Week of January 27, 2025
From Mr. Liggett
Welcome to another exciting week at FCMS! We are so proud of the incredible work our
students and staff continue to do every day. As we move forward together, I want to share a few
updates, reminders, and celebrations.
Upcoming Events
• January 27 - Honor Society Meeting – Room 207 during SRT
• January 28 – ILEARN testing – Math
• January 29 – ILEARN testing – Language Arts
• January 29 – Mobile Dentist (All Day)
• February 5 – PLC day / Student early dismissal @ 2:55pm
• February 5 – EIAC Academic Team Meet – Virtual
• February 6 – Midterms sent home through SwiftK12
• February 11 – Student Safety Committee Meeting – Room 136 during SRT
• February 17 – Snow make-up day
• Student Safety Committee: Students interested in contributing ideas for school safety can join
our newly formed committee. Contact Mr. Liggett or Mrs. Reuss for more details.
• Winter Weather Protocol: During extreme cold, students waiting for pick-up may stay inside
the building for safety. Parents/guardians can park in the circle drive for easy pick-up.
Mission Statement
Our mission at FCMS is to provide every student with the opportunity to receive a safe and
quality education where students can grow academically, socially, and emotionally.
School Start and End Times
The school day begins at 8:20 am and ends at 3:20 pm. All students are expected to be in their
seats with their materials ready when the tardy bell rings. Students who arrive after 8:20 am are
required to come to the office to sign in tardy to school. Please keep in mind that there are three
schools in close proximity, so traffic may not move quickly. Please be cautious and drive slowly
for the safety of all our students.
When a student is absent from school, a parent is required to contact the school to verify the
excused absence. If an absence is not verified as excused by the parent/guardian through the
school, then the absence will be considered unexcused. You can contact the school at 765-647-
6040 or by emailing Mrs. Edwards at ledwards@fccsc.k12.in.us.
Controlled Entry Procedures
Individuals who want to enter the building are required to scan their state identification card
prior to entering the building. The ID scan will initiate a quick scan for specific criminal
offenses. School administration will then proceed with appropriate safety procedures for the
situation. Individuals without scheduled appointments may not be granted access to the building.
Parents who wish to meet with school administration, counselors, or teachers are encouraged to
schedule appointments ahead of time. Parents needing to drop off items to students will be able
to leave the item with the controlled entry attendant.
Stay Connected
Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/FranklinCountyMiddle/ or School Website
https://fcms.fccsc.k12.in.us/ for updates, announcements, and celebrations.
Thank you for your ongoing support of FCMS. Together, we’re making a difference in the lives
of our students.
This Week in Athletics
Monday January 27, 2025
5/6th Girls Basketball vs. Greendale - 5:30 HOME
Wednesday January 29, 2025
7/8th Girls Basketball Vs South Dearborn - 5:30 HOME
Thursday January 30, 2025
Junior High Wrestling Union County - 5:30 HOME
7/8th Girls Basketball @ Union County - 6:00 AWAY
From Mr. Baldwin
Mr. Baldwin's Intro to Construction's 8th graders installed shingles on their buildings last week!
From Mrs. Schneider
Mrs. Schneider's 7th grade class preformed a Earth's Asthenosphere Oobleck lab. Students learned that Oobleck is a Non-Newtonian fluid and represents the plastic flow within the Earth's Asthenosphere.
From Mrs. Ariens
Mrs. Ariens’ ELA classes have begun practicing Narrative Writing. A special focus of this study is for students to concentrate on a “small moment”. To practice this, ELA classes experienced “Bean Boozled” and completed a graphic organizer to record “before”, “during”, and “after” thoughts and feelings. It was definitely a memorable small moment!
From Mrs. Riffle
Intro to AG students designed and tested water filters this week as we learned about reducing, reusing and recycling.
From Mrs. Osborne
Mrs. Osborne's Applied Skills class took their annual field trip to Perfect North Slopes on Friday. They were also accompanied by Mr. Sherwood!