Syringa Middle School Sports
Stay informed with the latest info on sports
Fall Sports Start Date
Fall Sports Start Date
All fall sports (besides cheerleading) will start on Monday, August 12. All practices will go from 3-5pm at Syringa. Cheerleading will start after the first day of school, more details to follow in later updates about cheer.
Fall Sports Available
Football: 7th and 8th graders (one team for each grade)
Volleyball: 7th and 8th grade (A teams only for each grade this year)
Cross Country: 6th, 7th, and 8th graders
Cheerleading: 6th, 7th, and 8th graders
Practice Locations
Football will meet and practice at the football field that is between Syringa and Washington Elementary, not the field inside the track.
Cross country will meet on the lawn outside the front doors of SMS.
Volleyball will meet their coach in the commons area outside of the gym and then practice in the gym.
Cheerleading: once practices start, they will be in the gym at Jefferson.
At this time there will NOT be an activity bus to take students home after practice. They will need to be picked up at 5pm at the conclusion of practice. For the first day of practice, this also give you time to attend the Back to School night at SMS.
The fees for athletics this year have changed from previous years. As stated in the update sent out by the district earlier this week, fees for middle school sports are as follows:
ASB/Activity Card Fee: $35 (paid before first sport participated in during the year)
Pay to Play:
First Sport: $50
Second Sport: $50
Third and Fourth Sports: Free
All fees for a season must be paid by the end of the first week of practices for that season.
Sports permission slips can be picked up, and filled out at registration on August 5th at SMS, at the SMS office after 8/5, or will be available at the first day of practice as well.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Dame via email at mdame@caldwellschools.org
Thank you and Go Cougs!
Mr. Dame