Oxford Weekly Parent Newsletter
Dates to Remember
Monday, May 6th-10th- TeraNova/In view Testing (2nd grade only)
Monday, May 13th- Instrumental Music Concert (more info to come)
Saturday, May 18th- Oxford Carnival (1:00-4:00)
Tuesday, May 21st- 4th & 5th Grade Concert (6:00)
Friday, May 24th- Field Day & Picnic
Monday, May 27th- NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, May 29th- 5th Grade Promotion (10:00-11:00)
Thursday, May 30th- Last Day for Students
A Message From The Nurse's Desk
Allergy tips from your school nurse
On these windy days, pollen gets blown about and irritates eyes, noses and throats when outside for recess. If your child has seasonal allergies, please maintain their medication routine at home to help them be more comfortable at school.
Additionally, allergy medication may have a tendency to make your child “dry” during the day. This dryness can cause headaches during the school day. Please encourage them to drink more fluids or have a water bottle available during the day to avoid these headaches.
Many children experience itchy, red and even swollen eyes from wind-blown pollen and cool compresses are offered and encouraged.
Information provided by Margie Rossander RN, Oxford Nurse
Teacher Appreciation Week
This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. Don't forget to show your child's teacher how much you appreciate them and the hard work they do to support your child.
MetroHealth will visit our school to enroll students in May. This is a free service. There is no cost for students to visit MetroHealth. It does not conflict with your primary care provider. It is not billed to your insurance. You do not have to have insurance. There are a lot of benefits to enrolling in the program. Students who complete or have already completed enrollment will be rewarded with a movie and popcorn. More information will be coming home soon. Please scan the QR code below or click on this link to enroll your child.
Families can reach out to the school nurse to request an appointment or email the School Health Program at shpschedule@metrohealth.org or call 216-957-1303 to schedule an appointment.
Services that can be provided include:
-Annual Physicals
-Sports Physicals
-Injury/Illness Care
-Routine lab tests
-Prescription Medications
-Mental/Behavioral Health
-Care for Chronic Conditions including asthma, allergies, diabetes, and seizure disorders (Completion of Action Plans/Medication Administration Orders for School Nurse)
Instrumental Music Concert
It has been a pleasure working with your musicians and watching them grow this year. Please continue to encourage at-home practicing because our May concerts are quickly approaching. Oxford’s concert is scheduled for Monday, May 13th at 2:30 pm. Families are welcome to attend the afternoon concert in the school’s gymnasium. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to making beautiful music!
One School One Book
Your child should have received a copy of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. This is the book we are reading as a school. This book is for families to enjoy. The book will not be read in school. The hope is that families can read the book together. A packet was sent home with some activities/questions. If your child completes the activity book and returns in to school by Friday, May 17th they will receive a treat.
Field Day Volunteers Needed
Oxford will host our annual field day on Friday, May 24th. We are in need of parent volunteers. We are looking for volunteers for the full day or 1/2 day. Please fill out the form attached and return in to Coach K if you are interested. Thank you in advance for your help.
Jackie Taylor, Principal
Email: j_taylor@chuh.org
Wegsite: https://www.chuh.org/oxfordelementary_home.aspx
Location: 939 Quilliams Rd. Cleveland Heights, OH 44121
Phone: 216-371-6525
Toni White, Assistant Principal
Email: toni_white@chuh.org
Website: chuh.org
Location: 939 Quilliams Road, Cleveland Heights, OH, USA
Phone: 216-371-6525
CHUH Communication Plan
The District has adopted a plan for communications with persons with disabilities, which is available at the following link: Communication Plan. The plan establishes procedures to ensure that the District's communications with persons with disabilities, including applicants, participants, members of the public, and companions with disabilities, are as effective as its communications with others.