JMI Monthly Newsletter
January 2024
Principal's Update
Dear JMI Families,
Happy New Year! I hope that 2024 brings you and your family peace, happiness and health!
JMI was full of fun leading up to the winter break. The students and staff really showed off their holiday spirit during our December Theme Week! Our Band, Strings and Choir put on an amazing performance during the Winter Concert at JMP for JMP and JMI students! It was a great preview of the upcoming concerts that will take place in January. JMI really showed the caring community we are with our Giving Tree which supported the Toys for Tots drive in conjunction with the Edison Police Department. December 2023 was definitely a month to remember.
JMI has also been undergoing some upgrades during the recent months. Our roof has been prepped for the addition of solar panels that will be added soon. All our exterior doors have been outfitted with weather-stripping to provide a more energy-efficient seal. Finally all light bulbs have been replaced with LED lights that have a motion sensor technology.
1:30 Dismissal Days in January
January 10 - Professional Development Day
School Closed
January 15 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
The new year is a great opportunity to ensure that all contact information in the Parent Portal is correct. Please make sure that the phone numbers are accurate, that voicemails have been set up and that your voicemail mailbox is not full so you can receive voicemails. When calls do go out, please wait for the voicemail to load and listen to it before calling the school back. If you need help updating your contact information, please call the school at 732-452-2960 and Press 8 to connect to the Main Office. Please note that change of address cannot be done at the school level. To change your address in Parent Portal, please go through the Enrollment Department.
Happy January!
Mrs. Abatemarco
Giving Tree 2023
A Visit from the Gingerbread Man
Annual Sing-A-Long with Santa and Buddy
Students who bring cell phones to school must have them completely turned off and stored in their bookbag. Students are not allowed to call/text or receive calls/texts during the school day. If you need to speak to your child, please call the main office at 732-452-2960, and press 8 to reach the main office.
Smart Watches can be worn but can only be used in the capacity of a watch during the school day. Students are not allowed to call, text, take pictures, play games, or record with their smart watches.
This year's Winter Concerts will be held at WOODBROOK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (located at 15 Robin Road)
Reporting Times and Performance Times for Each Group
Strings - Report at 5:00; Performance at 5:30
Chorus - Report at 5:45; Performance at 6:00
Band - Report at 6:15; Performance at 6:30
Concert Dates
Tuesday, January 9 - 1st Year Strings/4th Grade Chorus/Beginner Band
Thursday, January 18 - 2nd Year Strings/5th Grade Chorus/Advanced Band
Dark Green Top or Green JMI Music Shirt
Black Bottoms
For questions or concerns, please reach out to our JMI Music Department:
Chorus - Ms. Tarby at rebecca.tarby@edison.k12.nj.us
Strings - Mrs. Biscocho at molly.biscocho@edison.k12.nj.us
Band - Mr. Zapata at daniel.zapata@edison.k12.nj.us
If you have checked your spam folders and are still not receiving the weekly updates, please email Mrs. Abatemarco to be added to the list.
A Look Inside JMI...
Our Brand New School Store
The next time the JMI School Store will be open is Friday, January 19.
Order forms are being sent home with the students the first week of January so please look for it in your child's folder. You can also click the shirt above to access the order form.
Funds from last year's fundraiser were used to purchase our sensory path in one of our hallways! As always, thank you for your support!
The school will be purchasing shirts for all JMI students to wear during their class trips and on field day. I ask that all families fill out the attached Google Form to order the correct shirt size for your child. The shirts are youth sizes and a size chart is available on the Google Form. If you need a size that is not available, please email Ms. Luciano at melinda.luciano@edison.k12.nj.us.
Please complete the form by January 26 otherwise the shirt size is not guaranteed.
Once we receive the Scipps Spelling Bee Word Lists, we will send them out to all the families. Please keep in mind that students could be asked to spell words that are not on the list.
Curriculum Overview for Trimester 2 (December 12 - March 14)
Department Updates - January
Physical Education
Reading & Math Intervention
ESL (English as a Second Language)
During December, our PTO hosted a Gingerbread House night and a Holiday Shoppe! It was great to see so many families bonding over the best way to construct and transport the gingerbread houses home! The MPR was beautifully decorated and families were able to take a photo opp before leaving at the end of the night! Thank you to all who came and supported the event and thank you to our PTO for putting the night together.
We also had our Holiday Shoppe where students had an opportunity to buy items for their loved ones. This event would not be possible without the team of volunteers! Thank you to all the volunteers for making this event happen!
Upcoming Events - Fun Nights
Each grade level will get their very own Fun Night during the month of January. During Fun Night, students watch a movie in our multi-purpose room. Students are encouraged to dress comfy and bring pillows, blankets and sleeping bags as they will be sitting on the floor during the movie (chairs are not allowed). Students need to register for the event and purchase a value meal in order to attend. As with all events, students who are absent from school are not allowed to attend night events. Once the parent/guardian checks the child in, they are free to leave. This is not an event where parents/guardians must stay with the child, unless the parent/guardian is volunteering. The movie for all the Fun Nights will be The Super Mario Bros.
January 12 - 5th Grade (registration closes January 3)
January 19 - 4th Grade
January 26 - 3rd Grade
Each grade will receive their own flyer and own registration for the event.
Pick Up Time is 8:15 for all three nights. Please park in a designated parking spot in the parking lot and come into the MPR.
Character Education - January
Throughout the month, Mr. Ford will share resources with the teachers to reinforce important aspects of digital citizenship. Our students will also be adding to our school-wide Character Chain with examples of how they can demonstrate digital citizenship daily. Thank you to Ms. Misko for being our guest reader for our school-wide read aloud!
Each month, one student from each class is selected as the Golden Knight for the month for exemplifying the character pillar. On Friday, January 5 we will have our Golden Knight Luncheon, recognizing students who embodied being good digital citizens during the month of December.
Students also can earn JMI Adventurer tickets for demonstrating the four pillars of a JMI Knight: Respect, Responsibility, Safe, and Kind. Students who earn tickets deposit them into their classroom bucket and are eligible to receive a prize of their choosing. At the end of each month, all tickets are collected, and one ticket is selected from each grade level as the PBSIS Student of the Month. Their picture is then displayed on a bulletin board in our lobby.
We are so proud of all our students for being kind, respectful, responsible, and safe at JMI.
Birthdays are very important to the students and should be celebrated! They are just as important as the academic instruction that our children receive daily. While we recognize the importance of the celebration, we will no longer permit food or goodie bags of any kind (containing food or non-food items)for birthday celebrations. This includes sending things to school to send home with the students. The following are “non-food” birthday options:
Read a book to the class (either by a parent/guardian, grandparent, or child)
Donate a book to the classroom library.
These options will allow your child to celebrate his/her birthday while having limited interruption to classroom instruction.
Invitations to birthday parties cannot be distributed during the school day or on school grounds unless the entire class is invited.
Tech Support
- Email edison@worthavegroup.com.
- Please include the old iPad/Chromebook serial number & the new Chromebook serial number.
- Please also include email account used in the purchase.
James Madison Intermediate School
Email: donna.abatemarco@edison.k12.nj.us
Website: https://jmi.edison.k12.nj.us/
Location: 838 New Dover Road, Edison, NJ, USA
Phone: 732-452-2960
Twitter: @JMI_Edison