Our Lady of the Mission
Whitford Parish - 12th January 2025
This Sunday is: The Baptism of the Lord - Year C1
Message from Fr Cyp
Greetings and welcome; parishioners and visitors!
Fr Francis and I warmly welcome you here at Our Lady of the Mission, Whitford Parish; parishioners and visitors alike. We pray and hope that you feel truly safe and at home in this our place of prayer, worship and personal encounter with our risen Lord. May the Holy Spirit ever pray in us more than we can ever imagine and bind us together in the love of our Heavenly Father. Over the past fifty years, Whitford Catholic Parish remains home to over seventy nationalities represented by our parishioners and frequent visitors. We take pride in our young people; those in our parish primary and secondary schools, those enrolled in our Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) and our parish youth group. They are not just our future Church but a vital part of our Church today and now. We value these our young people and endeavor to have their voices heard at every level of our administrative and pastoral engagements. We are ever grateful to the many individuals and groups that volunteer in various ministries of our parish life. To one and all, know that you are valued and appreciated in your own right. We cannot be what we are without you. A special mention to all those who in various ways were instrumental in the brainstorming, planning and celebration of our parish’s Golden Jubilee. 20th October 2024 was marked with great joy by all; thanks to the love of God, your prayers, kind counsel and practical support. We can truly look forward to the years ahead with great confidence and meaningful hope. As always, Fr. Francis and I thank one and all of you for your ongoing prayers, concern, encouragement and support. Rest assured of our daily thoughts and prayers. We entrust you and yours, into the powerful intercessions of our Blessed Virgin Mother of Good counsel, and into those of St Joseph, patron of the universal Church.
Fr Cyprian M Shikokoti - PP.
Mass Times Monday 13th to Sunday 19th 2025
Monday 13th January - NO MASS
Tuesday 14th January - 7am & 9am
Wednesday 15th January - 7am & 9am
Thursday 16th January - 7am & 9am
Friday 17th January - 7am & 9am
Saturday 18th January - 8am & 6.30pm
Sunday 19th January - 8am, 10am & 5.45pm
Reconciliation Times
Prayer of the Week
Lord, keep us your children, born of water and of the Spirit, faithful to Your calling.
We think today about the encouragement that Jesus received from God at his baptism and how we too can hear that God is pleased with us.
Gospel: Luke 3:15-16. 21-22
The people who encounter John the Baptist wonder whether he is the Messiah, but when Jesus comes to him for baptism a voice from heaven declares, “You are my Son, the Beloved.”
Antiphon to the Psalm:
Oh, bless the Lord, my soul!
Death & Anniversary
Please offer your prayers for Craig Waters, Mr Ordeste Bassanelli, Dale Magers, Laydes Alhadeff, Frantisek, Chris Baig, Caridad Anderson, Gerard Maguire, Stella Kiniga, Alicia Akinyi, Paula Nadividade Ritchie, Ronnie Beaton, Bernadette Burns, Jane Mills, Larry Miles, Peter Tan, Archbishop Emeritus Nicholas Chia, Maria Annina Ando, Tony Multari, Domenico & Stella Sansalone, Jude Gilbert, Tony Salleo, Don Drain, Francis Xavier, Maria Lu Long Sin, Joseph, Sherley & Larie, all souls in purgatory, those doctors, nurses and carers who have died while helping victims of accidents, disease and warfare, our recently departed loved ones and those whose anniversaries occur around this time.
Stewardship Corner
Jesus, whom God called “my beloved Son,” is also the “servant” of whom Isiah speaks in the first reading. We who are baptized in Christ must follow His example and use our time and resources in the service of God and neighbour.
New Parishioner to our Parish?
We would love to meet you. Please introduce yourself to our priests Fr. Cyp and Fr Francis. Pick up a Parish census card from one of our priests or the information desk, once received a welcome pack will be sent to you.
Our Lady of the Mission, Whitford Parish offers the Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) for children who are attending Non-Catholic Schools from PP / Year One through to Year Six.
PREP is a comprehensive developmental and sequential religious education program mandated by the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth and includes the preparation of children to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist & Confirmation.
Enrolment for PREP 2025 is now open. PREP classes are held every Thursday from 3.45 pm to 5.00 pm during school terms throughout the year, & begins on Thursday, 6th February, 2025.
Enrolment Forms are available at the Church Foyer and Parish Office. Please submit the completed enrolment form to the Parish Office before 23rd January, 2025. For more information, kindly contact the Sacramental Coordinator on 9307 2776 or email sacramental.whitford@perthcatholic.org.au
1. Parish Monthly Healing Mass: Our next Healing Mass will be next Saturday, 25th January 2025. Please plan to join us for prayer and anointing of the sick. Remember to invite your family and friends to come along.
2. Parish Office closure for Christmas and New Year: Please be advised, our parish re-opens at 9.00am on Tuesday, 14th January 2025. You are most welcome to contact Fr Cyprian and or Fr Francis with any urgent matters during this time. Contact details are on the front page of parish newsletter and on our parish website.
3. New Parish Office Arrangements: From January 2025, parish office will be open four days a week; 9.00am – 4.00pm Tuesday to Friday. The office will be closed on Mondays. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
4. Glory Be Café Needs your HELP!: We are seeking more volunteers for our Glory Be Café. If you can spare some time on a Sunday morning at 8am to help setup and serve for the café please contact the Parish office – whitford@perthcatholic.org.au.
5. Eucharist Adoration: Please be aware that Eucharistic Adoration will close for the Christmas period from Friday 29th November 7.00pm 2024.and will again resume on Wednesday 15th January 2025 at 9.30am.
6. World Youth Day (WYD) 2027: We are taking expression of interest from all those who may consider joining our parish for WYD in Seoul, South Korea in 2027. Contact persons are Claire Neill 0450 927 575 / claireneill74@gmail.com or Fr Cyprian 0450 464 678 / Cyprian.Shikokoti@perthcatholic.org.au
7. LINE DANCING: will resume Tuesday 14th January 2024.
8. The Word Among Us: NOW AVAILABLE – ADVENT EDITION. Spend just 10 minutes a day with The Word Among Us, and you will learn how to love God, others and self. Available from the back of the Church and the Parish Office at a cost of $5. Let us embrace God’s Word and listen to Him.
9. Pastoral visits: Weekly pastoral visits conducted by Fathers Cyprian and Francis can be made by invitation to our sick and home-bound parishioners. On their visits, they bring prayer, sacraments of Reconciliation, Anointing of the sick, Holy Communion; and certainly, a listening ear. Please call one of our priests should you benefit or know somebody who would benefit from such a visit. Contact numbers on front of newsletter. Thank you.
10. Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help: will break for Christmas on Tuesday 17 December and start again on Tuesday 7 January, 2025.
11. The Divine Mercy Ministry: The members of this Ministry pray for the sick and the dying. Please send names of family and friends, if you want them to be lifted up in prayer, via text or message to 0410 289 725.
12. The Divine Mercy Chaplet and Prayers: are recited each Saturday in our Church at the 8.00am Mass after benediction. All welcome!
13. The First-Class Relic of St Mariae Goretti: Parishioners may take the Reliquary to their homes. Please call the office 9307 2776 or Shirley-Ann 0424 813 890 to make enquiries and book.
14. Your Collections: Thank you for your continued contribution and support to the Parish and Priests. 1st Collection: Supports our Priests. 2nd Collection: Supports our Church. To contribute Direct Debit: Presbytery A/C (1st Collection) A/C#14027 5567, BSB# 086 006. Church A/C (2ndCollection) A/C# 66579 4722, BSB# 086 006. Planned giving contributions can also be made through envelopes or direct debit, please contact the Parish office: whitford@perthcatholic.org.au. Thank you.
15. Padbury Catholic Primary School: APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN. Contact the school for further information.
16. Whitford Catholic Primary School: APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN. To apply, please visit https://whitfordcatholicps.wa.edu.au/apply-online/.
Youth News
1. 24:7 Whitford Parish Youth Group: Youth group gatherings are now closed for Christmas break and will resume in 2025. Sincere thanks to our youth leaders Calen and Jasmine. For any information regarding our group gatherings please contact Caleb on 0409 682 923 and Jasmine on 0480 179 390.
2. Road to Emmaus Youth Group: Meet every Thursday 7.30-9.00pm. For ages 16-22. Contact Eliza for details: 0402 642 887.
ROSTERS 18th and 19th January 2025
RELIGIOUS GOODS STALL: Bernadette Nadham/ Gloria Ougan/ Mirella Augustin/ Relief.
PROCLAIMERS OF THE WORD: Jenna d’Oliveira & Francis d’Oliveira/ Megan Woodall & Celine Chaperon/ Corina Gill & Ronellie Lenon/ Sally Paice & Eliza Boylen.
COUNTERS: Sunday 19th January 2025: Colin O’Neill/ Caroline Mikeska/ Mary McGrath-Yek/ Suyaine Tohovitis/ Jackie Higgins.
CLEANERS: Friday 17th January 2025: Mariella Samuel/ Lisa Coppinger/ Renee Rowe/ Sarah Dale/ Teagan Blackburn/ Jeanette O’Rourke/ Leoana McCormack.
GLORY BE CAFÉ: Sunday 19th January 8.00am: Monica Majano/ Maria Majano.
SPECIAL MINISTERS: Patricia Alves & Dulce Nightingall/ Diane Raftos & Meg Horne/ Edith R-Thomas, Adam O’Neill & Jesse Bouwman/ Mary Prentice & Susan Dowling.
STATUE OF FATIMA: The Statue will be with the Rice family in Woodvale from 18th January – 25th January 2025. Those wishing to join them to say the Rosary can 9409 8687 to arrange.
BAPTISMS: We welcome Wren Bradley and Willow Conwell into God’s family this weekend.
DEVOTION TO THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS: Is held on the first Friday of every month during 9.00 am Mass. The next Devotion will be on Friday 7th February.
EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Adoration is held every Wednesday & Friday from 9.30 am – 7 pm.
PRAY FOR THE SICK: We pray for all those in our Parish’s Book of the Sick. You are most welcome to add names to this book in the foyer of the Church. Please cross out when our prayers are no longer needed.
1.Reconciliation Times at Surrounding Parishes:
St Simon Peter, Ocean Reef: Tuesday & Friday, 6.30pm/ Saturday, After 8.30am Mass & 5pm – 5.45pm
St Anthony, Wanneroo: Saturday, 4.30pm – 5pm
St Lukes, Woodvale: Saturday, 5pm – 5.50pm
All Saints, Greenwood: Saturday, 9.30am – 10am & 5.30pm – 5.45pm
Our Lady of Grace, North Beach: Saturday, 5 pm – 5.45 pm.
2. Fr Vinh Dong will be taking a group to Vietnam and Cambodia from 25th March to 14th April 2025. Those who wish to join please contact Fr Vinh on 0422422773 or vinh.dong@perthcatholic.org.au
3. Flame Ministries International 35th Annual Congress: 'LIBERTY!' John XX111 College, Mt Claremont, Fri-Sun 17-19 Jan 2025. With guest Speaker Fr Joseph Laundy, Cyrus D'Sousa FMI sessions: Sat & Sun 9am-5pm. For info contact fmi@flameministries.org
READINGS AT MASS: Baptism of the Lord - C1
First reading: Isaiah 40:1-5,9-11
The glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all mankind shall see it
‘Console my people, console them’ says your God. ‘Speak to the heart of Jerusalem and call to her that her time of service is ended, that her sin is atoned for, that she has received from the hand of the Lord double punishment for all her crimes.’ A voice cries, ‘Prepare in the wilderness a way for the Lord. Make a straight highway for our God across the desert. Let every valley be filled in, every mountain and hill be laid low. Let every cliff become a plain, and the ridges a valley; then the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all mankind shall see it; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.’ Go up on a high mountain, joyful messenger to Zion. Shout with a loud voice, joyful messenger to Jerusalem. Shout without fear, say to the towns of Judah, ‘Here is your God.’ Here is the Lord coming with power, his arm subduing all things to him. The prize of his victory is with him, his trophies all go before him. He is like a shepherd feeding his flock, gathering lambs in his arms, holding them against his breast and leading to their rest the mother ewes.
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 103(104):1-4,24-25,27-30
Response: O, bless the Lord, my soul.
Lord God, how great you are, clothed in majesty and glory, wrapped in light as in a robe! You stretch out the heavens like a tent. R.
Above the rains you build your dwelling. You make the clouds your chariot, you walk on the wings of the wind, you make the winds your messengers and flashing fire your servant. R.
How many are your works, O Lord! In wisdom you have made them all. The earth is full of your riches. There is the sea, vast and wide, with its moving swarms past counting, living things great and small. R.
All of these looks to you to give them their food in due season. You give it, they gather it up: you open your hand, they have their fill. R.
You hide your face, they are dismayed; you take back your spirit, they die. You send forth your spirit, they are created; and you renew the face of the earth. R.
Second reading: Titus 2:11-14,3:4-7
He saved us by means of the cleansing water of rebirth
God’s grace has been revealed, and it has made salvation possible for the whole human race and taught us that what we have to do is to give up everything that does not lead to God, and all our worldly ambitions; we must be self-restrained and live good and religious lives here in this present world, while we are waiting in hope for the blessing which will come with the Appearing of the glory of our great God and saviour Christ Jesus. He sacrificed himself for us in order to set us free from all wickedness and to purify a people so that it could be his very own and would have no ambition except to do good. But when the kindness and love of God our saviour for mankind were revealed, it was not because he was concerned with any righteous actions we might have done ourselves; it was for no reason except his own compassion that he saved us, by means of the cleansing water of rebirth and by renewing us with the Holy Spirit which he has so generously poured over us through Jesus Christ our saviour. He did this so that we should be justified by his grace, to become heirs looking forward to inheriting eternal life.
Gospel Acclamation: Luke 3:16
Alleluia, alleluia! John said: He who is to come is mightier than I; he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Alleluia!
Gospel Reading Luke 3:15-16,21-22
'Someone is coming who will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire'
A feeling of expectancy had grown among the people, who were beginning to think that John might be the Christ, so John declared before them all, ‘I baptise you with water, but someone is coming, someone who is more powerful than I am, and I am not fit to undo the strap of his sandals; he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire. Now when all the people had been baptised and while Jesus after his own baptism was at prayer, heaven opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily shape, like a dove. And a voice came from heaven, ‘You are my Son, the Beloved; my favour rests on you.’
God our Loving Father, you command us in the Name of Your only Son Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit not to be afraid. As we begin this new year, we once again entrust ourselves and all our loved ones to Your divine care. We pray for good health, safety, peace and the wisdom to discern what You have in store for each one of us. Deepen our faith in You who alone has the power over all and in all. Bless us with the grace of sincere trust in You and gratitude to You for all You reveal to us amidst our joys and struggles – whatever they may be. We implore the powerful intercession of the Blessed Ever Virgin Mary, Your beloved daughter and Mother of Your beloved Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning!
On this Sunday after the Epiphany, we celebrate the Baptism of Jesus, and we gratefully recall our Baptism. In this context, this morning I baptized 26 infants: let us pray for them!
The Gospel presents Jesus, in the waters of the River Jordan, at the centre of a wondrous divine revelation. St Luke writes: “when Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, the heaven was opened, and the Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form, as a dove, and a voice came from heaven, ‘Thou art my beloved Son; with thee I am well pleased’” (Lk 3:21-22). In this way Jesus is consecrated and manifested by the Father as the Saviour Messiah and liberator.
In this event — attested by all four Gospels — is the passing from the baptism of John the Baptist, symbolized by water, to the Baptism of Jesus “with the Holy Spirit and with fire” (Lk 3:16). Indeed, the Holy Spirit is the principal artisan in Christian Baptism: it is he who burns and destroys original sin, restoring to the baptized the beauty of divine grace; it is he who frees us from the dominion of darkness, namely sin, and transfers us to the kingdom of light, namely love, truth and peace: this is the kingdom of light. Let us think about the dignity to which Baptism elevates us! “See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God, and so we are” (1 Jn 3:1), the Apostle John exclaims. This splendid reality of being Children of God entails the responsibility of following Jesus, the obedient Servant, and reproduces his lineaments in our very selves: namely docility, humility, tenderness. This is not easy, especially when there is so much intolerance, arrogance, harshness around us. But with the strength we receive from the Holy Spirit it is possible!
The Holy Spirit, received for the first time on the day of our Baptism, opens our heart to the Truth, to all Truth. The Spirit impels our life on the challenging but joyful path of charity and solidarity toward our brothers and sisters. The Spirit gives us the tenderness of divine forgiveness and permeates us with the invincible power of the Father’s mercy. Let us not forget that the Holy Spirit is a living and vivifying presence in those who welcome him, he prays in us and fills us with spiritual joy.
Today, the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus, let us ponder the day of our Baptism. All of us were baptized, let us give thanks for this gift. I ask you a question: which of you knows the date of your Baptism? Surely not everyone. Therefore, I encourage you to find out the date, by asking, for example, your parents, your grandparents, your godparents, or going to the parish. It is very important to know it, because it is a date to be celebrated: it is the date of our rebirth as Children of God. For this reason, homework for this week: go and find out the date of your Baptism. Celebrating that day means and reaffirms our adherence to Jesus, with the commitment to live as Christians, members of the Church and of a new humanity, in which all are brothers and sisters.
May the Virgin Mary, first Disciple of her Son Jesus, help us to live our Baptism with joy and apostolic zeal, welcoming each day the gift of the Holy Spirit, which makes us Children of God.
Our Lady of the Mission Whitford Parish acknowledges that safeguarding is a shared responsibility prioritising the care, protection and best interests of children and adults at risk.
By providing a safe environment, actively identifying and managing risk, and complying with the Safeguarding policy, guidelines and legal obligations, we serve Jesus and uphold human dignity as the foundation of our faith. We aim for our parish to be safe, welcoming, and inclusive.
Our Parish is committed to implementing the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards (NCSS). We annually undertake a self-assessment (Safeguarding Activities Assessment Tool – SAAT) to continuously improve and monitor the implementation of the NCSS.
You can find out more about the safeguarding program, guidelines, find helpful resources, and protective behaviours resources and story books here: https://safeguarding.perthcatholic.org.au/
Our Safeguarding Officers
Safeguarding officers assist to create a safe environment for all. They are the first point of contact for any safeguarding concerns and support the implementation of the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards. See poster in Church for contact details. Safeguarding Officers: Andrea Clemente: 0405 116 810 and Renee Itzstein: 0413 225 560.
Safeguarding Induction for all Church Workers
The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has broadened safeguarding to include adults at risk. ALL church workers (volunteers or paid) are to complete a Safeguarding Level 1 Induction which is now a Self-Paced Online Learning Module that can be completed at any time, once every 3 years. Please visit: Safeguarding Training and Registration – Safeguarding Office (perthcatholic.org.au)
Safeguarding Forms and Policy:
Forms, Safeguarding policy and code of conduct can be found on the Safeguarding website, at the Parish Office or in one of the Safeguarding folders in the Church – Sacristy, Robing room or information desk.
Reporting Abuse
If you have concerns about the safety and well-being of a child or adult within the context of the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth or wish to report abuse, you can:
· Contact the Safeguarding Officer
· Submit a Safeguarding Concern Report Form https://safeguarding.perthcatholic.org.au/
· Call the Safeguarding Program Office on (08) 9221 7762.
Other Useful Information
Safeguarding Commitment Statement: Use the following link to view the Safeguarding Commitment statement - Commitment Statement – Safeguarding Office (perthcatholic.org.au)
Safeguarding Handbook: Safeguarding_Handbook.pdf (perthcatholic.org.au)
Safeguarding Prayer: Safeguarding Prayer (perthcatholic.org.au)
Role of Safeguarding Officer: Please find description on page 4 of the handbook
Please support the people who support us by advertising with us!
Parish Priest: Fr Cyprian M. Shikokoti
Ph: 0450 464 678
Assistant Priest: Fr Francis Quoc Tran
Ph: 0466 909 282
Parish Office
Secretary: Mary McGrath-Yek
Office Hours: Mon – Fri 9am –4pm
Ph: 08 9307 2776
Mobile: 0434 434 783 (Text only)
Email: whitford@perthcatholic.org.au
Sacramental Coordinator: Brigid Fredericks
Ph: 08 9307 2776
Email: sacramental.whitford@perthcatholic.org.au
Youth and Young Adult Contact Details
Youth Choir: Terry Boylen - 0402 642 887
Youth & Family Choir: Fran Christie Zscherpel - 0433 852 967
24:7 Whitford Youth Group: youthministry247@outlook.com.au
Safeguarding Officers:
Rhonda Sloan 0422889 697
Renee Itzstein 0413 225 560
Andrea Clemente 0405 116 810
Email: whitford@perthcatholic.org.au
Website: Home | Whitford Catholic Parish
Location: 270 Camberwarra Drive, Craigie WA, Australia
Phone: 08 9307 2776
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Our-Lady-of-the-Mission-Whitford-Parish-105788500874671/?ref=br_rs