Meigs Academic Magnet Middle School
August 7, 2024
Dr. Wilson-Rosse
Dr. Mullins
Dr. Vignon
Meigs Academic Magnet Middle School will uphold our values of respect, cultural awareness, acceptance, integrity, and responsibility by ensuring that every student feels valued and empowered.
08.13.24: Open House (5:00pm)
09.02.24: NO SCHOOL (Labor Day)
09.04.24: Progress Reports Issued
09.04.24: Activity Day #1
09.09.24: Mental Health Awareness Day
09.18.24: Activity Day #2
Please remind your student to use the buddy system for morning and afternoon commutes.
To ensure grading is more equitable for all students, we created a school-wide retake policy aligned to the district's expectations. Students who score below a 70% on a summative assessment must be given an opportunity to retake the assessment. Teachers are required to offer a minimum of one retake for students as needed.
Melody Osborne, School Counselor
7th grade and 6th grade: HM/PLT with Science and Social Studies
Belinda Hotchkiss, School Counselor
8th grade and 6th grade: HM/PLT with ELA and Math teachers
Counseling Corner:
Hello students and families! For those of you who are returning to Meigs Academic Middle School, welcome back! For those of you who are new to Meigs, we want to offer our warmest welcome to our community.
Ms. Osborne and I (Ms. Hotchkiss) wanted to start this first Meigs Memo off with knowing who your school counselor is.
Who’s your School Counselor?
8th grade: Ms. Hotchkiss belinda.hotchkiss@mnps.org
7th grade: Ms. Osborne melody.osborne@mnps.org
6th grade: HM/PLT with ELA and Math teachers- Ms. Hotchkiss
6th grade: HM/PLT with Science and Social Studies- Ms. Osborne
School Counselors are located in Student Services RM 120.
ELA: Shaffer, Maggio, Spacek
Math: Culp, Prophater, Riegal
Social Studies: Taylor, Schimenti, Hathaway
Science: Valencia, Schimenti, Miller
For more information regarding our school counseling program and for resources, please join our Schoology Group! https://mnps.schoology.com/group/7291911979
Laptops will be provided to all MNPS students to support instruction in a 1:1 Blended Environment. To ensure continued access to the digital learning environment, students need to follow some important rules and procedures.
Student Responsibilities
1. Bring your device and charger to school each day. Your laptop should be fully charged.
2. Treat your device with respect and care. No food/drinks should be near your device at any time.
- Always hold with two hands by the keyboard, not the screen. Keep flat on a desk or table, never on the floor.
- Keep writing utensils and other sharp objects away from the screen and keyboard.
- Be mindful when putting down a bag that holds your laptop. Do not drop or toss; it can still break, even in your backpack!
3. Students are responsible for any work missed due to not having a device.
Damaged or Non-Working Devices
Laptop issues should be reported to the library as soon as possible. If the issue cannot be resolved and is no fault of the
student’s, a replacement device will be issued.
Lost or Stolen Devices
If a device is lost or stolen, it should immediately be reported to Ms. Tucker-Dye. If the device is not located, per MNPS policy, a police report must be filed by calling 615-862-8600. The police report number must be emailed to amanda.tucker@mnps.org before a replacement device can be issued.
Fee Schedule for Damaged or Lost Devices
Maintenance and upkeep of laptops are the responsibility of the student. Following MNPS Student Device Procedures, students will be subject to fines or replacement cost for damaged devices.
Total replacement cost (lost device or damaged beyond repair): $200
Screen replacement: $40 Keyboard replacement: $17 Laptop charger: $15
Payment can be made by cash or check (to Meigs Magnet Middle School) to Ms. Tucker-Dye in the Library.
***Please note that students who owe for lost or damaged laptops will have a hold placed on their report card until the fee is paid.
Loaner and Replacement Devices
There are a limited number of loaner devices available for checkout from the library on a daily basis. Priority will be given to students whose laptop is in repair. Loaner laptops cannot travel home with the student and must be returned to the library by 2:50pm daily.
Students will receive a replacement device only once payment has been made for a damaged or lost device.
Meigs Cavaliers on Stage Drama Club
Fall Play Alice in Wonderland
Auditions for the Meigs Cavaliers on Stage Drama Club Fall Play performance of Alice in Wonderland begin tomorrow (August 6-7).
There are still 4 audition slots available for students who wish to tryout (If you no longer wish to tryout, please remove your name from the audition list so we know not to expect you!).
Meigs Cavaliers on Stage Drama Club is open to all students grades 6-8 to participate.
About the Show:
A young girl named Alice follows a white rabbit down a rabbit hole into a strange world called Wonderland. There, she has many adventures, including meeting strange creatures like the Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter, attending a tea party with the March Hare, and playing croquet with the Queen of Hearts.
After-School Rehearsals
Rehearsals occur Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 3:10-4:30 August-September. Rehearsals will extend to 5pm starting in October.
Performance dates are set for October 21-23 @5pm.
All actors are expected to attend every rehearsal to which they’re called. Some actors may not be called to every rehearsal until we get closer to performance time.
Alice in Wonderland Rehearsal Calendar (Tentative)
Auditions will occur on Tuesday August 6 and Wednesday August 7. Callbacks will be Thursday August 8 (If needed.) All of these days will run from 3:10-5:30pm. Actors are expected to be present for the entire audition period. After monologues, there will be additional audition activities and possible cold reads from the script.
Please click the link below to sign up for one day only, not both. Thank you!
What do I need?
Prepare a 45-second to 1-minute monologue for your audition. Select a monologue that is not from Alice in Wonderland, but still reflects the traits and characteristics of the role you wish to play. You may also be asked to improvise, experiment with characterization, and/or participate in cold readings from the script.
Tech Crew:
If any students are interested in volunteering for tech crew, click the link here to apply: Apply to be on Tech Crew!
To Confirm your Audition Date:
To confirm your audition date, you must complete the following two steps:
- Sign up for an audition date: Click Here
- (With a Parent) Complete the Audition Application: Click Here
Join the Schoology Group to Read the Script!
Log into Schoology and use the code below in the add a group to read the script!
You will find it in the folder in the ‘Resources’ Tab.
Access Code: JV7X-T54P-3BD87
Parents of performers and crew members, mark your calendars for the first Parent Production Team Meeting of the Drama season. We will meet after our first read-through rehearsal for Alice in Wonderland on Monday, August 12 from 5:30-6:00pm. Anyone who wants to volunteer and help with the production aspects in any way, please attend this meeting! There are many, many ways to contribute! Share your talents, connections, and expertise with the team to help the production be the best it can be!
I’m looking forward to seeing all of you young actors at auditions!
Break a Leg!
Mr. Randolph
Cross Country Information:
Welcome Back! Like to run? Whether you were a part of the team last year or are new to Meigs and the sport, come be a part of the Cross-Country team!
Coach: Mrs. Dottianne Pitzer (dottianne.pitzer@mnps.org)
Important information:
1. Fill out the interest form from the attached QR code.
2. Make sure you have ALL the important Athletic forms filled out digitally (no more paper! SAVE THE TREES!).
Deadline to sign up is this Friday:
1. Try outs are Monday 8/12 (3:20-4:00) and Wednesday 8/14 (@ 4:30)
Wednesday is actually a practice meet at Cornelia Fort Airpark @ Shelby Bottoms
2. Parent meeting will be 8/13, 30 minutes before open house in room 108.
All meets are at Cornelia Fort Airpark @Shelby Bottoms on Wednesdays: 8/21, 8/28, 9/4. Arrival time is 4:15 for warm up, etc.
6th Grade:
- 8/24 - Beginning BAND Jumpstart - 9am-12:30pm
- 11/2 - Fall Solo & Ensemble Festival
- 12/6 - 6th Grade Winter Concerts
- BAND - 5:30pm
- STRINGS - 7:30pm
7th and 8th Grade:
- 10/17-10/18 – MNPS All-County Honor BANDS @ M. L. King Jr. School
- 11/2 - Fall Solo & Ensemble Festival
- 11/7 – MNPS All-County Honors STRINGS @ M. L. King Jr. School
- 11/8 – TN All Mid-State Auditions Clinic
- 12/7 – TN All Mid-State Auditions @ Wilson Central HS
- 12/13 - 7th & 8th Grade BAND & STRINGS Winter Concert 6:30pm
- 1/9-1/11 - TN All Mid-State STRINGS Clinic
- 1/16-1/18 - TN All Mid-State BAND Clinic
TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT: https://technology.mnps.org/support
Meigs Website: www.meigsacademicmagnet.org
Location: 713 Ramsey Street, Nashville, TN 37206, USA
Phone: 615.271.3222