GES Gazette
Granville Elementary School
This Week's Updates - 11/15/24
Dear GES Families,
I want to start this week's update by expressing my sincere gratitude to all of our families who participated in this week’s Parent-Teacher Conferences. Your support and engagement are essential in helping us create a positive and productive learning environment for all our students. Thank you for taking the time to meet with our teachers and continue to partner with us in your child’s education.
A special thank you is also in order for our Granville CSD IT Director Mr. Randles and local parent and business owner, Connor Hoagland, who generously volunteered their time to present at our 6th Grade Career Fair. Their insights and enthusiasm provided our students with valuable inspiration as they explore future career possibilities. We truly appreciate their contribution to making this event a success!
As a quick reminder, report cards will be mailed out shortly, so please be on the lookout for them in the coming days. If you have any questions or concerns after receiving your child’s report card, don’t hesitate to reach out to us—we’re here to assist you.
Warm regards,
Trishia Ten Eyck
Principal, Granville Elementary
518-642-1051 Ext. 3202
Mrs. McNamara's 4th Grade Class - Hide the Thanksgiving Turkey Art
Upcoming Events
- 11/15 - Parent-Teacher Conference Days. These are early dismissal days. Please attend! We want to meet you! Contact your child's teacher to schedule a time if you haven't already
- 11/15 - Tonight! Free PTO Paint and Snack Night 6-8pm at MJT (Parent-Guardian Volunteers Needed)
- 11/27-11/29 - No School, Thanksgiving Recess
District Calendar: Here is where to view it on our website. Here is where to view it on the district app.
We would like to remind all families about the importance of respectful and safe behavior on the bus.
This includes students staying seated, using quiet voices, keeping hands and feet to themselves, and following the driver’s instructions to keep everyone safe and the driver's eyes on the road.
It’s essential that our students understand the significance of allowing drivers to focus on the road.
Families can help by reminding students about the importance of bus safety. When students understand the role they play in keeping themselves and others safe, it helps create a positive and secure environment for everyone on the bus
Additionally, please remember that all transportation updates should be communicated before 11 AM to ensure smooth operations.
Lost and Found
Please come and pick up your child's lost treasures!
The pile is growing and growing.
Attendance Matters
Did you know that students who attend school regularly are twice as likely to perform well academically compared to those who miss school frequently?
We are so proud of the efforts our students have made so far this year, and we want to keep that momentum going! Regular attendance is key to success, both in and out of the classroom.
Let’s work together to ensure our students continue to show up, stay engaged, and reach their full potential. Your support at home makes a big difference—thank you for helping us create a strong, consistent learning environment for all our students!
School Resources
- Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program - Twice per week, fresh fruits and vegetables are brought to our classrooms.Students have the opportunity to explore new healthy foods and enjoy the excitement of discovering the treats offered. Please pack a filling afternoon snack for your children for the other days, thank you! Click this link for some helpful tips about when kids should snack and simple snack ideas.
- Free Breakfast and Lunch Each Day - Arrive 15 minutes early to school and come enjoy a relaxing breakfast before school starts. No registration needed.
- Come Cheer On Our Teams! Attend a Jr/Sr High Home Game with your family for a fun, free outing. Here is the link to the game schedule.
- Parent Rooms - Family-Teacher Chat, classroom updates, announcements and more, all in the mobile Granville CSD App. Learn more about Parent Rooms at this link.
Community Resources
11/19 - Pember Library Open House and Reception - FREE - Come meet the new library director and find out what the library has to offer our school families and teachers, 6-8pm. Main Street, Granville, NY
Youth Programs - This Granville CSD Athletics webpage now includes local Youth Program Information for grades K - 6.
The PTO November Newsletter - Here is the link to the newsletter.
Local Food Pantries
- Granville Food Pantry and Clothing Closet - Every Saturday Morning, 9am - 10:30am, 3 Morrison Ave, Granville
- Pember Library Food Pantry - Every Thursday after 2pm, fresh Farm-2-Library farm produce and food. Get a free library card, movies, computer use and more too! 33 West Main Street, Granville
- Pet Food - NoEmptyBowls.org
Contact Information
Granville Elementary School
61 Quaker Street Granville, NY 12832
Phone: 518-642-9357
Fax: 518-642-0771
School Nurse: Melinda Lewis 518-642-1051 ext 3209
Guidance Counselor: Nicholas Healy 518-642-1051 ext 3227
School Psychologist: Jaime Culligan 518-642-1051 ext 3204
Follow Granville CSD on Facebook - Here is the link to the Granville CSD Facebook Page.
Check the District Calendar Each Week for the Latest Updates - Here is the link to the calendar.