Minimum Day- Dismissal at 1:00 PM
- Thursday, 10/10:
- School Picture Day
- Volleyball vs. Golden Eagle N at Dunsmuir at 4:00 PM
- Monday, 10/14: Local Holiday- No School
- Tuesday, 10/15: Volleyball vs. Golden Eagle S at Dunsmuir at 4:00 PM
- Thursday, 10/17: Volleyball vs. Dunsmuir at Dunsmuir at 5:00 PM
- Tuesday, 10/22: Volleyball vs. McCloud at McCloud at 5:00 PM
- Wednesday, 10/23: Minimum Day- Dismissal at 1:00 PM
- Saturday, 10/26: Volleyball Tournament (Details will be provided on Thursday, 10/24)
- Wednesday, 10/30: Family Movie Night @ 6:30 PM in Cafeteria (See Flyer Below)
- Thursday, 10/31: Fall School Carnival & Classroom Trick or Treat- Both events are at school during school hours for CRES students only. Additional information will be sent home closer to events.
- Friday, 11/1: Local Holiday- No School
- Sunday, 11/3: Daylight Savings Time Ends
- Friday, 11/8: Monthly Awards Assembly
All Fridays are Spirit Days- Wear your Castle Rock Elementary Spirit Shirts!
Here is a link to our October Breakfast and Lunch Menus: https://5il.co/2xw6z
Other events may occur that are not yet scheduled, but we will keep you posted.
October Family Movie Night Flyer
School Picture Day Flyer
September Happenings
Fun Educational Activities from September
Find below pictures of some of the activities from the month of September.
Back to School Night Lion's Club Dessert Bar
Back to School Night Lion's Club Dessert Bar
Back to School Night Lion's Club Dessert Bar
TK/K Building with Friends
TK/K Building with Friends
TK/K Building with Friends
TK/K Building with Friends
TK/K Building with Friends
TK/K Building with Friends
TK/K Building with Friends
TK/K Building with Friends
TK/K Building with Friends
TK/K Building with Friends
TK/K Mount Shasta Field Trip
TK/K Mount Shasta Field Trip
TK/K Working on Letters
TK/K Working on Letters
TK/K Working on Letters
TK/K Working on Letters
TK/K Gardening
6-8 Grade Reading to TK/K Class
6th-8th Grade Field Trip to Canatra Loop
6th-8th Grade Field Trip River Water Testing
6th-8th Grade Field Trip River Water Testing
6th-8th Grade Chemistry Lesson Fun
6th-8th Grade Chemistry Lesson Fun
Volleyball vs. Dunsmuir
Volleyball vs. Dunsmuir
Volleyball vs. Dunsmuir
Volleyball vs. Dunsmuir
Volleyball vs. Dunsmuir
Volleyball vs. Dunsmuir
Volleyball vs. Dunsmuir
Volleyball vs. Dunsmuir
Volleyball vs. Dunsmuir
Volleyball vs. Dunsmuir
Volleyball vs. Dunsmuir
Volleyball vs. Dunsmuir
Volleyball vs. Dunsmuir
Monthly Awards Assembly
Monthly Awards Assembly Information
At the beginning of each month our school hosts a Monthly Awards Assembly where Student of the Month and Monthly Perfect Attendance Awards are presented to our students. Our first Monthly Awards Assembly will be held on Friday, October 4th at 9:15 AM in our school cafeteria. Since August was such a short month we are combining August and September Award winners into one assembly. A parent invitation letter was sent home to the parents of the students that will be receiving awards.
One student from each class is chosen by their teacher as Student of the Month for working hard on exhibiting both the Monthly Value and our Positive Behavior Expectations. For the month of August the Monthly Value was "Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself" and the value for September was "Listen to and follow directions the 1st time they are given". Student of the Month Award winners will receive a certificate, a small trophy, and a book of their choice at the assembly.
Our August and September Student of the Month Winners are:
TK/K: August Winner- Blake Bonifield and September- Eleanor Windus
1st-2nd Grade Winners: August- Ivy Cottini and September- Ducatti Ponce-Winters
3rd-5th Grade: August- Orion Riddle and September- Kaylee Hernandez
6th-8th Grade: August- Navara Gonzalez and September- Kenzie
October's Monthly Value we will be working on is to stand and walk in straight quiet lines.
Monthly Perfect Attendance Awards are given to students that were able to attend school every day for the entire month. These students will receive a certificate, pencil, and a perfect attendance brag tag. We encourage perfect attendance on a regular basis as "the more students are here, the more they will learn".
Our August-September Perfect Attendance Award Winners are:
Navara Gonzalez
Noah Gonzalez
Jesse Perry
Wesley Poole
Jacob Pudwill
Orion Riddle
Pierce Roberts
Elijah Smith
Ezra Smith
Monthly Attendance Reminder
Absences Add Up
It can feel like the school year passes so quickly; it can be easy to lose track of absences. Mark absences on your family calendar so everyone is aware, and strive for less than two absences per month. Students with regular attendance are far more likely to meet or exceed expected academic growth, and do not have the added burden of catching up.
Here is a great video regarding the importance of school attendance from the Shasta County Office of Education/Reach Higher Shasta: https://youtu.be/6Iq_OiQ8B4c
Superintendent's Message
Message from Leslie Rames
Welcome to Fall and October!
What a remarkable month September was! So many great learning experiences are happening on a daily basis. The photos above for September show highlights of the many activities our students have already participated in. Make sure to ask your students daily what they worked on and/or learned at school. Get excited about what they share. This will help them see the importance of everything they are learning.
Please note that with October comes a change in weather. Please send your children with clothing appropriate for the weather of the day. Layering clothing is recommended for this time of year. This way students can adjust as needed. It may also be a great idea to have an extra pair of socks and shoes in your child's backpack in case of rain/snow. Students need to be outside enjoying recess so will be sent out for their breaks as much as possible, so it is best that they are prepared for weather changes.
We will have lots of school activities this month that we hope all of our parents are able to participate in and/or help their students participate in. Activities such as our 1st Monthly Awards Assembly, a Family Movie Night, Volleyball Games, Halloween Classroom Trick or Treating, etc. Make sure to keep checking our District Website for upcoming events. The calendar of events is also available at the bottom of our district's website homepage and on the district's app. A link to our website is at the bottom of this newsletter. You can also follow us on our Facebook page (Castle Rock School-Castella)!
Have a great October and enjoy the wonderful fall weather!
Castle Rock Elementary School
29373 Main St.
Castella, CA 96017